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Modulatory Contol Area

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Local Circuits


ID Name Regions
5HT Serotonin - Feelings of Well-Being and Happiness LMC.HL.RP.MG, LMC.HL.RP.OB, LMC.HL.RP.PL, LMC.HP.RP.LI, LMC.HP.RP.PRN, LMC.MM.RP.DRN, LMC.MM.RP.SUC
ACH Acetylcholine - PNS Actions and CNS plasticity, arousal and reward LMC.FT.NBM, LMC.HT.TG.LDT, LMC.HT.TG.PPN
DA Dopamine - Reward-Motivated Behavior, Cognitive Alertness LMC.MM.VTA
ENK Enkephalin - Regulating Nociception in Body LMC.MM.PAG
NE Norepinephrine - Vigilant Concentration, Stress Hormone, Fight-or-Flight Response LMC.HT.LC

Serotonin - Feelings of Well-Being and Happiness


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LMC.HL.RP.MG Raphe Magnus Nucleus nucleus LUS Inhibit head and spinal pain B3, contacts with enkephalenic neurons in
substantia gelatinosa
LMC.HL.RP.OB Raphe Obscurus Nucleus nucleus LUS Regulate cardiovascular function via sympathetic spinal column B2
LMC.HL.RP.PL Raphe Pallidus Nucleus nucleus LUS Spinal pain control B1
LMC.HP.RP.LI Raphe Nucleus Linearis nucleus LUS Release of 5-HT was only obtained on stimulation of this nucleus B8, Does not project to CR, but to forebrain, to
dorsal raphe nucleus (lies above DRN); dendrites to
vascular plexus, maybe sensing blood pressure
LMC.HP.RP.PRN Pontine Raphe Nucleus nucleus LUS Regulation of sleep cycle Projects to CR, forebrain; inhibitory nucleus
LMC.MM.RP.DRN Dorsal Raphe Nucleus nucleus LUS Regulation of sleep and mood Major source of 5HT; inhibitory nucleus
LMC.MM.RP.SUC Superior Central Raphe Nucleus nucleus LUS Block or temporarily suspend mnemonic processes in the hippocampus;
Directs HC to disregard insignificant events;
inhibitory nucleus; B6,B8; Insomnia; inhibitory

Internal Region Connections:

Source Region Target Region Type Reference
LMC.HP.RP.LI LMC.MM.RP.DRN nucleus-nucleus-5HT (unknown reference)

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
FAM LMC.HL.RP.MG FAM.FD.LHB.MED Lateral Habenula Medial Part nucleus-nucleus Both LHb and MHb control the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems (LHbM -> MRN, abstract)
LMC.MM.RP.DRN FAM.FD.LHB.MED Lateral Habenula Medial Part nucleus-nucleus Both LHb and MHb control the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems (LHbM -> DRN)
LMC.MM.RP.SUC FAM.FD.LHB.MED Lateral Habenula Medial Part nucleus-nucleus Habenula Connections (LHb -> MR, abstract)
FEC LMC.HL.RP.MG FEC.HT.TG.IPD Interpeduncular Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ACh Connectivity map of the habenula (IPN -> Raphe, abstract)
FEC.HT.TG.RMTG Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-gaba Both LHb and MHb control the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems (RMTg -> MRN, abstract)
LMC.MM.RP.DRN FEC.HT.TG.IPD Interpeduncular Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ACh Both LHb and MHb control the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems (IPN -> DRN)
FEC.HT.TG.RMTG Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-gaba Both LHb and MHb control the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems (RMTg -> DRN)
LAC LMC.HL.RP.MG LAC.FD.HT.LTN Lateral Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC.FD.HT.PV Paraventricular Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LMC.HL.RP.OB LAC.FD.HT.MPO Median Preoptic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LLC LMC.MM.RP.DRN LLC.FD.TH.SF Subfascicular Nucleus of Thalamus nucleus-nucleus-gaba (unknown reference)
LMC LMC.HL.RP.MG LMC.MM.PAG Periaqueductal Gray Matter nucleus-nucleus-ENK Connectivity map of the habenula (PAG -> Raphe, abstract)
LMC.HL.RP.PL LMC.MM.PAG Periaqueductal Gray Matter nucleus-nucleus-ENK Connectivity map of the habenula (PAG -> Raphe, abstract)
LRC LMC.HL.RP.MG LRC.MM.SCNF Subcuneiform Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LMC.HP.RP.PRN LRC.MM.SCNF Subcuneiform Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
NDM LMC.MM.RP.DRN NDM.FD.TH.PV Paraventricular Nucleus of Thalamus nucleus-nucleus-5HT (unknown reference)
FAM LMC.MM.RP.SUC FAM.FT.SEP.LT Lateral Septal Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-5HT (unknown reference)
FEC LMC.MM.RP.SUC FEC.FD.STN.ICD Subthalamic Nucleus Internal Caudal nucleus-nucleus-5HT (unknown reference)
FMM LMC.MM.RP.SUC FMM.FD.MB.MMB Medial Mammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-5HT (unknown reference)
LAC LMC.MM.RP.SUC LAC.FD.HT.PN Posterior Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-5HT (unknown reference)
LAC.FD.HT.SUM Supramammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-5HT (unknown reference)
LLC LMC.HL.RP.OB LLC.HT.CR.PV Cerebellar Paravermis nucleus-allocortex-5HT (unknown reference)
LMC.HP.RP.PRN LLC.HT.CR.PV Cerebellar Paravermis nucleus-allocortex-5HT (unknown reference)
LPC LMC.HL.RP.MG LPC.SC.PH.LSG Lower Substantia Gelatinosa nucleus-nucleus-5HT (unknown reference)
LPC.SC.PH.USG Upper Substantia Gelatinosa nucleus-nucleus-5HT (unknown reference)
LMC.HL.RP.OB LPC.SC.IZ.IMM Intermediomedial Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-5HT (unknown reference)
LMC.HL.RP.PL LPC.SC.PH.LMG Lower Marginal Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-5HT (unknown reference)
LPC.SC.PH.UMG Upper Marginal Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-5HT (unknown reference)

Acetylcholine - PNS Actions and CNS plasticity, arousal and reward


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LMC.FT.NBM Basal Nucleus of Meynert nucleus FAU Control imagination vs perception ACh source, attention; modulatory nucleus
LMC.HT.TG.LDT Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus nucleus LUS Modulating sustained attention or in mediating alerting responses sleep, waking, motor function, learning and reward
LMC.HT.TG.PPN Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nuclei nucleus LUS Provide sensory feedback to cerebral cortex; modulatory contains Rostral (Pars dissipata, anterior,
dissipated subnucleus, GABA), Caudal (Pars
compacta, anterior, compact subnucleus, ACh)

Internal Region Connections:

  • no connections

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
NSA LMC.HT.TG.LDT NSA.FD.TH.SG Suprageniculate Nucleus of Thalamus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
FAM LMC.FT.NBM FAM.FT.AM.AB Accessory Basal Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
FAM.FT.AM.BP Parvicellular Basal Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
FAM.FT.AM.CEM Medial Central Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
FAM.FT.BNST Bed Nucleus of Stria Terminalis nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LMC.HT.TG.LDT FAM.FD.LHB.MED Lateral Habenula Medial Part nucleus-nucleus Regulation of the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep by habenular projection (LHbM -> DTG)
FEC LMC.FT.NBM FEC.FD.STN.CD Subthalamic Nucleus Caudal nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
FEC.FT.ACC.SH Nucleus Accumbens Shell nucleus-nucleus-gaba Affective basal ganglia circuit (NACC -> nBM, abstract)
LMC.HT.TG.LDT FEC.HT.TG.IPD Interpeduncular Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ACh Head Direction Cell Circuit (IPD -> DTN)
FEC.HT.TG.RMTG Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-gaba (unknown reference)
LMC.HT.TG.PPN FEC.FT.VP.VM Ventral Pallidum Ventromedial nucleus-nucleus-gaba Combining Novelty, Motivational Salience, and Reward to Control Attention and Learning (VPAL -> PPTG, abstract)
FMM LMC.HT.TG.LDT FMM.FD.MB.LMB Lateral Mammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Head Direction Cell Circuit (LMB -> DTN)
LAC LMC.HT.TG.LDT LAC.FD.HT.VLPO Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Simplified NREM sleep-promoting pathway (VLPO -> LDTg)
LRC LMC.HT.TG.LDT LRC.HL.NPH Prepositus Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
NDM LMC.FT.NBM NDM.NC.AL.FPC Lateral Frontopolar Cortex nucleus-neocortex-ACh Physiology and pathophysiology of lower urinary tract (NBM -> MPFC, abstract)
NSA LMC.FT.NBM NSA.NC.OCC.V1 Primary Visual Cortex nucleus-neocortex-ACh (unknown reference)
LMC.HT.TG.LDT NSA.FD.TH.SG Suprageniculate Nucleus of Thalamus nucleus-nucleus-ACh Head Direction Cell Circuit (DTN -> SUPGEN)
LMC.HT.TG.PPN NSA.FD.LGN Lateral Geniculate Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Geniculate and Extyrageniculate Paths (PPN -> LGN)
FAM LMC.FT.NBM FAM.FT.AM.BM Magnocellular Basal Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ACh (unknown reference)
FEC LMC.HT.TG.LDT FEC.HT.TG.IPD Interpeduncular Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ACh (unknown reference)
LMC.HT.TG.PPN FEC.FD.STN.MED Subthalamic Nucleus Medial nucleus-nucleus-ACh Summary of the organization of the substantia nigra pars reticulata and pedunculopontine nucleus in lamprey (PPN -> STN, abstract)
FEC.FT.SNR.DL Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata Dorsolateral nucleus-nucleus-ACh Summary of the organization of the substantia nigra pars reticulata and pedunculopontine nucleus in lamprey (PPN -> SNr, abstract)
FMM LMC.HT.TG.LDT FMM.FD.MB.LMB Lateral Mammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ACh Hippocampal Formation (DTN -> LMam)
LAC LMC.HT.TG.LDT LAC.HL.SAL.ISL Inferior Salivatory Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ACh (unknown reference)
LAC.HL.SAL.SSL Superior Salivatory Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ACh (unknown reference)
LRC LMC.HT.TG.LDT LRC.HL.NPH Prepositus Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ACh Head Direction Cell Circuit (DTN -> NPRP)
LMC.HT.TG.PPN LRC.MM.SC.INT Intermediate Superior Colliculus nucleus-nucleus Geniculate and Extyrageniculate Paths (PPN -> SC, abstract)

Dopamine - Reward-Motivated Behavior, Cognitive Alertness


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LMC.MM.VTA Ventral Tegmental Area nucleus LUS Respond to novel stimuli, unexpected rewards, and reward predictive sensory cues

Internal Region Connections:

  • no connections

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
FAM LMC.MM.VTA FAM.FD.LHB.MED Lateral Habenula Medial Part nucleus-nucleus Both LHb and MHb control the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems (LHbM -> VTA)
FAM.FT.BNST Bed Nucleus of Stria Terminalis nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
FEC LMC.MM.VTA FEC.FT.ACC.CORE Nucleus Accumbens Core nucleus-nucleus-gaba Reward circuit of human brain (NACC -> VTA, abstract)
FEC.FT.VP.VM Ventral Pallidum Ventromedial nucleus-nucleus-gaba Craving (VPAL -> VTA, abstract)
FEC.HT.TG.IPD Interpeduncular Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ACh Both LHb and MHb control the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems (IPN -> VTA)
FEC.HT.TG.RMTG Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-gaba Amygdala and its network (RMTG -> VTA)
LPC LMC.MM.VTA LPC.HL.SOL Solitary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Bowels control brain: gut hormones and obesity (NTS -> VTA)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
NDM LMC.MM.VTA NDM.NC.AL.DACG Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area nucleus-neocortex-DA (unknown reference)
NDM.NC.AL.FPC Lateral Frontopolar Cortex nucleus-neocortex-DA Amygdala and its network (VTA -> MPFC, abstract)
FAM LMC.MM.VTA FAM.FT.AM.CEC Central Amygdaloid Nucleus, capsular subdivision nucleus-nucleus-DA Reward circuit of human brain (VTA -> AM, abstract)
FEC LMC.MM.VTA FEC.FT.ACC.SH Nucleus Accumbens Shell nucleus-nucleus-DA Craving (VTA -> NACC, abstract)
FEC.FT.PU.LT Dorsal Putamen Lateral nucleus-nucleus-DA Bowels control brain: gut hormones and obesity (VTA -> DS, abstract)
FEC.FT.PU.MED Dorsal Putamen Medial nucleus-nucleus-DA Bowels control brain: gut hormones and obesity (VTA -> DS, abstract)
FMM LMC.MM.VTA FMM.FD.MB.MMB Medial Mammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-DA Mammillary bodies: two memory systems in one (VTN -> MMB)
FMM.FT.HC.CA1D Distal CA1 of Hippocampus nucleus-allocortex-DA Reward circuit of human brain (VTA -> HC, abstract)
FMM.NC.PH.LEC Lateral Entorhinal Cortex nucleus-neocortex-DA Combining Novelty, Motivational Salience, and Reward to Control Attention and Learning (VTA -> EC, abstract)
LAC LMC.MM.VTA LAC.FD.HT.PRM Premammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-DA (unknown reference)
LAC.FD.HT.PV Paraventricular Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-DA Physiology and pathophysiology of lower urinary tract (VTA -> PVN)

Enkephalin - Regulating Nociception in Body


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LMC.MM.PAG Periaqueductal Gray Matter nucleus LUS Descending modulation of pain and in defensive behaviour if there is a lesion in the PAG, then consciousness
is lost; electrical stimulation of the PAG results
in immediate and profound analgesia; modulatory

Internal Region Connections:

  • no connections

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
NCP LMC.MM.PAG NCP.NC.AL.SGCG Subgenual Cingulate Cortex neocortex-nucleus (unknown reference)
FAM LMC.MM.PAG FAM.FT.AM.CEM Medial Central Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Amygdalar disruption of prefrontal cortex (AM -> PAG, abstract)
FEC LMC.MM.PAG FEC.HT.TG.IPD Interpeduncular Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ACh Connectivity map of the habenula (IPN -> PAG)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
NDM LMC.MM.PAG NDM.FD.TH.PV Paraventricular Nucleus of Thalamus nucleus-nucleus-ENK (unknown reference)
LAC LMC.MM.PAG LAC.HT.BR Barrington's Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ENK Schematic overview of spinobulbospinal micturition reflex pathway (PAG -> BAR)
LLC LMC.MM.PAG LLC.FD.TH.SF Subfascicular Nucleus of Thalamus nucleus-nucleus-ENK (unknown reference)
LMC LMC.MM.PAG LMC.HL.RP.MG Raphe Magnus Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ENK Connectivity map of the habenula (PAG -> Raphe, abstract)
LMC.HL.RP.PL Raphe Pallidus Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ENK Connectivity map of the habenula (PAG -> Raphe, abstract)
LPC LMC.MM.PAG LPC.HL.AMB Ambiguus Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ENK (unknown reference)
LRC LMC.MM.PAG LRC.HL.RA Retroambigualis Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ENK (unknown reference)
LRC.HT.NSC Nucleus Subceruleus nucleus-nucleus-ENK (unknown reference)

Norepinephrine - Vigilant Concentration, Stress Hormone, Fight-or-Flight Response


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LMC.HT.LC Locus Coeruleus nucleus LUS Regulate the intensity of responses to salient stimuli NE Source, enhance signal-to-noise ratio,
suppressing irrelevant stimuli (lateral
inhibition); inhibitory nucleus

Internal Region Connections:

  • no connections

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
NDM LMC.HT.LC NDM.NC.AL.VACG Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area neocortex-nucleus (unknown reference)
FAM LMC.HT.LC FAM.FT.AM.CEM Medial Central Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Amygdalar disruption of prefrontal cortex (AM -> LC, abstract)
FAM.FT.BNST Bed Nucleus of Stria Terminalis nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC LMC.HT.LC LAC.FD.HT.DM Dorsomedial Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Effect of light on pupil diameter (DMH -> LC)
LAC.FD.HT.TBM Tuberomammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LRC LMC.HT.LC LRC.HL.RF.MED Central Medullary Reticular Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
FAM LMC.HT.LC FAM.FD.LHB.LT Lateral Habenula Lateral Part nucleus-nucleus-NE Contribution of nAChR subunits to nicotine withdrawal symptoms (LC -> LHB, abstract)
FAM.FD.LHB.MED Lateral Habenula Medial Part nucleus-nucleus-NE Contribution of nAChR subunits to nicotine withdrawal symptoms (LC -> LHB, abstract)
FAM.FD.MHB Medial Habenula nucleus-nucleus-NE Contribution of nAChR subunits to nicotine withdrawal symptoms (LC -> MHB)
FAM.FT.SEP.DBB Diagonal Band of Broca nucleus-nucleus-NE (unknown reference)
FEC LMC.HT.LC FEC.FT.SNC.MED Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta Medial nucleus-nucleus-NE (unknown reference)
FEC.HT.TG.IPD Interpeduncular Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-NE Contribution of nAChR subunits to nicotine withdrawal symptoms (LC -> IPN)
LAC LMC.HT.LC LAC.FD.HT.VLPO Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-NE Simplified NREM sleep-promoting pathway (LC -> VLPO)
LAC.SC.IZ.CSC Ciliospinal Center nucleus-nucleus-NE Effect of light on pupil diameter (LC -> IML)
LAC.SC.IZ.IML Intermediolateral Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-NE Physiology and pathophysiology of lower urinary tract (LC -> IML)

Thirdparty Circuits


CPu=Striatum,FEC.FT.ST (see Basal Ganglia)
DBB=Diagonal Band of Broca,FAM.FT.SEP.DBB
DR=Dorsal Raphe Nucleus,LMC.MM.RP.DRN
GPi=Globus Pallidus Internal,FEC.FT.GPI (see Basal Ganglia)
IP=Interpeduncular Nucleus,FEC.HT.TG.IPD
LH=Lateral Hypothalamic Area,LAC.FD.HT.LT (see Hypothalamus)
LHb=Lateral Habenula,FAM.FD.LHB (see Habenula)
LPO=Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.VLPO
MHb=Medial Habenula,FAM.FD.MHB
MR=Superior Central Raphe Nucleus,LMC.MM.RP.SUC
S=Septal Nuclei,FAM.FT.SEP
SNc=Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta Lateral,FEC.FT.SNC.LT
VTA=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA

DBB=Diagonal Band of Broca,FAM.FT.SEP.DBB
DTG=Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus,LMC.HT.TG.DTG
EPN=Endopiriform Nucleus,FAM.FT.EPF
GPi=Globus Pallidus Internal,FEC.FT.GPI (see Basal Ganglia)
LHT=Lateral Hypothalamic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.LTN
LHbL=Lateral Habenula Lateral Part,FAM.FD.LHB.LT
LHbM=Lateral Habenula Medial Part,FAM.FD.LHB.MED
NI=Incertus Nucleus,FAM.HT.TG.NI
RMTg=Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus,FEC.HT.TG.RMTG
Raphe=Raphe Nuclei of Medulla,LMC.HL.RP (see Medullary Reticular Formation)
SNc=Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta,FEC.FT.SNC (see Basal Ganglia)
VTA=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA
VTG=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTG

CN=Caudate Nucleus,FEC.FT.CN (see Basal Ganglia)
DVM=Vagus Nucleus,LAC.HL.VGN
IMG=Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.IMG
IML=Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML
LC=Locus Coeruleus,LMC.HT.LC
MPFC=Orbitofrontal Cortex,NC.AL.OPFC (see Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex)
MPOA=Median Preoptic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.MPO
NBM=Basal Nucleus of Meynert,LMC.FT.NBM
ONF=Onuf's Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.ONF
PBN=Parabrachial Nucleus,LPC.HT.PRF.PB
PEL=Pelvic Peripheral Ganglion,LAC.PN.PSYM.PPG
PU=Dorsal Putamen Lateral,FEC.FT.PU.LT
PVN=Paraventricular Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.PV
SNC=Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta Lateral,FEC.FT.SNC.LT
SPS=Sacral Parasympathetic Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.SPS
VTA=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA
ZI=Subthalamic Nucleus Caudal,BGA.FD.STN.ZI

DBB=Diagonal Band of Broca,FAM.FT.SEP.DBB
DRN=Dorsal Raphe Nucleus,LMC.MM.RP.DRN
GPb=Dorsal Pallidum,FEC.FT.DP (see Basal Ganglia)
IPN=Interpeduncular Nucleus,FEC.HT.TG.IPD
LHA=Lateral Hypothalamic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.LTN
LHbL=Lateral Habenula Lateral Part,FAM.FD.LHB.LT
LHbM=Lateral Habenula Medial Part,FAM.FD.LHB.MED
LPO=Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.VLPO
LS=Lateral Septal Nucleus,FAM.FT.SEP.LT
MHb=Medial Habenula,FAM.FD.MHB
MRN=Raphe Nuclei of Medulla,LMC.HL.RP (see Medullary Reticular Formation)
MS=Medial Septal Nucleus,FAM.FT.SEP.MED
PS=Posterior Septal Group,FAM.FT.SEP.PG (see Septal Nuclei)
RMTg=Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus,FEC.HT.TG.RMTG
SNc=Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta,FEC.FT.SNC (see Basal Ganglia)
VP=Ventral Pallidum,FEC.FT.VP (see Basal Ganglia)
VTA=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA

CPu=Striatum,FEC.FT.ST (see Basal Ganglia)
EP=Endopiriform Nucleus,FAM.FT.EPF
Hippo=Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC (see Hippocampal Formation)
IPN=Interpeduncular Nucleus,FEC.HT.TG.IPD
L=Lateral Habenula,FAM.FD.LHB (see Habenula)
LH=Lateral Hypothalamic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.LTN
M=Medial Habenula,FAM.FD.MHB
NAc=Accumbens Nucleus,FEC.FT.ACC (see Basal Ganglia)
PAG=Periaqueductal Gray Matter,LMC.MM.PAG
Raphe=Raphe Nuclei of Medulla,LMC.HL.RP (see Medullary Reticular Formation)
SNc=Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta,FEC.FT.SNC (see Basal Ganglia)
Septum=Septal Nuclei,FAM.FT.SEP
VTA=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA

BLN=Parvicellular Basal Amygdaloid Nucleus,FAM.FT.AM.BP
CEA=Central Amygdala,FAM.FT.AM.CEA (see Amygdala)
EC=Entorhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.ET (see Rhinal Cortex)
HC=Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC (see Hippocampal Formation)
HTS=Lateral Hypothalamic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.LTN
ITC=Inferotemporal Cortex,NSA.NC.IT.TE
LA=Lateral Amygdaloid Nucleus,FAM.FT.AM.LA (see Amygdala)
LHB=Lateral Habenula,FAM.FD.LHB (see Habenula)
MD=Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus,FD.TH.MD (see Cognitive Thalamus)
MPFC=Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex,NC.AL.OMPFC
NACC=Accumbens Nucleus,FEC.FT.ACC (see Basal Ganglia)
PAG=Periaqueductal Gray Matter,LMC.MM.PAG
RMTG=Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus,FEC.HT.TG.RMTG
STC=Wernicke's area A3,NSA.NC.STG.A3
VGDM=Vagus Nucleus,LAC.HL.VGN
VTA=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA

ACC=Accumbens Nucleus,FEC.FT.ACC (see Basal Ganglia)
CA1=Ventrolateral Cornu Ammonis of Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC.CA1 (see Hippocampal Formation)
CA3=Dorsomedial Cornu Ammonis of Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC.CA3 (see Hippocampal Formation)
DG=Dentate Gyrus,FMM.FT.HC.DG
EC=Entorhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.ET (see Rhinal Cortex)
PFC=Orbitofrontal Cortex,NC.AL.OPFC (see Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex)
PPTG=Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nuclei,LMC.HT.TG.PPN
SUB=Subiculum,FMM.FT.HF.SUB (see Hippocampal Formation)
VPAL=Ventral Pallidum,FEC.FT.VP (see Basal Ganglia)
VTA=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA

ADTH=Anterodorsal Nucleus,FMM.FD.TH.AD
AMTH=Anteromedial Nucleus,NCP.FD.TH.AM
AVTH=Anteroventral Nucleus,FMM.FD.TH.AV
DTN=Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus,LMC.HT.TG.LDT
LMB=Lateral Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.LMB
MMB=Medial Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.MMB
MedialEC=Entorhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.ET (see Rhinal Cortex)
SEP=Septal Nuclei,FAM.FT.SEP
SUB=Subiculum,FMM.FT.HF.SUB (see Hippocampal Formation)
SupraMM=Supramammillary Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.SUM
TuberoMM=Lateral Tuberal Nuclei,LAC.FD.HT.LTUB (see Hypothalamus)
VTN=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA

ACG=Anterior Cingulate Cortex,NC.AL.ACG (see Anterior Cingulate Area)
HC=Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC (see Hippocampal Formation)
HT.L=Lateral Hypothalamic Area,LAC.FD.HT.LT (see Hypothalamus)
HT.PV=Paraventricular Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.PV
INS=Insular Cortex,NC.INS
LC=Locus Coeruleus,LMC.HT.LC
MPFC=Orbitofrontal Cortex,NC.AL.OPFC (see Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex)
PAG=Periaqueductal Gray Matter,LMC.MM.PAG
PB=Parabrachial Nucleus,LPC.HT.PRF.PB
SOL=Solitary Nucleus,LPC.HL.SOL

LC=Locus Coeruleus,LMC.HT.LC
LDTg=Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus,LMC.HT.TG.LDT
TMN=Tuberomammillary Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.TBM
VLPO=Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.VLPO

Caud=Caudate Nucleus,FEC.FT.CN (see Basal Ganglia)
DACC=Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area,NDM.NC.AL.DACG
DLPFC=Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex,NDM.NC.AL.DLPFC (see Lateral Prefrontal Cortex)
Hipp=Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC (see Hippocampal Formation)
IFG=Inferior Prefrontal Gyrus,NDM.NC.AL.IPG
LSN=Lateral Spinal Nucleus,LAC.SC.LH.LSN
MPFC=Orbitofrontal Cortex,NC.AL.OPFC (see Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex)
NACC=Accumbens Nucleus,FEC.FT.ACC (see Basal Ganglia)
OFC=Orbitofrontal Cortex,NC.AL.OPFC (see Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex)
PhippG=Entorhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.ET (see Rhinal Cortex)
Put=Dorsal Putamen,FEC.FT.DPU (see Basal Ganglia)
SGC=Subgenual Cingulate Cortex,NCP.NC.AL.SGCG
SN=Substantia Nigra,FEC.FT.SN (see Basal Ganglia)
VACC=Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area,NDM.NC.AL.VACG
VTA=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA
VentPal=Ventral Pallidum,FEC.FT.VP (see Basal Ganglia)

AVTH=Anteroventral Nucleus,FMM.FD.TH.AV
HF=Hippocampal Formation,FMM.FT.HF
MMB=Medial Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.MMB
RSP=Retrosplenial Cortex,NCP.NC.MPL.RSC
SEP=Septal Nuclei,FAM.FT.SEP
SupraMM=Supramammillary Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.SUM
VTN=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA

CGa=Anterior Cingulate Cortex,NC.AL.ACG (see Anterior Cingulate Area)
CGp=Posterior Cingulate Cortex,NCP.NC.MPL.PSCG
Caudate=Caudate Nucleus,FEC.FT.CN (see Basal Ganglia)
FEF=Frontal Eye Field,NMA.NC.PMC.FEF (see Premotor Cortex)
LIP=Lateral Intraparietal Sulcus,NPE.NC.IPS.LIP
NAC=Accumbens Nucleus,FEC.FT.ACC (see Basal Ganglia)
OFC=Orbitofrontal Cortex,NC.AL.OPFC (see Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex)
PFC=Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex,NDM.NC.AL.DLPFC (see Lateral Prefrontal Cortex)
SC=Superior Colliculus,MM.SC (see Reflexes Nuclei of Midbrain Mesencephalon)
SEF=Supplementary Eye Field,NPE.NC.SMC.SEF
SNc=Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta Lateral,FEC.FT.SNC.LT
SNr=Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata Dorsolateral,FEC.FT.SNR.DL
VTA=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA

ARC=Arcuate Nucleus of Hypothalamus,LAC.FD.HT.AR
DS=Dorsal Striatum,FEC.FT.DST (see Basal Ganglia)
LHA=Lateral Hypothalamic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.LTN
NAc=Accumbens Nucleus,FEC.FT.ACC (see Basal Ganglia)
NTS=Solitary Nucleus,LPC.HL.SOL
OFC=Orbitofrontal Cortex,NC.AL.OPFC (see Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex)
PBN=Parabrachial Nucleus,LPC.HT.PRF.PB
PVN=Paraventricular Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.PV
VMN=Ventromedial Hypothalamic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.VM
VTA=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA

HC=Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC (see Hippocampal Formation)
NACC=Accumbens Nucleus,FEC.FT.ACC (see Basal Ganglia)
PFC=Orbitofrontal Cortex,NC.AL.OPFC (see Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex)
VPAL=Ventral Pallidum,FEC.FT.VP (see Basal Ganglia)
VTA=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA

NACC=Accumbens Nucleus,FEC.FT.ACC (see Basal Ganglia)
OMPFC=Orbitofrontal Cortex,NC.AL.OPFC (see Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex)
SNr=Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata Medial,FEC.FT.SNR.MED
VPAL=Ventral Pallidum,FEC.FT.VP (see Basal Ganglia)
VTA=Ventral Tegmental Area,LMC.MM.VTA

BAR=Barrington's Nucleus,LAC.HT.BR
IMG=Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.IMG
IML=Intermediolateral Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.IML
ONF=Onuf's Nucleus,LPC.SC.VH.ONF
PAG=Periaqueductal Gray Matter,LMC.MM.PAG
PEL=Pelvic Peripheral Ganglion,LAC.PN.PSYM.PPG
SPS=Sacral Parasympathetic Nucleus,LAC.SC.IZ.SPS

PAG=Periaqueductal Gray Matter,LMC.MM.PAG
VMH=Ventromedial Hypothalamic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.VM

ACC=Anterior Cingulate Cortex,NC.AL.ACG (see Anterior Cingulate Area)
BG=Basal Ganglia,FEC.FT.BG
Cerebellum=Cerebellar Complex,LLC.HT.CRC
Insula=Insular Cortex,NC.INS
PAG=Periaqueductal Gray Matter,LMC.MM.PAG
PB=Parabrachial Nucleus,LPC.HT.PRF.PB
PFC=Prefrontal Cortex,NC.AL.PFC
S1=Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NCP.NC.PG.S1
S2=Secondary Somatosensory Cortex,NCP.NC.PG.S2
SC=Posterior/Dorsal Horn,BMA.SC.PH
Thalamus=Sensory Thalamus,FD.TH.SR

ACC=Anterior Cingulate Cortex,NC.AL.ACG (see Anterior Cingulate Area)
INS=Insular Cortex,NC.INS
PAG=Periaqueductal Gray Matter,LMC.MM.PAG
PFC=Orbitofrontal Cortex,NC.AL.OPFC (see Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex)
PPC=Superior Parietal Lobule,NC.SPL
S1=Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NCP.NC.PG.S1
SMA=Supplementary Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.SMC

LGN=Lateral Geniculate Nucleus,NSA.FD.LGN
PPN=Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nuclei,LMC.HT.TG.PPN
RF=Pontine Reticular Formation,HT.RF
Retina=Retinal Nucleus,LPC.FD.RT
SC=Superior Colliculus,MM.SC (see Reflexes Nuclei of Midbrain Mesencephalon)
VC=Occipital Lobe,NC.LOBE.OCC

CTX=Anterior Lobe,NC.LOBE.ANT
GPe=Globus Pallidus External,FEC.FT.GPE (see Basal Ganglia)
GPi=Globus Pallidus Internal,FEC.FT.GPI (see Basal Ganglia)
PPN=Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nuclei,LMC.HT.TG.PPN
SNr=Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata,FEC.FT.SNR (see Basal Ganglia)
STN=Subthalamic Nucleus,FEC.FD.STN (see Subthalamus Area)

GPe=Globus Pallidus External,FEC.FT.GPE (see Basal Ganglia)
GPi=Globus Pallidus Internal,FEC.FT.GPI (see Basal Ganglia)
PPN=Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nuclei,LMC.HT.TG.PPN
SNc=Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta,FEC.FT.SNC (see Basal Ganglia)
SNr=Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata,FEC.FT.SNR (see Basal Ganglia)
STN=Subthalamic Nucleus,FEC.FD.STN (see Subthalamus Area)

ATN=Anterior Nucleus of Thalamus,FD.TH.AN (see Cognitive Thalamus)
CA1=Ventrolateral Cornu Ammonis of Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC.CA1 (see Hippocampal Formation)
CA3=Dorsomedial Cornu Ammonis of Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC.CA3 (see Hippocampal Formation)
DG=Dentate Gyrus,FMM.FT.HC.DG
DTN=Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus,LMC.HT.TG.LDT
EC=Entorhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.ET (see Rhinal Cortex)
LDN=Lateral Dorsal Nucleus of Thalamus,FMM.FD.TH.LD
LMam=Lateral Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.LMB
Rsp=Retrosplenial Cortex,NCP.NC.MPL.RSC
Sub=Subiculum,FMM.FT.HF.SUB (see Hippocampal Formation)

AD=Anterodorsal Nucleus,FMM.FD.TH.AD
DTN=Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus,LMC.HT.TG.DTG
EC=Entorhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.ET (see Rhinal Cortex)
HC=Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC (see Hippocampal Formation)
IPD=Interpeduncular Nucleus,FEC.HT.TG.IPD
LD=Lateral Dorsal Nucleus of Thalamus,FMM.FD.TH.LD
LMB=Lateral Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.LMB
MVSN=Medial Vestibular Nucleus,LPC.HT.MVBN
NPRP=Prepositus Nucleus,LRC.HL.NPH
PC=Parietal Lobe,NC.LOBE.PAR
PRHC=Postrhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.POR
RSP=Retrosplenial Cortex,NCP.NC.MPL.RSC
SUPGEN=Suprageniculate Nucleus of Thalamus,NSA.FD.TH.SG
VC=Occipital Lobe,NC.LOBE.OCC

DMH=Dorsomedial Hypothalamic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.DM
EW=Edinger-Westphal Nucleus,LAC.MM.EWN
GC=Ciliary Ganglion,LAC.PN.PSYM.CLG
IML=Ciliospinal Center,LAC.SC.IZ.CSC
LC=Locus Coeruleus,LMC.HT.LC
OPN=Pretectal Olivary Nucleus,LRC.MM.PT.PON
PVN=Paraventricular Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.PV
RET=Retinal Nucleus,LPC.FD.RT
SCG=Superior Cervical Ganglion,LAC.PN.SYM.SCG
SCN=Suprachiasmatic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.SCN

IPN=Interpeduncular Nucleus,FEC.HT.TG.IPD
LC=Locus Coeruleus,LMC.HT.LC
LHB=Lateral Habenula,FAM.FD.LHB (see Habenula)
MHB=Medial Habenula,FAM.FD.MHB

BMN=Basal Nucleus of Meynert,LMC.FT.NBM
CA1=Ventrolateral Cornu Ammonis of Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC.CA1 (see Hippocampal Formation)
EC=Entorhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.ET (see Rhinal Cortex)
PRR=Perirhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.PER

NACC=Accumbens Nucleus,FEC.FT.ACC (see Basal Ganglia)
OMPFC=Orbitofrontal Cortex,NC.AL.OPFC (see Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex)
nBM=Basal Nucleus of Meynert,LMC.FT.NBM

