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Human Spinal Thoracic Nerves

Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> HumanNerves -> HumanNervesSpinalRoots

This page is intended to list spinal cord roots of biological human, which connect mind to human limbs and visceral organs.

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  • motor nuclei/ganglia*:
  • sensory nuclei/ganglia*:
  • nerves*:
  • *C1-C4, upper cervical ventral spinal roots*; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}; MUSCLES={[- levator claviculae muscle] - lifts clavicle}
* unavailable
* *C1 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); DISTRIBUTION={moves forward lateral to the lateral mass and medial to vertebral artery}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *C1 nerve, dorsal root* (suboccipital nerve); DISTRIBUTION={supplies all the muscles in suboccipital triangle}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={suboccipital nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical jugular nerve, sensory}
 * *C1 nerve, ventral root*; BRANCHES={muscular branch to sternocleidomastoid, rectus lateralis/capitis anterior, longus capitis; greater auricular nerve; lesser occipital nerve; branch to vagus nerve; superior root of ansa cervicalis}; DISTRIBUTION={joins the ascending branches of C2 nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={accessory nerve, external; HumanNervesSpinalCervical ansa cervicalis, superior root; HumanNervesSpinalCervical nerve to geniohyoid; HumanNervesSpinalCervical thyroid nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical suboccipital nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical nerve to atlanto-occipital joint muscles}
* *C2 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *C2 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={divides into medial (greater occipital nerve - supplies the skin of the scalp as far as the vertex) and lateral branches}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={cervical nerve, transverse; HumanNervesSpinalCervical great auricular nerve, anterior branch; HumanNervesSpinalCervical occipital nerve, greater; HumanNervesSpinalCervical occipital nerve, lesser; HumanNervesSpinalCervical jugular nerve, sensory}
 * *C2 nerve, ventral root*; BRANCHES={divides into terminal ascending and descending branches; muscular branches to sternocleidomastoid, longus capitis/colli; inferior root of ansa cervicalis; greater auricular nerve; lesser occipital nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={accessory nerve, external; HumanNervesSpinalCervical ansa cervicalis, inferior root; HumanNervesSpinalCervical occipital nerve, greater; HumanNervesSpinalCervical nerve to atlanto-occipital joint muscles}
* *C3 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *C3 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={medial - skin after piercing the trapezius and the splenius; lateral - joins C2 dorsal ramus}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={phrenic nerve, proper; HumanNervesSpinalCervical cervical nerve, transverse; HumanNervesSpinalCervical great auricular nerve, posterior branch; HumanNervesSpinalCervical occipital nerve, lesser; HumanNervesSpinalCervical occipital nerve, third; HumanNervesSpinalCervical supraclavicular nerves; HumanNervesSpinalCervical jugular nerve, sensory}
 * *C3 nerve, ventral root*; BRANCHES={muscular branches to trapezius, longus capitis, longus colli, scalenus medius, levator scapulae; inferior root of ansa cervicalis; root to phrenic nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={accessory nerve, external; HumanNervesSpinalCervical ansa cervicalis, inferior root; HumanNervesSpinalCervical phrenic nerve, proper; HumanNervesSpinalCervical nerve to scalene and levator scapulae muscles; HumanNervesSpinalCervical nerve to splenius capitis muscle; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
* *C4 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *C4 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={supply the skin of C4 dermatome and the muscles of the back; medial - skin after piercing the trapezius and the splenius; lateral - supply the longissimus, cervicis, longissimus capitis, and iliocostalis cervicis}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={phrenic nerve, proper; HumanNervesSpinalCervical supraclavicular nerves; HumanNervesSpinalCervical jugular nerve, sensory}
 * *C4 nerve, ventral root*; BRANCHES={muscular branches to trapezius, levator scapulae, longus colli; branch to phrenic nerve; small communication to C5 nerve; with C3 forms supraclavicular nerves}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={accessory nerve, external; HumanNervesSpinalCervical phrenic nerve, proper; HumanNervesSpinalCervical nerve to scalene and levator scapulae muscles; HumanNervesSpinalCervical nerve to splenius capitis muscle; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
  • *C5-C8, lower cervical ventral spinal roots*; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
* unavailable
* *C5 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *C5 nerve, dorsal root*; DISTRIBUTION={medial - skin after piercing the trapezius and the splenius; lateral - longissimus, cervicis, longissimus capitis, and iliocostalis cervicis}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={phrenic nerve, accessory; HumanNervesSpinalCervical suprascapular nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical musculocutaneous nerve, sensory; HumanNervesSpinalCervical axillary nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical median nerve, sensory; HumanNervesSpinalCervical radial nerve, sensory}
 * *C5 nerve, ventral root*; BRANCHES={dorsal scapular nerve; muscular branch to scalene muscles; branch to long thoracic nerve/phrenic nerve; terminal part joins C6 to form upper trunk of brachial plexus}; DISTRIBUTION={leads into the upper trunk, then to the lateral cord, and finally to the musculocutaneous nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={phrenic nerve, accessory; HumanNervesSpinalCervical nerve to scalene and levator scapulae muscles; HumanNervesSpinalCervical dorsal scapular nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical suprascapular nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical lateral pectoral nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical musculocutaneous nerve, motor; HumanNervesSpinalCervical long thoracic nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical subclavian nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical axillary nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical lower subscapular nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical upper subscapular nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical pectoral nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical median nerve, motor; HumanNervesSpinalCervical radial nerve, motor; HumanNervesSpinalCervical nerve to splenius cervilis muscle; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
* *C6 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *C6 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={skin of C6 dermatome and the muscles of the back; medial - skin after piercing the trapezius and the splenius; lateral - longissimus, cervicis, longissimus capitis, and iliocostalis cervicis}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={suprascapular nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical musculocutaneous nerve, sensory; HumanNervesSpinalCervical axillary nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical median nerve, sensory; HumanNervesSpinalCervical radial nerve, sensory}
 * *C6 nerve, ventral root*; BRANCHES={to scalene muscles; long thoracic nerve; terminal part joins C5 to form upper trunk of brachial plexus}; DISTRIBUTION={innervating many muscles of the rotator cuff and distal arm - subclavius, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, biceps brachii, brachialis, deltoid, teres minor, brachioradialis, serratus anterior, subscapularis, pectoralis major, coracobrachialis, teres major, supinator, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi radialis longus, latissimus dorsi}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={subclavian nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical musculocutaneous nerve, motor; HumanNervesSpinalCervical axillary nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical median nerve, motor; HumanNervesSpinalCervical radial nerve, motor; HumanNervesSpinalCervical lower subscapular nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical upper subscapular nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical long thoracic nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical nerve to splenius cervilis muscle; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
* *C7 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *C7 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={supply the skin of C7 dermatome and the muscles of the back; medial - skin after piercing the trapezius and the splenius; lateral - longissimus, cervicis, longissimus capitis, and iliocostalis cervicis}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={musculocutaneous nerve, sensory; HumanNervesSpinalCervical median nerve, sensory; HumanNervesSpinalCervical radial nerve, sensory}
 * *C7 nerve, ventral root*; BRANCHES={to scalene muscles; to long thoracic nerve; terminal part forms the middle trunk of brachial plexus}; DISTRIBUTION={musculocutaneous nerve, ulnar nerve, radial nerve, wrist flexion and hand adduction}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={musculocutaneous nerve, motor; HumanNervesSpinalCervical lateral pectoral nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical median nerve, motor; HumanNervesSpinalCervical radial nerve, motor; HumanNervesSpinalCervical long thoracic nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical middle subscapular nerve; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
* *C8 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *C8 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={supply the skin of C8 dermatome and the muscles of the back; medial - skin after piercing the trapezius and the splenius; lateral - longissimus, cervicis, longissimus capitis, and iliocostalis cervicis; skin on the little finger, slightly past the wrist on the palmar and dorsal aspects of the hand and forearm}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={median nerve, sensory; HumanNervesSpinalCervical radial nerve, sensory; HumanNervesSpinalCervical ulnar nerve, sensory; HumanNervesSpinalCervical cutaneous nerve of arm, medial}
 * *C8 nerve, ventral root*; BRANCHES={to scalene muscles; to long thoracic nerve}; DISTRIBUTION={flexion of the fingers, many mucles of trunk, upper arm, forearm, hand}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={median nerve, motor; HumanNervesSpinalCervical radial nerve, motor; HumanNervesSpinalCervical ulnar nerve, motor; HumanNervesSpinalCervical medial pectoral nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical middle subscapular nerve; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}



  • motor nuclei/ganglia*:
  • sensory nuclei/ganglia*:
  • nerves*:
  • *T1 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
* *T1 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={divides into medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={medial - muscular semispinalis thoracis and multifidus, cutaneous medial part of posterior aspect of T1 dermatome; lateral - muscular longissimus thoracis and iliocostalis thoracis, cutaneous lateral part of the T1 dermatome}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={median nerve, sensory; HumanNervesSpinalCervical radial nerve, sensory; HumanNervesSpinalCervical ulnar nerve, sensory; HumanNervesSpinalCervical cutaneous nerve of arm, medial; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches}
* *T1 nerve, ventral root*; BRANCHES={large and small branches}; DISTRIBUTION={large - brachial plexus; small - first intercostal nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={median nerve, motor; HumanNervesSpinalCervical radial nerve, motor; HumanNervesSpinalCervical ulnar nerve, motor; HumanNervesSpinalCervical medial pectoral nerve; HumanNervesSpinalCervical middle subscapular nerve; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk first intercostal nerve; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
  • *T12 nerve* (MA:[THORACIC NERVE]); MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
* *T12 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={divides into medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={medial - muscular multifidus and longissimus thoracis; lateral - skin of anterior part of gluteal region}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={subcostal nerve, sensory}
* *T12 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={subcostal nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={subcostal nerve, motor; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
  • *lower thoracic nerves*; DISTRIBUTION={Rectus abdominis; Intercostales; Serratus posterior inferior}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
* unavailable
* *T10 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); DISTRIBUTION={supplies muscles of anterior abdominal wall - internal oblique, rectus abdominis, transversus abdominis}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *T10 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={divides into medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={medial - muscular semispinalis thoracis and multifidus, cutaneous medial part of posterior aspect of T10 dermatome; lateral - muscular longissimus thoracis and iliocostalis thoracis, cutaneous lateral part of the T10 dermatome}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={intercostal muscular somatic nerves; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches}
 * *T10 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={10th intercostal nerve; supply external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis muscles}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={thoracic and thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracic intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
* *T11 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); DISTRIBUTION={supplies muscles of anterior abdominal wall - internal oblique, rectus abdominis, transversus abdominis}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *T11 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={divides into medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={medial - muscular semispinalis thoracis and multifidus, cutaneous medial part of posterior aspect of T11 dermatome; lateral - muscular longissimus thoracis and iliocostalis thoracis, cutaneous lateral part of the T11 dermatome}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={intercostal muscular somatic nerves; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches}
 * *T11 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={11th intercostal nerve; supply external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis muscles}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={thoracic and thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracic intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
* *T7 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); DISTRIBUTION={supply muscles of abdomen - external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *T7 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={divides into medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={medial - muscular semispinalis thoracis and multifidus, cutaneous medial part of posterior aspect of T7 dermatome; lateral - muscular longissimus thoracis and iliocostalis thoracis, cutaneous lateral part of the T7 dermatome}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={intercostal muscular somatic nerves; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches}
 * *T7 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={7th intercostal nerve; supply external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis muscles}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={thoracic and thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracic intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
* *T8 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); DISTRIBUTION={supply muscles of abdomen - external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *T8 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={divides into medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={medial - muscular semispinalis thoracis and multifidus, cutaneous medial part of posterior aspect of T8 dermatome; lateral - muscular longissimus thoracis and iliocostalis thoracis, cutaneous lateral part of the T8 dermatome}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={intercostal muscular somatic nerves; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches}
 * *T8 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={8th intercostal nerve; supply external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis muscles}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={thoracic and thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracic intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
* *T9 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); DISTRIBUTION={supplies muscles of anterior abdominal wall - internal oblique, transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *T9 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={divides into medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={medial - muscular semispinalis thoracis and multifidus, cutaneous medial part of posterior aspect of T9 dermatome; lateral - muscular longissimus thoracis and iliocostalis thoracis, cutaneous lateral part of the T9 dermatome}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={intercostal muscular somatic nerves; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches}
 * *T9 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={9th intercostal nerve; supply external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis muscles}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={thoracic and thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracic intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
  • *upper thoracic nerves*; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
* *T2 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *T2 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={divides into medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={medial - muscular semispinalis thoracis and multifidus, cutaneous medial part of posterior aspect of T2 dermatome; lateral - muscular longissimus thoracis and iliocostalis thoracis, cutaneous lateral part of the T2 dermatome}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={first intercostobrachial nerve; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches}
 * *T2 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={2nd intercostal nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={thoracic and thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracic intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
* *T3 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *T3 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={divides into medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={medial - muscular semispinalis thoracis and multifidus, cutaneous medial part of posterior aspect of T3 dermatome; lateral - muscular longissimus thoracis and iliocostalis thoracis, cutaneous lateral part of the T3 dermatome}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={second intercostobrachial nerve; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches}
 * *T3 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={3rd intercostal nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={thoracic and thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracic intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
* *T4 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *T4 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={divides into medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={medial - muscular semispinalis thoracis and multifidus, cutaneous medial part of posterior aspect of T4 dermatome; lateral - muscular longissimus thoracis and iliocostalis thoracis, cutaneous lateral part of the T4 dermatome}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={thoracic breast nerves; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches}
 * *T4 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={4th intercostal nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={thoracic and thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracic intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
* *T5 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *T5 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={divides into medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={medial - muscular semispinalis thoracis and multifidus, cutaneous medial part of posterior aspect of T5 dermatome; lateral - muscular longissimus thoracis and iliocostalis thoracis, cutaneous lateral part of the T5 dermatome}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={thoracic breast nerves; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches}
 * *T5 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={5th intercostal nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={thoracic and thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracic intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
* *T6 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
 * *T6 nerve, dorsal root*; BRANCHES={divides into medial and lateral branches}; DISTRIBUTION={medial - muscular semispinalis thoracis and multifidus, cutaneous medial part of posterior aspect of T6 dermatome; lateral - muscular longissimus thoracis and iliocostalis thoracis, cutaneous lateral part of the T6 dermatome}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={intercostal muscular somatic nerves; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches; HumanNervesSpinalThoracic intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches}
 * *T6 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={6th intercostal nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={thoracic and thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracic intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, extensors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}



  • motor nuclei/ganglia*:
  • sensory nuclei/ganglia*:
  • nerves*:
  • *L1 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); ORIGIN={Spinal cord segment L1}; BRANCHES={dorsal - medial, lateral; ventral - lower, upper}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
* unavailable
* *L1 nerve, dorsal root*; DISTRIBUTION={medial - to multifidus, lateral - cutaneous branches, supply skin of gluteal region}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={iliohypogastric nerve; HumanNervesSpinalGenital ilioinguinal nerve; HumanNervesSpinalGenital genitofemoral nerve, genital branch; HumanNervesSpinalThigh genitofemoral nerve, femoral branch; HumanNervesSpinalThigh cluneal nerves, superior}
 * unavailable
* *L1 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={lower to lumbar plexus - to genitofemoral nerve, upper - to iliohypogastric nerve, ilioinguinal nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={genitofemoral nerve, genital branch; HumanNervesSpinalThigh nerve to quadratus lumborum; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
  • *L2 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); ORIGIN={Spinal cord segment L2}; BRANCHES={dorsal - medial, lateral; ventral - 1-4 branches}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
* *L2 nerve, dorsal root*; DISTRIBUTION={medial - to multifidus, lateral - cutaneous branches, supply skin of gluteal region}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={genitofemoral nerve, genital branch; HumanNervesSpinalThigh genitofemoral nerve, femoral branch; HumanNervesSpinalThigh cutaneous nerve of thigh, lateral; HumanNervesSpinalFoot femoral nerve, leg; HumanNervesSpinalThigh cluneal nerves, superior; HumanNervesSpinalThigh femoral nerve, thigh, sensory; HumanNervesSpinalThigh cutaneous nerve of thigh, lateral}
* *L2 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={1 - to genitofemoral nerve, 2 - to lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh, 3 - to femoral nerve, 4 - to obturator nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={genitofemoral nerve, genital branch; HumanNervesSpinalThigh femoral nerve, thigh, motor; HumanNervesSpinalThigh nerve to quadratus lumborum; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
  • *L3 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); ORIGIN={Spinal cord segment L3}; BRANCHES={dorsal - medial, lateral; ventral - 1-4 branches}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
* *L3 nerve, dorsal root*; DISTRIBUTION={medial - to multifidus, lateral - cutaneous branches, supply skin of gluteal region}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={cutaneous nerve of thigh, lateral; HumanNervesSpinalFoot femoral nerve, leg; HumanNervesSpinalThigh cluneal nerves, superior; HumanNervesSpinalThigh femoral nerve, thigh, sensory; HumanNervesSpinalThigh cutaneous nerve of thigh, lateral; HumanNervesSpinalThigh obturator nerve, proper; HumanNervesSpinalThigh obturator nerve, accessory}
* *L3 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={1 - to lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh, 2 - to femoral nerve, 3 - to accessory obturator nerve, 4 - to obturator nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={femoral nerve, thigh, motor; HumanNervesSpinalThigh obturator nerve, proper; HumanNervesSpinalThigh obturator nerve, accessory; HumanNervesSpinalThigh nerve to quadratus lumborum; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
  • *L4 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); ORIGIN={Spinal cord segment L4}; BRANCHES={dorsal - medial, lateral; ventral - 1-4 branches}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
* *L4 nerve, dorsal root*; DISTRIBUTION={medial - to multifidus, lateral - to erector spinae group}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={femoral nerve, leg; HumanNervesSpinalFoot common peroneal nerve; HumanNervesSpinalFoot tibial nerve; HumanNervesSpinalThigh gluteal nerve, superior; HumanNervesSpinalThigh nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh; HumanNervesSpinalThigh femoral nerve, thigh, sensory; HumanNervesSpinalThigh obturator nerve, proper; HumanNervesSpinalThigh obturator nerve, accessory}
* *L4 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={1 - to femoral nerve, 2 - to lumbosacral trunk, 3 - to accessory obturator nerve, 4 - to obturator nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={common peroneal nerve; HumanNervesSpinalFoot tibial nerve; HumanNervesSpinalThigh gluteal nerve, superior; HumanNervesSpinalThigh nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh; HumanNervesSpinalThigh femoral nerve, thigh, motor; HumanNervesSpinalThigh obturator nerve, proper; HumanNervesSpinalThigh obturator nerve, accessory; HumanNervesSpinalThigh nerve to quadratus lumborum; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
  • *L5 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); ORIGIN={Spinal cord segment L5}; BRANCHES={dorsal - medial, lateral; ventral - 1-4 branches}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
* *L5 nerve, dorsal root*; DISTRIBUTION={medial - to multifidus, lateral - to erector spinae group}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={common peroneal nerve; HumanNervesSpinalFoot tibial nerve; HumanNervesSpinalFoot sural nerve; HumanNervesSpinalThigh gluteal nerve, superior; HumanNervesSpinalThigh nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh; HumanNervesSpinalThigh obturator nerve, internal}
* *L5 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={1 - to tibial part of sciatic nerve, 2 - to common peroneal part of sciatic nerve, 3 - to superior gluteal nerve, 4 - to inferior gluteal nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={common peroneal nerve; HumanNervesSpinalFoot tibial nerve; HumanNervesSpinalFoot sural nerve; HumanNervesSpinalThigh gluteal nerve, inferior; HumanNervesSpinalThigh gluteal nerve, superior; HumanNervesSpinalThigh nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh; HumanNervesSpinalThigh obturator nerve, internal; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}



  • motor nuclei/ganglia*:
  • sensory nuclei/ganglia*:
  • nerves*:
  • *CX nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); ORIGIN={Spinal cord segment CX}; MODALITY={general sensory}
* *CX nerve, dorsal root*; DISTRIBUTION={anococcygeal}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={anococcygeal nerve; HumanNervesSpinalThigh coccygeal nerve}
  • *S1 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); ORIGIN={Spinal cord segment S1}; BRANCHES={dorsal - medial, lateral; ventral - 1-3}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
* unavailable
* *S1 nerve, dorsal root*; DISTRIBUTION={medial - to multifidus, lateral - cutaneous branches, supply skin of gluteal region}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={common peroneal nerve; HumanNervesSpinalFoot tibial nerve; HumanNervesSpinalFoot sural nerve; HumanNervesSpinalThigh gluteal nerve, superior; HumanNervesSpinalThigh piriform nerve; HumanNervesSpinalThigh nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh; HumanNervesSpinalThigh obturator nerve, internal}
* *S1 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={1 - common peroneal part of sciatic nerve, 2 - tibial part of sciatic nerve, 3 - posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={common peroneal nerve; HumanNervesSpinalFoot tibial nerve; HumanNervesSpinalFoot sural nerve; HumanNervesSpinalThigh gluteal nerve, inferior; HumanNervesSpinalThigh gluteal nerve, superior; HumanNervesSpinalThigh piriform nerve; HumanNervesSpinalThigh nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh; HumanNervesSpinalThigh obturator nerve, internal; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
  • *S2 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); ORIGIN={Spinal cord segment S2}; BRANCHES={dorsal - medial, lateral; ventral - 1-5}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
* *S2 nerve, dorsal root*; DISTRIBUTION={medial - to multifidus, lateral - cutaneous branches, supply skin of gluteal region}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={common peroneal nerve; HumanNervesSpinalFoot tibial nerve; HumanNervesSpinalFoot sural nerve; HumanNervesSpinalGenital pudendal nerve, genitalia; HumanNervesSpinalThigh piriform nerve; HumanNervesSpinalThigh obturator nerve, internal}
* *S2 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={1 - common peroneal part of sciatic nerve, 2 - tibial part of sciatic nerve, 3 - pudendal nerve, 4 - nerve to piriformis, 5 - viscera}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={common peroneal nerve; HumanNervesSpinalFoot tibial nerve; HumanNervesSpinalFoot sural nerve; HumanNervesSpinalGenital pudendal nerve, genitalia; HumanNervesSpinalThigh gluteal nerve, inferior; HumanNervesSpinalThigh piriform nerve; HumanNervesSpinalThigh obturator nerve, internal; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
  • *S3 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); ORIGIN={Spinal cord segment S3}; BRANCHES={dorsal - medial, lateral; ventral - 1-5}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
* *S3 nerve, dorsal root*; DISTRIBUTION={medial - to multifidus, lateral - cutaneous branches, supply skin of gluteal region}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={tibial nerve; HumanNervesSpinalGenital pudendal nerve, genitalia}
* *S3 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={1 - visceral branch, 2 - join pudendal nerve, 3 - join perforating cutanaeous nerve, 4 - join posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh, 5 - join common peroneal part of sciatic nerve}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={tibial nerve; HumanNervesSpinalGenital pudendal nerve, genitalia; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
  • *S4 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); ORIGIN={Spinal cord segment S4}; BRANCHES={dorsal - medial, lateral; ventral - muscular branches}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
* *S4 nerve, dorsal root*; DISTRIBUTION={medial - to multifidus, lateral - cutaneous branches, supply skin of gluteal region}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={perineal nerve, rectum}
* *S4 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={nerve to levator ani, nerve to coccygeus, nerve to external anal sphincter}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={perineal nerve, rectum; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}
  • *S5 nerve* (MA:[NERVE]); ORIGIN={Spinal cord segment S5}; BRANCHES={dorsal - medial, lateral; ventral - muscular branches}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor, general sensory}
* *S5 nerve, dorsal root*; DISTRIBUTION={anococcygeal}; MODALITY={general sensory}; NERVES={inferior rectal nerve; HumanNervesSpinalThigh anococcygeal nerve}
* *S5 nerve, ventral root*; DISTRIBUTION={coccygeal}; MODALITY={flexor motor, extensor motor}; NERVES={inferior rectal nerve; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, flexors; HumanNervesSpinalTrunk motor nerves of back, extensors}