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Human Nerves

Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> HumanNerves

This page is intended to list all nerves of biological human, which connect mind to human limbs and visceral organs. Related findings are structured by other research themes.

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  • General Innervation - like spinal cord*:
  • *GSE* (General Somatic Efferent) - motor to somatic voluntary skeletal muscles (derived from somites)
  • *GSA* (General Somatic Afferent) - sensory to skin, joints, muscle and tendon receptor endings, nasal and oral cavity
  • *GVE* (General Visceral Efferent) = Autonomic Efferents - motor to smooth muscles in general and smooth muscles of skin (arrector pilae muscles) and blood vessels, secretomotor to glands
  • *GVA* (General Visceral Afferent) - sensory to gut and its derivatives, pharynx, blood vessels, glands and internal organs
  • Special Innervation - only found in head*:
  • *SSA* (Special Somatic Afferent) - special senses of vision, auditory sensation and vestibular apparatus
  • *SVA* (Special Visceral Afferents) - chemical senses of taste and by analogy smell
  • *SVE* (Special Visceral Efferents) - motor to voluntary skeletal muscles derived from branchial arches (these muscles develop in association with pharynx, which is rostral end of gut and therefore visceral)



Spinal cord ventral root:

Spinal cord dorsal root:

Spinal nerve branches:

Spinal nerve fibers (numbers - 1. GSE:Somatic efferent. 2. GSA:Somatic afferent. 3,4,5. GVE:Sympathetic efferent. 6,7. GVA:Sympathetic afferent; organ to the left, spinal cord to the right):





  • lumbar roots*:

  • sacral roots*:




* accessory nerve - cranial motor, flexor motor, extensor motor
 * accessory nerve, external - flexor motor, extensor motor
 * accessory nerve, internal - cranial motor
* facial nerve - cranial motor, parasympathetic motor, general sensory
 * auricular nerve, posterior - cranial motor, general sensory
  * auricular nerve, posterior, auricular branch - cranial motor, general sensory
  * auricular nerve, posterior, occipital branch - cranial motor
 * facial nerve, mouth opening muscles - cranial motor
  * facial nerve, digastric branch - cranial motor
  * facial nerve, stylohyoid branch - cranial motor
 * facial nerve, muscles of facial expression - cranial motor
  * facial nerve, buccal branch - cranial motor
  * facial nerve, cervical branch - cranial motor
  * facial nerve, marginal mandibular branch - cranial motor
  * facial nerve, temporal branch - cranial motor
  * facial nerve, zygomatic branch - cranial motor
 * intermediate nerve - parasympathetic motor, general sensory
  * chorda tympani - parasympathetic motor, general sensory
   * chorda tympani, parasympathetic - parasympathetic motor
   * communicating branch of chorda tympani with lingual nerve - general sensory
  * petrosal nerve, greater - parasympathetic motor, general sensory
   * nasopalatine nerve, parasympathetic fibers - parasympathetic motor
   * palatine nerves, parasympathetic fibers - parasympathetic motor, general sensory
    * palatine nerve, greater, parasympathetic fibers - parasympathetic motor
    * palatine nerves, lesser, parasympathetic fibers - parasympathetic motor, general sensory
   * petrosal nerve, greater, to lacrimal gland - parasympathetic motor
   * pharyngeal nerve - parasympathetic motor
 * stapedius nerve - cranial motor
* trigeminal nerve - parasympathetic motor, cranial motor, general sensory, autonomic sensory, visceral motor
 * mandibular nerve - parasympathetic motor, cranial motor, general sensory, visceral motor
  * mandibular nerve, anterior trunk - general sensory, visceral motor
   * buccal nerve - general sensory
   * nerves to masticatory muscles - general sensory, visceral motor
    * masseteric nerve - general sensory, visceral motor
    * pterygoid nerve, lateral - general sensory, visceral motor
    * pterygoid nerve, medial - general sensory, visceral motor
     * nerve to tensor tympani - general sensory, visceral motor
     * nerve to tensor veli palatini - general sensory, visceral motor
    * temporal nerves, deep - general sensory, visceral motor
  * mandibular nerve, meningeal branch - general sensory
  * mandibular nerve, posterior trunk - parasympathetic motor, cranial motor, general sensory
   * auriculotemporal nerve - parasympathetic motor, general sensory
    * auricular nerves, anterior - general sensory
    * auriculotemporal nerve, branch to tympanic membrane - general sensory
    * auriculotemporal nerve, branches communicating with facial nerve - general sensory
    * auriculotemporal nerve, parotid branch - parasympathetic motor
    * nerve of external acoustic meatus - general sensory
   * inferior alveolar nerve - cranial motor, general sensory
    * inferior alveolar nerve, dental branches - general sensory
    * inferior alveolar nerve, gingival branches - general sensory
    * mental nerve - general sensory
    * mylohyoid nerve - cranial motor
   * lingual nerve - parasympathetic motor, general sensory
    * lingual nerve, branch to isthmus of fauces - general sensory
    * lingual nerve, lingual branch - general sensory
    * sublingual nerve - parasympathetic motor, general sensory
 * maxillary nerve - general sensory
  * alveolar nerves, superior, posterior branch - general sensory
  * branches of the pterygopalatine ganglion, sensory fibers - general sensory
   * nasopalatine nerve, sensory fibers - general sensory
   * palatine nerve, sensory fibers - general sensory
    * palatine nerve, greater, sensory fibers - general sensory
    * palatine nerves, lesser, sensory fibers - general sensory
  * infraorbital nerve - general sensory
   * alveolar nerves, superior, anterior and middle branches - general sensory
   * infraorbital nerve, external nasal branch - general sensory
   * infraorbital nerve, inferior palpebral branch - general sensory
   * internal nasal nerve - general sensory
   * superior labial branch - general sensory
  * maxillary nerve, meningeal branch - general sensory
  * zygomatic nerve - general sensory
   * zygomatic nerve, zygomaticofacial branch - general sensory
   * zygomatic nerve, zygomaticotemporal branch - general sensory
 * ophthalmic nerve - autonomic sensory, general sensory
  * frontal nerve - general sensory
   * supraorbital nerve - general sensory
   * supratrochlear nerve - general sensory
  * lacrimal nerve - autonomic sensory, general sensory
  * nasociliary nerve - general sensory
   * ciliary nerves, sensory fibers - general sensory
    * ciliary nerves, long, sensory fibers - general sensory
    * ciliary nerves, short, sensory fibers - general sensory
   * ethmoidal nerve - general sensory
    * ethmoidal nerve, anterior - general sensory
    * ethmoidal nerve, posterior - general sensory
   * infratrochlear nerve - general sensory
  * tentorial nerve - general sensory
* eye nerves - cranial motor, parasympathetic motor, special sensory
 * abducent nerve - cranial motor
 * oculomotor nerve - cranial motor, parasympathetic motor
  * oculomotor nerve, inferior branch - cranial motor
  * oculomotor nerve, superior branch - parasympathetic motor
   * ciliary nerves, short, parasympathetic fibers - parasympathetic motor
 * optic nerve - special sensory
 * trochlear nerve - cranial motor
* glossopharyngeal nerve - cranial motor, parasympathetic motor, general sensory
 * Hering's nerve - general sensory
 * glossopharyngeal nerve, lingual branch - general sensory
 * glossopharyngeal nerve, meningeal branches - general sensory
 * glossopharyngeal nerve, stylopharyngeal branch - cranial motor
 * glossopharyngeal nerve, tonsillar branch - general sensory
 * tympanic nerve - parasympathetic motor, general sensory
  * petrosal nerve, lesser - parasympathetic motor, general sensory
* hypoglossal nerve - cranial motor
 * communicating branches between the lingual nerve and hypoglossal nerve - cranial motor
* olfactory nerves - general sensory
* vagus nerve - parasympathetic motor, visceral motor, autonomic sensory, general sensory
 * vagus nerve, heart and lung - parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
  * vagus nerve, bronchial branch - autonomic sensory, parasympathetic motor
   * vagus nerve, bronchial branch, anterior - autonomic sensory, parasympathetic motor
   * vagus nerve, bronchial branch, posterior - autonomic sensory, parasympathetic motor
   * vagus nerve, pulmonary plexus - autonomic sensory, parasympathetic motor
  * vagus nerve, cardiac branch - parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
   * vagus nerve, inferior cardiac branch - parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
   * vagus nerve, superior cervical cardiac branch - parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
 * vagus nerve, neck - parasympathetic motor, visceral motor, autonomic sensory, general sensory
  * laryngeal nerve - parasympathetic motor, visceral motor, autonomic sensory
   * laryngeal nerve, superior - autonomic sensory, visceral motor
    * laryngeal nerve, external - visceral motor
    * laryngeal nerve, internal - autonomic sensory
   * recurrent laryngeal nerve - parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
    * inferior laryngeal nerve - parasympathetic motor
    * recurrent laryngeal nerve, posterior - autonomic sensory
  * vagus nerve, auricular branch - general sensory
  * vagus nerve, meningeal branch - general sensory
  * vagus nerve, pharyngeal branch - visceral motor
   * vagus nerve, pharyngeal plexus - visceral motor
 * vagus nerve, spleen, kidney, small intestine and colon - autonomic sensory, parasympathetic motor
  * vagus nerve, celiac branch - autonomic sensory, parasympathetic motor
  * vagus nerve, renal branch - autonomic sensory, parasympathetic motor
 * vagus nerve, stomach and liver - autonomic sensory, parasympathetic motor
  * vagus nerve, esophageal branches - autonomic sensory, parasympathetic motor
  * vagus nerve, gastric branch - autonomic sensory, parasympathetic motor
  * vagus nerve, hepatic branch - autonomic sensory, parasympathetic motor
   * vagus nerve, gastroduodenal branch - autonomic sensory, parasympathetic motor
   * vagus nerve, hepatic branch proper - autonomic sensory, parasympathetic motor
* vestibulocochlear nerve - special sensory, cranial motor
 * cochlear nerve - special sensory, cranial motor
 * vestibular nerve - special sensory
  * ampullar nerve - special sensory
   * ampullar nerve, anterior - special sensory
   * ampullar nerve, lateral - special sensory
   * ampullar nerve, posterior - special sensory
  * saccular nerve - special sensory
  * utricular nerve - special sensory
* head and neck cervical nerves, motor - flexor motor, extensor motor
 * ansa cervicalis - extensor motor
  * ansa cervicalis, inferior root - extensor motor
  * ansa cervicalis, superior root - extensor motor
 * nerve to atlanto-occipital joint muscles - flexor motor
 * nerve to geniohyoid - flexor motor
 * nerve to longus capitis and longus colli muscles - flexor motor
 * nerve to scalene and levator scapulae muscles - flexor motor
 * nerve to splenius capitis muscle - extensor motor
 * nerve to splenius cervilis muscle - extensor motor
 * thyroid nerve - extensor motor
* head and neck cervical nerves, sensory - general sensory, extensor motor
 * cervical nerve, transverse - general sensory
 * great auricular nerve - general sensory
  * great auricular nerve, anterior branch - general sensory
  * great auricular nerve, posterior branch - general sensory
 * jugular nerve, sensory - general sensory
  * jugular nerve, branch to jugular (superior vagal) ganglion - general sensory
  * jugular nerve, branch to petrosal (inferior glossopharyngeal) ganglion - general sensory
 * occipital nerve - general sensory, extensor motor
  * occipital nerve, neck - general sensory, extensor motor
   * occipital nerve, greater - general sensory, extensor motor
   * occipital nerve, lesser - general sensory
  * occipital nerve, third - general sensory
 * suboccipital nerve - general sensory, extensor motor
 * supraclavicular nerves - general sensory
  * supraclavicular nerves, intermediate - general sensory
  * supraclavicular nerves, lateral - general sensory
  * supraclavicular nerves, medial - general sensory
* arm nerves, motor - flexor motor, extensor motor
 * median nerve, motor - flexor motor
  * median nerve, motor, forearm innervation - flexor motor
   * interosseous nerve of forearm, anterior, deep muscles of forearm - flexor motor
   * median nerve, superficial muscles in foream - flexor motor
  * median nerve, motor, wrist and fingers innervation - flexor motor
   * median nerve, deep muscles - flexor motor
    * interosseous nerve of forearm, anterior, hand - flexor motor
    * median nerve, recurrent branch - flexor motor
   * median nerve, intermediate muscles of foream - flexor motor
    * median nerve, lumbricals branches - flexor motor
   * median nerve, superficial muscles in hand - flexor motor
 * musculocutaneous nerve, motor - flexor motor
 * radial nerve, motor - extensor motor
  * radial nerve, deep branch - extensor motor
   * interosseous nerve of forearm, posterior - extensor motor
   * radial nerve, deep branch before supinator - extensor motor
  * radial nerve, upper arm muscular branches - extensor motor
 * ulnar nerve, motor - flexor motor
  * ulnar nerve, motor, wrist and fingers innervation - flexor motor
   * ulnar nerve, deep muscles - flexor motor
    * ulnar nerve, adductor pollicis and lumbrical - flexor motor
    * ulnar nerve, flexor digiti minimi - flexor motor
    * ulnar nerve, hypothenar muscles - flexor motor
    * ulnar nerve, interossei - flexor motor
    * ulnar nerve, pollicis brevis - flexor motor
   * ulnar nerve, superficial muscles - flexor motor
    * ulnar nerve, muscular branches - flexor motor
    * ulnar nerve, superficial branch - flexor motor
* arm nerves, sensory - general sensory
 * cutaneous nerve of arm, medial - general sensory
  * cutaneous nerve of forearm, medial - general sensory
 * median nerve, sensory - general sensory
  * median nerve, digital cutaneous branches - general sensory
   * digital nerves of median nerve, common palmar - general sensory
   * digital nerves of median nerve, proper palmar - general sensory
  * median nerve, palmar cutaneous branch - general sensory
 * musculocutaneous nerve, sensory - general sensory
  * cutaneous nerve of forearm, lateral - general sensory
 * radial nerve, sensory - general sensory
  * radial nerve, sensory, cutaneous branches - general sensory
   * cutaneous nerve of arm, inferior lateral - general sensory
   * cutaneous nerve of forearm, posterior - general sensory
   * radial nerve, posterior cutaneous nerve of arm - general sensory
   * radial nerve, superficial branch - general sensory
    * digital nerves of radial nerve, dorsal - general sensory
 * ulnar nerve, sensory - general sensory
  * ulnar nerve, dorsal branch - general sensory
   * digital nerves of ulnar nerve, dorsal - general sensory
  * ulnar nerve, palmar cutaneous branch - general sensory
   * digital nerves of ulnar nerve, common palmar number two - general sensory
    * digital nerves of ulnar nerve, proper palmar - general sensory
* shoulder nerves, mixed - general sensory, flexor motor, extensor motor
 * axillary nerve - general sensory, flexor motor, extensor motor
  * axillary nerve, anterior branch - general sensory, flexor motor
  * axillary nerve, posterior branch - general sensory, extensor motor
   * axillary nerve, motor branch to triceps brachii - extensor motor, general sensory
   * cutaneous nerve of arm, superior lateral - general sensory
 * scapular nerves - flexor motor, general sensory
  * suprascapular nerve - flexor motor, general sensory
 * subclavian nerve - extensor motor, general sensory
* shoulder nerves, pure motor - flexor motor, extensor motor
 * long thoracic nerve - flexor motor
 * pectoral nerve - flexor motor, extensor motor
  * lateral pectoral nerve - flexor motor
  * medial pectoral nerve - extensor motor
 * scapular nerves, pure motor - flexor motor, extensor motor
  * dorsal scapular nerve - flexor motor
   * dorsal scapular nerve, branch to rhomboideus major - flexor motor
   * dorsal scapular nerve, branch to rhomboideus minor - flexor motor
  * nerve to levator scapulae - flexor motor
  * subscapular nerves - extensor motor
   * lower subscapular nerve - extensor motor
   * middle subscapular nerve - extensor motor
   * upper subscapular nerve - extensor motor
* heart cervical nerves, sensory - autonomic sensory
 * cervical cardiac nerve, sensory - autonomic sensory
  * cervical cardiac nerve, inferior, sensory - autonomic sensory
  * cervical cardiac nerve, middle, sensory - autonomic sensory
* lung cervical nerves, mixed - flexor motor, general sensory
 * phrenic nerve - flexor motor, general sensory
  * phrenic nerve, accessory - flexor motor, general sensory
  * phrenic nerve, proper - flexor motor, general sensory
* middle cervical ganglion, sympathetic fibers - sympathetic motor
 * ansa subclavia - sympathetic motor
 * cervical cardiac nerve, middle, sympathetic - sympathetic motor
 * middle cervical ganglion, sympathetic fibers, grey communicating rami - sympathetic motor
 * middle cervical ganglion, thyroid branches - sympathetic motor
* stellate ganglion, sympathetic fibers - sympathetic motor
 * cervical cardiac nerve, inferior, sympathetic - sympathetic motor
 * stellate ganglion, arterial branches - sympathetic motor
 * stellate ganglion, sympathetic fibers, grey communicating rami - sympathetic motor
* superior cervical ganglion, sympathetic fibers - sympathetic motor
 * carotid nerves - sympathetic motor
  * external carotid nerve - sympathetic motor
  * internal carotid nerve - sympathetic motor
   * caroticotympanic nerves - sympathetic motor
   * ciliary nerves, sympathetic fibers - sympathetic motor
   * internal carotid nerve, to tarsal muscle - sympathetic motor
   * petrosal nerve, deep - sympathetic motor
    * palatine nerve, sympathetic fibers - sympathetic motor
     * palatine nerve, sympathetic fibers, greater - sympathetic motor
     * palatine nerves, sympathetic fibers, lesser - sympathetic motor
 * jugular nerve, sympathetic - sympathetic motor
 * superior cervical cardiac nerve - sympathetic motor
 * superior cervical ganglion, laryngopharyngeal branches - sympathetic motor
 * superior cervical ganglion, sympathetic fibers, grey communicating rami - sympathetic motor
  * median nerve, motor, vascular branches - sympathetic motor
* intercostal nerves, sensory - general sensory
 * intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches - general sensory
 * intercostal nerves, lateral cutaneous branches - general sensory
  * intercostal nerves, anterior lateral cutaneous branches - general sensory
   * intercostal muscular somatic nerves - general sensory
   * thoracic breast nerves - general sensory
  * intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches - general sensory
  * intercostobrachial nerve - general sensory
   * first intercostobrachial nerve - general sensory
   * second intercostobrachial nerve - general sensory
* subcostal nerve, sensory - general sensory
* aorticorenal ganglion - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
 * lowest splanchnic nerve - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
  * gonadal nerves - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
   * inferior spermatic nerve - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
   * superior ovarian nerve - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
* celiac ganglion - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
 * greater thoracic splanchnic nerve - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
* superior mesenteric ganglion - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
 * lesser splanchnic nerve - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
* thoracic sympatetic chain ganglia - sympathetic motor
 * intercostal nerves, sympathetic fibers - sympathetic motor
 * thoracic sympatetic fibers, meningeal branches - sympathetic motor
* Autonomic nerves - sympathetic motor, parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
 * splanchnic nerves - sympathetic motor, parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
  * splanchnic nerves, lumbar - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
   * left hypogastric nerve - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
    * left hypogastric nerve, cervical - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
    * left hypogastric nerve, lubricate - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
    * left hypogastric nerve, prostatic - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
    * left hypogastric nerve, ureteric - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
    * left hypogastric nerve, uterovaginal - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
   * right hypogastric nerve - sympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
  * splanchnic nerves, pelvic - parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
   * splanchnic nerves, pelvic, nipple - parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
   * splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to penis/clitoris - parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
    * cavernous nerves of clitoris - parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
    * cavernous nerves of penis - parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
   * splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to rectum - parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
   * splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to stomach - parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
   * splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to urinary bladder - parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
   * splanchnic nerves, pelvic, uterovaginal - parasympathetic motor, autonomic sensory
* Genitalia nerves, somatic - general sensory, flexor motor, sympathetic motor
 * genitofemoral nerve, genital - general sensory, flexor motor, sympathetic motor
  * genitofemoral nerve, genital branch - general sensory, flexor motor, sympathetic motor
 * iliohypogastric nerve - general sensory
 * ilioinguinal nerve - general sensory
  * labial nerves, anterior - general sensory
  * scrotal nerves, anterior - general sensory
 * pudendal nerve, genitalia - general sensory, flexor motor, sympathetic motor
  * dorsal nerve of clitoris/penis - general sensory, flexor motor
   * dorsal nerve of clitoris - general sensory, flexor motor
   * dorsal nerve of penis - general sensory, flexor motor
  * nerve to urethral bulb - general sensory
  * perineal nerve, genitalia - general sensory, flexor motor, sympathetic motor
   * perineal nerve, deep branch - general sensory, flexor motor
   * perineal nerve, superficial branch - general sensory, sympathetic motor
    * labial nerve, posterior - general sensory
    * scrotal nerve, posterior - general sensory, sympathetic motor
* Rectum nerves, somatic - general sensory, flexor motor, extensor motor
 * pudendal nerve, rectum - general sensory, flexor motor, extensor motor
  * inferior rectal nerve - general sensory, flexor motor
  * perineal nerve, rectum - general sensory, flexor motor, extensor motor
   * nerve to superficial transverse perineal - general sensory, flexor motor
   * nerves to coccygeus and levator ani muscles - general sensory, extensor motor
* cluneal nerves - general sensory
 * cluneal nerves, inferior - general sensory
  * perforating cutaneous nerve - general sensory
 * cluneal nerves, middle - general sensory
 * cluneal nerves, superior - general sensory
* coccygeal plexus - general sensory
 * anococcygeal nerve - general sensory
 * coccygeal nerve - general sensory
* cutaneous nerve of thigh, lateral - general sensory
* femoral nerve, thigh - flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory
 * femoral nerve, thigh, motor - flexor motor, extensor motor
  * femoral nerve, thigh, muscular branches, extensor - extensor motor
  * femoral nerve, thigh, muscular branches, flexor - flexor motor
 * femoral nerve, thigh, sensory - general sensory
  * femoral nerve, anterior cutaneous - general sensory
   * cutaneous nerve of thigh, intermediate - general sensory
   * cutaneous nerve of thigh, medial - general sensory
  * femoral nerve, posterior cutaneous - general sensory
   * cutaneous nerve of thigh, posterior - general sensory
* genitofemoral nerve, thigh - general sensory
 * genitofemoral nerve, femoral branch - general sensory
* gluteal nerve - flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory
 * gluteal nerve, inferior - extensor motor
 * gluteal nerve, superior - flexor motor, general sensory
* nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh - flexor motor, general sensory
* nerve to psoas muscles - flexor motor
* nerve to quadratus lumborum - extensor motor
* obturator nerve - flexor motor, general sensory
 * obturator nerve, accessory - flexor motor, general sensory
 * obturator nerve, internal - flexor motor, general sensory
 * obturator nerve, proper - flexor motor, general sensory
* sciatic nerves, second - flexor motor, general sensory
 * piriform nerve - general sensory, flexor motor
* femoral nerve, leg - general sensory
 * saphenous nerve - general sensory
  * saphenous nerve, infrapatellar and sartorial branches - general sensory
  * saphenous nerve, medial crural cutaneous branches - general sensory
* sciatic nerve - general sensory, flexor motor, extensor motor
 * common peroneal nerve - general sensory, flexor motor, extensor motor
  * common peroneal nerve, articular branches - general sensory, flexor motor
  * cutaneous nerve of calf, lateral - general sensory
  * fibular nerve, deep - general sensory, extensor motor
  * fibular nerve, superficial - general sensory, flexor motor
   * cutaneous nerve of foot, intermediate dorsal - general sensory
    * digital nerves of foot, dorsal - general sensory
   * cutaneous nerve of foot, medial dorsal - general sensory, flexor motor
  * sural communicating nerve - general sensory
 * sural nerve - flexor motor, general sensory
  * cutaneous nerve of foot, lateral dorsal - general sensory
  * plantar nerves - flexor motor, general sensory
   * plantar nerve, lateral - general sensory, flexor motor
    * plantar nerve, lateral, deep branch - flexor motor, general sensory
    * plantar nerve, lateral, superficial branch - general sensory, flexor motor
     * plantar nerve, lateral, digital branches branch - flexor motor, general sensory
      * digital nerves of lateral plantar nerve, common plantar - flexor motor, general sensory
       * digital nerves of lateral plantar nerve, proper plantar - flexor motor, general sensory
   * plantar nerve, medial - flexor motor, general sensory
    * plantar nerve, medial, branches to LAFF muscles - general sensory, flexor motor
    * plantar nerve, medial, common digital branches - general sensory, flexor motor
     * plantar nerve, medial, proper digital branches - general sensory, flexor motor
  * sural nerve, calcaneal branches, medial - general sensory
 * tibial nerve - general sensory, flexor motor
  * cutaneous nerve of calf, medial - general sensory
  * interosseous nerve of leg - general sensory
  * tibial nerve, muscular branches - general sensory, flexor motor
* first intercostal nerve - flexor motor
* posterior ramus, motor - flexor motor, extensor motor
 * motor nerves of back, extensors - extensor motor
 * motor nerves of back, flexors - flexor motor
* subcostal nerve, motor - flexor motor
* thoracic and abdominal intercostal nerves - flexor motor, extensor motor
 * thoracic and thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, flexors - flexor motor
 * thoracic intercostal nerves, extensors - extensor motor
 * thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, extensors - extensor motor


  • *nerve of pterygoid canal* (MA:[OF THE PTERYGOID CANAL]; vidian nerve) ORIGIN={union of deep petrosal nerve and greater petrosal nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={pterygopalatine ganglion and branches}; MODALITY={parasympathetic and sympathetic}; FIBERS={sympathetic:see deep petrosal nerve (carotid nerve); parasympathetic: see greater petrosal nerve (facial nerve)}
  • *pterygopalatine nerves* (MA:[BRANCHES OF PTERYGOPALATINE GANGLION]; sphenopalatine nerves) DISTRIBUTION={the two nerves which connect the maxillary nerve to the pterygopalatine GANGLION}; MODALITY={they are the sensory roots of the ganglion}; FIBERS={GSA:all maxillary sensory from pterygopalatine to trigeminal; GVE:great and deep petrosal to lacrimal gland}

  • *vagus nerve*
* *vagus nerve, anterior trunk* (MA:[VAGUS NERVE],[LEFT BRANCH OF ANTERIOR VAGUS],[RIGHT BRANCH OF ANTERIOR VAGUS]; left); ORIGIN={consists primarily of fibers from the left vagus, but also contains a few fibers from the right vagus nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={contributes to the esophageal plexus}
* *vagus nerve, posterior trunk* (MA:[VAGUS NERVE]; right); ORIGIN={branch of the vagus nerve, consists primarily of fibers from the right vagus, but also contains a few fibers from the left vagus}; DISTRIBUTION={contributes to the esophageal plexus}

See also: