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Motor Aggregation Area

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Local Circuits


ID Name Regions

Flexor Motor


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
NMA.FD.TH.VL Ventral Lateral Nucleus nucleus NMU Relay BSA.CR to MCA.MC Executive motor
NMA.NC.MC Motor Cortex cortex, BA 04 NMU Execution of required voluntary movements F1; Encode individual movements

Internal Region Connections:

Source Region Target Region Type Reference
NMA.FD.TH.VL NMA.NC.MC nucleus-neocortex Thalamocortical relationships (VL -> pVL)

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
NCP NMA.NC.MC NCP.NC.PG.PV Parietal Ventral Cortex neocortex-neocortex Global visual system (ParietalCortex -> FrontalCortex, abstract)
NCP.NC.PG.S1 Primary Somatosensory Cortex neocortex-neocortex Cortico-Cortical Connectivity (S1 -> M1)
NCP.NC.PG.S2 Secondary Somatosensory Cortex neocortex-neocortex Global visual system (ParietalCortex -> FrontalCortex, abstract)
NMA NMA.NC.MC NMA.NC.PMC.F2 Dorsal Caudal Premotor Cortex neocortex-neocortex Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in motor behavior (PMC -> MC, abstract)
NMA.NC.PMC.F5 Ventral Rostral Premotor Cortex neocortex-neocortex Primate Control of Grasping (F5 -> F1)
FEC NMA.FD.TH.VL FEC.FT.GPI.LT Globus Pallidus Internal Lateral nucleus-nucleus-gaba Thalamocortical relationships (s2VL -> VL, abstract)
LLC NMA.FD.TH.VL LLC.HT.CR.DN Dentate Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Thalamocortical relationships (s1VL -> VL)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
NMA NMA.FD.TH.VL NMA.NC.PMC.F5 Ventral Rostral Premotor Cortex nucleus-neocortex Basal Ganglia Activity (VLo -> PMC, abstract)
NMA.NC.SMC.F6 Pre-Supplementary Motor Area nucleus-neocortex Basal Ganglia Activity (VLo -> SMC, abstract)
FEC NMA.NC.MC FEC.FD.STN.LT Subthalamic Nucleus Lateral neocortex-nucleus Functional subdivisions of the subthalamic nucleus (MC -> STN, abstract)
FEC.FT.PU.LT Dorsal Putamen Lateral neocortex-nucleus Basal Ganglia Activity (M1 -> PU, abstract)
LLC NMA.NC.MC LLC.HT.BPN Basilar Pontine Nuclei neocortex-nucleus Cerebellum functional divisions (CTX -> PNN, abstract)
LLC.HT.PN.PBB Pontobulbar Body neocortex-nucleus Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in motor behavior (MC -> PN, abstract)
LLC.HT.PRF.RTMG Pontine Reticulotegmental Nucleus neocortex-nucleus Motor neurons control (CTX -> PRF, abstract)
LPC NMA.NC.MC LPC.HL.AMB Ambiguus Nucleus neocortex-nucleus (unknown reference)
LPC.SC.VH.ONF Onuf's Nucleus neocortex-nucleus Cerebellum functional divisions (CTX -> SCM, abstract)
LPC.SC.VH.PL Posterolateral Nucleus neocortex-nucleus Cerebellum functional divisions (CTX -> SCM, abstract)
LPC.SC.VH.PM Posteromedial Nucleus neocortex-nucleus Cerebellum functional divisions (CTX -> SCM, abstract)
LPC.SC.VH.RPL Retroposterolateral Nucleus neocortex-nucleus Cerebellum functional divisions (CTX -> SCM, abstract)
LRC NMA.NC.MC LRC.HT.PRF.CRF Caudal Pontine Reticular Nucleus neocortex-nucleus Motor neurons control (CTX -> PRF, abstract)

Complex Motor


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
NMA.FD.TH.MDL Lateral Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus nucleus NMU relay tegmentum to dorsal cingulate cortex Relay Superior Colliculus, TH-LD, LDTG, IPD to
NMA.NC.SMC.F3 Supplementary Motor Area cortex, BA 06 NMU Movement execution; Numerical and verbal mental-operation tasks from TH/VLo from from putamen; F1/F2/F4/24d -
strong; F6/F7/F5/24c - modest; no input from the
prefrontal lobe
NMA.NC.SMC.F6 Pre-Supplementary Motor Area cortex, BA 06 NMU High level motor functions; Numerical and verbal mental-operation tasks from TH/VLpc, MD from caudate, CR; F5/24c/46; no
connections with F1

Internal Region Connections:

  • no connections

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
NDM NMA.NC.SMC.F6 NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCR Rostral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex neocortex-neocortex Primate Control of Grasping (46 -> F6, abstract)
NMA NMA.NC.SMC.F3 NMA.FD.TH.VA Ventral Anterior Nucleus nucleus-neocortex Thalamocortical relationships (VA -> pVA, abstract)
NMA.NC.PMC.F4 Ventral Caudal Premotor Cortex neocortex-neocortex (unknown reference)
NMA.NC.SMC.F6 NMA.FD.TH.VA Ventral Anterior Nucleus nucleus-neocortex Primate Control of Grasping (BTH -> F6)
NMA.FD.TH.VL Ventral Lateral Nucleus nucleus-neocortex Basal Ganglia Activity (VLo -> SMC, abstract)
FEC NMA.FD.TH.MDL FEC.FT.SNR.MED Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata Medial nucleus-nucleus-gaba Saccadic Vision (BG -> Thalamus, abstract)
FEC.FT.VP.DL Ventral Pallidum Dorsolateral nucleus-nucleus-gaba Saccadic Vision (BG -> Thalamus, abstract)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
NDM NMA.FD.TH.MDL NDM.NC.AL.DACG Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area nucleus-neocortex Saccadic Vision (Thalamus -> FrontalCortex, abstract)
NMA NMA.NC.SMC.F3 NMA.NC.PMC.F2 Dorsal Caudal Premotor Cortex neocortex-neocortex 3 Visual Cortex Paths (pre-SMA -> dPM, abstract)
NMA.NC.PMC.F5 Ventral Rostral Premotor Cortex neocortex-neocortex 3 Visual Cortex Paths (pre-SMA -> vPM, abstract)
NMA.NC.SMC.F6 NMA.NC.PMC.F4 Ventral Caudal Premotor Cortex neocortex-neocortex Primate Control of Grasping (F6 -> F4)
NMA.NC.PMC.F5 Ventral Rostral Premotor Cortex neocortex-neocortex Primate Control of Grasping (F6 -> F5)
NPE NMA.FD.TH.MDL NPE.NC.PMC.AFEF Anterior Frontal Eye Field nucleus-neocortex Oculomotor decision-making (Thalamus -> FEF, abstract)
FEC NMA.NC.SMC.F3 FEC.FT.PU.MED Dorsal Putamen Medial neocortex-nucleus Global visual system (FrontalCortex -> BGA, abstract)
NMA.NC.SMC.F6 FEC.FD.STN.MED Subthalamic Nucleus Medial neocortex-nucleus Serotonin regulation of subthalamic neurons (CTX -> STN, abstract)
FEC.FT.PU.MED Dorsal Putamen Medial neocortex-nucleus Primate Control of Grasping (F6 -> BG, abstract)
LLC NMA.NC.SMC.F3 LLC.HT.PRF.RTMG Pontine Reticulotegmental Nucleus neocortex-nucleus Motor neurons control (CTX -> PRF, abstract)
LRC NMA.NC.SMC.F3 LRC.HL.PRF.GCR Gigantocellular Reticular Nucleus neocortex-nucleus Motor neurons control (CTX -> MRF, abstract)
LRC.HT.PRF.CRF Caudal Pontine Reticular Nucleus neocortex-nucleus Motor neurons control (CTX -> PRF, abstract)

Extensor Motor


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
NMA.FD.TH.VA Ventral Anterior Nucleus nucleus NMU Relay BGA.SN, BGA.GPI, FCA.OMPFC, FCA.CG to MCA.PMC, MCA.SMC Cognitive motor
NMA.NC.PMC.F2 Dorsal Caudal Premotor Cortex cortex, BA 06 NMU Guiding reaching 6DC; Active during preparation for reach and also
during reach itself; leg and arm; transform sensory
information into motor representation; preparation
and execution of motor acts
NMA.NC.PMC.F4 Ventral Caudal Premotor Cortex cortex, BA 06 NMU Sensory guidance of movement 6VC; Neurons are especially sensitive to objects in
space immediately surrounding body; move head, face
and arm
NMA.NC.PMC.F5 Ventral Rostral Premotor Cortex cortex, BA 06 NMU Shaping hand during grasping 6VR; Mirror neurons - both sensory and motor; arm;
F5c=convexity - F1/F4/F2VR/F6/F3/24d/24c,
F5p=posterior - F3/F4/F1/24c/24a, F5a=anterior -
NMA.NC.PMC.F7 Dorsal Rostral Premotor Cortex cortex, BA 06 NMU Associate arbitrary sensory stimuli with specific eye movements 6DR; Can evoke eye movements; strong afferents from
DLPFC; convey inputs to caudal concerning
motivation, long term plans, memory of past
actions; integrates sensory and internally driven
inputs for planning of goal-directed actions

Internal Region Connections:

Source Region Target Region Type Reference
NMA.FD.TH.VA NMA.NC.PMC.F2 nucleus-neocortex Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in motor behavior (TH -> PMC, abstract)
NMA.NC.PMC.F5 nucleus-neocortex Primate Control of Grasping (BTH -> F5)
NMA.NC.PMC.F4 NMA.NC.PMC.F2 neocortex-neocortex (unknown reference)
NMA.NC.PMC.F5 NMA.NC.PMC.F2 neocortex-neocortex (unknown reference)
NMA.NC.PMC.F7 NMA.NC.PMC.F2 neocortex-neocortex (unknown reference)

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
NCP NMA.NC.PMC.F2 NCP.NC.PG.S1 Primary Somatosensory Cortex neocortex-neocortex Global visual system (ParietalCortex -> FrontalCortex, abstract)
NCP.NC.SPL.SA Somatosensory Association Cortex neocortex-neocortex 3 Visual Cortex Paths (SPL -> dPM, abstract)
NMA.NC.PMC.F5 NCP.NC.PG.S1 Primary Somatosensory Cortex neocortex-neocortex Primate Control of Grasping (S2 -> F5)
NMA.NC.PMC.F7 NCP.NC.SPL.SA Somatosensory Association Cortex neocortex-neocortex 3 Visual Cortex Paths (SPL -> dPM, abstract)
NDM NMA.FD.TH.VA NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCL Lateral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex neocortex-nucleus Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in motor behavior (LPFC -> TH, abstract)
NMA.NC.PMC.F2 NDM.NC.AL.VACG Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area neocortex-neocortex (unknown reference)
NMA.NC.PMC.F5 NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCL Lateral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex neocortex-neocortex Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in motor behavior (LPFC -> PMC, abstract)
NMA.NC.PMC.F7 NDM.NC.AL.DACG Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area neocortex-neocortex (unknown reference)
NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCR Rostral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex neocortex-neocortex Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in motor behavior (LPFC -> PMC, abstract)
NMA NMA.NC.PMC.F2 NMA.NC.SMC.F3 Supplementary Motor Area neocortex-neocortex 3 Visual Cortex Paths (pre-SMA -> dPM, abstract)
NMA.NC.PMC.F4 NMA.NC.SMC.F6 Pre-Supplementary Motor Area neocortex-neocortex Primate Control of Grasping (F6 -> F4)
NMA.NC.PMC.F5 NMA.FD.TH.VL Ventral Lateral Nucleus nucleus-neocortex Basal Ganglia Activity (VLo -> PMC, abstract)
NMA.NC.SMC.F3 Supplementary Motor Area neocortex-neocortex 3 Visual Cortex Paths (pre-SMA -> vPM, abstract)
NMA.NC.SMC.F6 Pre-Supplementary Motor Area neocortex-neocortex Primate Control of Grasping (F6 -> F5)
NPE NMA.NC.PMC.F2 NPE.NC.IPL.SMW Supramarginal Wernike Cortex neocortex-neocortex Dual Auditory Processing (PPC -> DLPFC, abstract)
NPE.NC.SPL.PF Rostral Precuneus neocortex-neocortex 3 Visual Cortex Paths (SPL -> dPM, abstract)
NPE.NC.SPL.PG Caudal Precuneus neocortex-neocortex 3 Visual Cortex Paths (SPL -> dPM, abstract)
NMA.NC.PMC.F4 NPE.NC.IPL.MST Medial Superior Temporal Area neocortex-neocortex 3 Visual Cortex Paths (IPL -> vPM, abstract)
NPE.NC.IPL.SMW Supramarginal Wernike Cortex neocortex-neocortex 3 Visual Cortex Paths (IPL -> vPM, abstract)
NMA.NC.PMC.F5 NPE.NC.PMC.AFEF Anterior Frontal Eye Field neocortex-neocortex Cortical Auditory System (PMC8 -> PMC6, abstract)
NPE.NC.PMC.CFEF Caudal Frontal Eye Field neocortex-neocortex (unknown reference)
NMA.NC.PMC.F7 NPE.NC.IPS.LIP Lateral Intraparietal Sulcus neocortex-neocortex Global visual system (ParietalCortex -> FrontalCortex, abstract)
NPE.NC.PMC.AFEF Anterior Frontal Eye Field neocortex-neocortex (unknown reference)
NSA NMA.NC.PMC.F4 NSA.NC.IPS.AIP Anterior Intraparietal Sulcus neocortex-neocortex Primate Control of Grasping (AIP -> F4)
NSA.NC.IPS.VIP Ventral Intraparietal Sulcus neocortex-neocortex Primate Control of Grasping (VIP -> F4)
NSA.NC.STG.A3 Wernicke's area A3 neocortex-neocortex Dual Auditory Processing (ST -> VLPFC, abstract)
NSA.NC.STG.A4 Wernicke's area A4 neocortex-neocortex Language-Related Regions (pSTC -> PMC, abstract)
NMA.NC.PMC.F5 NSA.NC.IPS.AIP Anterior Intraparietal Sulcus neocortex-neocortex Primate Control of Grasping (AIP -> F5)
NMA.NC.PMC.F7 NSA.NC.TTG.A1 Primary Auditory Cortex neocortex-neocortex Dual Auditory Processing (A1 -> DLPFC, abstract)
FEC NMA.FD.TH.VA FEC.FT.GPI.DS Globus Pallidus Internal Dorsal nucleus-nucleus-gaba Thalamocortical relationships (sVA -> VA, abstract)
FEC.FT.GPI.MED Globus Pallidus Internal Medial nucleus-nucleus-gaba Thalamocortical relationships (sVA -> VA, abstract)
FEC.FT.SNR.DL Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata Dorsolateral nucleus-nucleus-gaba Thalamocortical relationships (sVA -> VA, abstract)
LRC NMA.FD.TH.VA LRC.MM.SC.INT Intermediate Superior Colliculus nucleus-nucleus Saccadic Vision (SCi -> Thalamus, abstract)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
NDM NMA.NC.PMC.F4 NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCL Lateral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex neocortex-neocortex Cortico-Cortical Connectivity (MA -> PFC, abstract)
NMA NMA.FD.TH.VA NMA.NC.SMC.F3 Supplementary Motor Area nucleus-neocortex Thalamocortical relationships (VA -> pVA, abstract)
NMA.NC.SMC.F6 Pre-Supplementary Motor Area nucleus-neocortex Primate Control of Grasping (BTH -> F6)
NMA.NC.PMC.F2 NMA.NC.MC Motor Cortex neocortex-neocortex Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in motor behavior (PMC -> MC, abstract)
NMA.NC.PMC.F4 NMA.NC.SMC.F3 Supplementary Motor Area neocortex-neocortex (unknown reference)
NMA.NC.PMC.F5 NMA.NC.MC Motor Cortex neocortex-neocortex Primate Control of Grasping (F5 -> F1)
FEC NMA.NC.PMC.F2 FEC.FT.PU.MED Dorsal Putamen Medial neocortex-nucleus Global visual system (FrontalCortex -> BGA, abstract)
NMA.NC.PMC.F5 FEC.FT.PU.MED Dorsal Putamen Medial neocortex-nucleus Primate Control of Grasping (F5 -> BG, abstract)

Thirdparty Circuits


46=Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex,NDM.NC.AL.DLPFC (see Lateral Prefrontal Cortex)
AIP=Anterior Intraparietal Sulcus,NSA.NC.IPS.AIP
BG=Basal Ganglia,FEC.FT.BG
BTH=Ventral Anterior Nucleus,NMA.FD.TH.VA
F1=Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.MC
F2=Dorsal Caudal Premotor Cortex,NMA.NC.PMC.F2
F4=Ventral Caudal Premotor Cortex,NMA.NC.PMC.F4
F5=Ventral Rostral Premotor Cortex,NMA.NC.PMC.F5
F6=Pre-Supplementary Motor Area,NMA.NC.SMC.F6
IT=Inferotemporal Area,NSA.NC.IT
PIP=Posterior Eye Field,NPE.NC.IPS.PEF (see Intraparietal Sulcus)
S1=Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NCP.NC.PG.S1
S2=Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NCP.NC.PG.S1
VC=Occipital Lobe,NC.LOBE.OCC
VIP=Ventral Intraparietal Sulcus,NSA.NC.IPS.VIP

A=Anterior Nucleus of Thalamus,FD.TH.AN (see Cognitive Thalamus)
CM=Centromedian Nucleus of Thalamus,FEC.FD.TH.CM
LD=Lateral Dorsal Nucleus of Thalamus,FMM.FD.TH.LD
LGN=Lateral Geniculate Nucleus,NSA.FD.LGN
LP=Lateral Posterior Nucleus of Thalamus,NPE.FD.TH.LP
MD=Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus,FD.TH.MD (see Cognitive Thalamus)
MGN=Medial Geniculate Body,NSA.FD.TH.MGB
P=Ventral Posterior Nuclei,NSA.FD.TH.VP (see Sensory Thalamus)
VA=Ventral Anterior Nucleus,NMA.FD.TH.VA
VL=Ventral Lateral Nucleus,NMA.FD.TH.VL
VPL=Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus,NCP.FD.TH.VPL
VPM=Ventral Posteromedial Nucleus,NCP.FD.TH.VPM
pA=Posterior Cingulate Cortex,NCP.NC.MPL.PSCG
pCM=Dorsal Putamen,FEC.FT.DPU (see Basal Ganglia)
pLD=Anterior Cingulate Cortex,NC.AL.ACG (see Anterior Cingulate Area)
pLGN=Primary Visual Cortex,NSA.NC.OCC.V1
pLP=Superior Parietal Lobule,NC.SPL
pMD=Prefrontal Cortex,NC.AL.PFC
pMGN=Primary Auditory Cortex,NSA.NC.TTG.A1
pP=Insular Cortex,NC.INS
pVA=Supplementary Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.SMC
pVL=Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.MC
pVPL=Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NCP.NC.PG.S1
pVPM=Precentral Cortex,NCP.NC.PO.PCC
s1A=Subiculum,FMM.FT.HF.SUB (see Hippocampal Formation)
s1MD=Septal Nuclei,FAM.FT.SEP
s1P=Central Cervical Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.CCV
s1VL=Dentate Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.DN
s2A=Mammillary Body,FD.MB (see Hypothalamus)
s2MD=Piriform Cortex,NSA.NC.PH.PIR
s2P=Principal Trigeminal Nucleus,LPC.HT.PN.PTR
s2VL=Basal Ganglia,FEC.FT.BG
s3MD=Prefrontal Cortex,NC.AL.PFC
sCM=Globus Pallidus Internal,FEC.FT.GPI (see Basal Ganglia)
sLD=Superior Parietal Lobule,NC.SPL
sLP=Superior Colliculus,MM.SC (see Reflexes Nuclei of Midbrain Mesencephalon)
sVA=Basal Ganglia,FEC.FT.BG
sVPL=Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.MG (see Posterior/Dorsal Horn)
sVPM=Solitary Nucleus,LPC.HL.SOL

GPi=Globus Pallidus Internal,FEC.FT.GPI (see Basal Ganglia)
GPo=Globus Pallidus External,FEC.FT.GPE (see Basal Ganglia)
M1=Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.MC
PMC=Premotor Cortex,NC.PMC
PU=Dorsal Putamen,FEC.FT.DPU (see Basal Ganglia)
S1=Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NCP.NC.PG.S1
SMC=Supplementary Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.SMC
SN=Substantia Nigra,FEC.FT.SN (see Basal Ganglia)
STN=Subthalamic Nucleus,FEC.FD.STN (see Subthalamus Area)
VLo=Ventral Lateral Nucleus,NMA.FD.TH.VL

GPe=Globus Pallidus External,FEC.FT.GPE (see Basal Ganglia)
GPi=Globus Pallidus Internal,FEC.FT.GPI (see Basal Ganglia)
SNc=Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta Lateral,FEC.FT.SNC.LT
SNr=Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata Dorsolateral,FEC.FT.SNR.DL
STN=Subthalamic Nucleus,FEC.FD.STN (see Subthalamus Area)
VA=Ventral Anterior Nucleus,NMA.FD.TH.VA
VL=Ventral Lateral Nucleus,NMA.FD.TH.VL

DLPFC=Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex,NDM.NC.AL.DLPFC (see Lateral Prefrontal Cortex)
IT=Inferotemporal Area,NSA.NC.IT
M1=Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.MC
PC=Parietal Lobe,NC.LOBE.PAR
PM=Premotor Cortex,NC.PMC
V1=Occipital Lobe,NC.LOBE.OCC
VLPFC=Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex,NDM.NC.AL.DLPFC (see Lateral Prefrontal Cortex)

IPL=Inferior Parietal Lobule,NC.IPL
IPS=Intraparietal Sulcus,NSA.NC.IPS
IT=Inferotemporal Area,NSA.NC.IT
LPC=Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex,NDM.NC.AL.DLPFC (see Lateral Prefrontal Cortex)
MI=Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.MC
OCC=Occipital Lobe,NC.LOBE.OCC
SPL=Superior Parietal Lobule,NC.SPL
dPM=Dorsal Premotor Cortex,MCA.NC.DPMC (see Premotor Cortex)
pre-SMA=Supplementary Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.SMC
vPM=Ventral Premotor Cortex,MCA.NC.VPMC (see Premotor Cortex)

ACG=Anterior Cingulate Cortex,NC.AL.ACG (see Anterior Cingulate Area)
FEF=Frontal Eye Field,NMA.NC.PMC.FEF (see Premotor Cortex)
GPe=Globus Pallidus External,FEC.FT.GPE (see Basal Ganglia)
GPi=Globus Pallidus Internal,FEC.FT.GPI (see Basal Ganglia)
MC=Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.MC
SNr=Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata,FEC.FT.SNR (see Basal Ganglia)
STN=Subthalamic Nucleus,FEC.FD.STN (see Subthalamus Area)
VP=Ventral Pallidum,FEC.FT.VP (see Basal Ganglia)

MC=Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.MC

MC=Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.MC

CN.PU=Striatum,FEC.FT.ST (see Basal Ganglia)
CR=Cerebellar Complex,LLC.HT.CRC
GP=Globus Pallidus,FEC.FT.GP (see Basal Ganglia)
LPFC=Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex,NDM.NC.AL.DLPFC (see Lateral Prefrontal Cortex)
MC=Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.MC
PMC=Premotor Cortex,NC.PMC
PN=Pontine Nuclear Complex,HT.PN (see Metencephalic Sensory Nuclei)
SN=Substantia Nigra,FEC.FT.SN (see Basal Ganglia)
TH=Ventral Thalamus,FD.TH.VTH (see Motor Thalamus)

M1=Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.MC

M1=Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.MC

M1=Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.MC

A1=Primary Auditory Cortex,NSA.NC.TTG.A1
AA=Wernicke's area A3,NSA.NC.STG.A3
M1=Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.MC
MA=Premotor Cortex,NC.PMC
PFC=Prefrontal Cortex,NC.AL.PFC
PTHA=Inferior Parietal Lobule,NC.IPL
S1=Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NCP.NC.PG.S1
SA=Somatosensory Association Cortex,NCP.NC.SPL.SA
V1=Primary Visual Cortex,NSA.NC.OCC.V1
VA=Secondary Visual Cortex,NSA.NC.OCC.V2 (see Occipital Lobe)

CCV=Central Cervical Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.CCV
CRP=Cerebellar Lateral Lobe,LLC.HT.CR.CC
CRS=Cerebellar Paravermis,LLC.HT.CR.PV
CRV=Cerebellar Vermis,LRC.HT.CR.VM
CTX=Anterior Lobe,NC.LOBE.ANT
DN=Dentate Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.DN
FG=Fastigual Nucleus,LRC.HT.CR.FG
IO=Inferior Olivary Nucleus,LLC.HL.IO
IP=Interposed Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.IP (see Cerebellar Complex)
LT=Dentate Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.DN
PNN=Basilar Pontine Nuclei,LLC.HT.BPN
RD=Red Nucleus,LLC.MM.RD
RF=Pontine Reticular Formation,HT.RF
SCM=Anterior/Ventral Horn,SC.VH
SCS=Proprius Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.NP
SCSD=Clarke Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.CL
VB=Vestibular Nuclei,LPC.HT.VBN
VBG=Vestibular Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.VB
VL=Ventral Lateral Nucleus,NMA.FD.TH.VL

