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Cerebellum Flows

@@Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> CircuitCerebellumFlows

This page covers components and connections of circuit Cerebellum Flows. Circuit is part of aHuman target integrated biological model.




Mind Area Component ID Component Name Type Function
PCA BMA.HM.CU Cuneate Nucleus nucleus Carry fine touch and proprioceptive information from upper body
LCA BMA.HM.IO Inferior Olivary Nucleus nucleus Proprioception Relay from Spinal Cord to Cerebellum
MRA BMA.HP.VB Vestibular Nucleus nucleus Equilibrium, Postural Reflexes
LCA BMA.SC.IZ.CBS Centrobasalis Nucleus nucleus Unconscious proprioception to CR
BMA.SC.LH.LCV Lateral Cervical Nucleus nucleus Relay Low-threshold Mechanoreceptors to CR
BMA.SC.PH.CL Clarke Nucleus nucleus Unconscious Proprioception
EPA CGA.NC.VACG Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area cortex, BA 24 Seat of Free Will
MRA HMA.HP.PRF.CRF Caudal Pontine Reticular Nucleus nucleus Mediate head movements
HMA.HP.PRF.RPO Oral Pontine Reticular Nucleus nucleus Mediation of changing to and from REM sleep
LCA MBA.HP.CR Cerebellum nucleus Motor coordination
MBA.HP.PN.RP Rostral Pontine Nucleus nucleus Part of learning, motivation, spatial memory pathway
MBA.MM.RD Red Nucleus nucleus Motor coordination
MRA MBA.MM.SC.DEEP Deep Superior Colliculus nucleus Head and eye attention to non-visual stimuli
MAA MCA.FD.TH.VL Ventral Lateral Nucleus nucleus Relay BSA.CR to MCA.MC
MCA.NC.MC Motor Cortex cortex, BA 04 Execution of required voluntary movements
MCA.NC.SMC Supplementary Motor Cortex cortex, BA 06 Process sequences of movements and coordinate bilateral movements



Source Region Target Region Type Reference
BMA.HM.CU MBA.HP.CR nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
BMA.HM.IO MBA.HP.CR nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
BMA.HP.VB MBA.HP.CR nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
BMA.SC.IZ.CBS MBA.HP.CR nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
BMA.SC.LH.LCV MBA.HP.CR nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
BMA.SC.PH.CL MBA.HP.CR nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
CGA.NC.VACG MBA.MM.RD neocortex-nucleus (unknown reference)
HMA.HP.PRF.RPO MBA.HP.CR nucleus-nucleus [and smooth movements (DLPN -> CR)]
MBA.HP.CR BMA.HP.VB nucleus-nucleus [and smooth movements (CR -> Vestibular)]
HMA.HP.PRF.CRF nucleus-nucleus [Vision (CR -> RF, abstract)]
MBA.MM.RD nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
MCA.FD.TH.VL nucleus-nucleus [relationships (s1VL -> VL)]
MBA.HP.PN.RP MBA.HP.CR nucleus-nucleus [Cortex (PFC) in motor behavior (PN -> CR, abstract)]
MBA.MM.RD BMA.HM.IO nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
MBA.MM.SC.DEEP MBA.HP.CR nucleus-nucleus [Vision (SCi -> CR, abstract)]
MCA.FD.TH.VL MCA.NC.MC nucleus-neocortex [relationships (VL -> pVL)]
MCA.NC.SMC nucleus-neocortex [Ganglia Activity (VLo -> SMC)]