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* cerebellar control
* cerebellar control
== Cerebellar Control ==
== Cerebellar Muscle Control ==
Further explanation is genuine outcome of aHuman research (C) and is not repsesented elsewhere.
Further explanation is genuine outcome of aHuman research (C) and is not repsesented elsewhere.

Revision as of 16:47, 22 November 2015

Biological Life Research

Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> BiologicalArchitecture -> BiologicalArchitectureGlobalCircuits


This page covers biological coordination approach of specific circuts and complexes.


Major biological circuits are:

  • cerebellar control

Cerebellar Muscle Control

Further explanation is genuine outcome of aHuman research (C) and is not repsesented elsewhere. Please mention origin if copy.

essence of architecture:

  • first major feature is that cerebellar complex produces information about which muscle executions are wrong and need to be inhibited
    • it stores actual muscle execution patterns associated with certain layer of execution, many-to-many (all muscles to all layer streams)
    • it inhibits corresponding layer of execution in streams related to items, not belonging to stored patterns
    • conscious execution causes cerebellum to learn patterns, automatic execution leads to using stored patterns
  • second major feature is that cerebellum performs coordinate system translation
    • vermis - from eyes and head coords to muscle coords
    • paravermis - from skin coords to muscle coords
    • lateral lobe - from intention coords (frontopontine - M1/S1), absolute coords (parietopontine - IPL/SPL), visual feature coords (occipitopontine - V2) to muscle coords
    • flocculonodular lobe - from earth coords to oculomotor muscle coords

layers of execution are:

  • subcortical execution of flexors by somatic patterns - paravermal lobe
  • cortical execution of flexors by cortical patterns - lateral lobe
  • execution of limb extensors by superior colliculus patterns - vermal lobe
  • execution of trunk extensors by vestibular patterns - flocculonodular lobe


  • gross architecture is that there are input nuclei, cerebellar cortex, and output nuclei
  • there are climbing fibers and mossy fibers going from input nuclei to cerebellar cortex
  • input nuclei are divided into mossy nuclei, which are source of mossy fibers and climbing nuclei which are source of climbing fibers
    • climbing nuclei are interior olivary nucleus (IO) and vestibular ganglion (VBG)
    • mossy nuclei are more numerous - superior and interior colliculus, spinal cord sensory nuclei, precerebellar reticular formation nuclei, pontine nulei and vestibular nuclei
  • cerebellar cortex has the same implementation for all surface and contains:
    • purkinje cells, targeted by climbing fibers and projecting to output nuclei, containing GABA-ergic neurons
    • granule cells, targeted by mossy fibers - GLU-ergic neurons which project many-to-many to purkinje cells
    • other cells which build the internal feedback circuit having secondary role for sustained processing
    • purkinje cells define stream modality of cerebellar cortex
  • climbing fibers are the same for vermal, paravermal, lateral layers - each IO neuron has projections to 3 purkinje cells, one per each layer
    • stream modality of cerebellar cortex for vermal, paravermal, lateral layers is the same and equal to stream modality of IO
    • stream modality of IO is defined by nucleus proprius and its cranial equivalent - central cervical nucleus, which convey muscle proprioception from static tension receptor - Golgi tendon organs
    • vermal, paravermal, lateral layers can be named muscle cerebellum, while flocculonodular layer is vestibular, because its stream modality is defined by vestibular ganglion