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Artificial Life Research
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This page is created in early time of aHuman and contains unordered set of topics in the context of Artificial Life research and covers finding features and implementation approaches which create difference between living creature and machine, disregarding its intelligence.
[hide]Research Targets
- NatureOfLife - considering features that delimit alive beings from other matter
- NeuroStream - dynamics of transmitting neural signals via !NeuroLink based on properties of natural human neurotransmitters and effects of reverberation
- MemoryFormation - active memory, short-term memory creation, converting to long-term memory
- ConsciousStream - stream of consciousness, attention, inhibition of defocusing signals
- AutoCoordination - autonomous alignment of effector commands to reach smooth behavior
- AssociativeMotivation - associate behavior and reward, nature of good and bad
- BodyMotivation - personal system of motivation based on non-intelligent neural activity
- Perception - perception, error detection for perception correction, delay activity
- Feelings - source and nature of feelings
- EmotionsAnalysis - emotion analysis
System of Motivation
- ventral pallidum computes how much reward is at stake, and sustains activity in cortical motor areas driving muscular contractions
- this may happen even when a person has no idea of how much reward to expect
- ventral pallidum therefore seems to be a key node in brain circuits that underpin both conscious and subliminal motivation
- animal life is focused on biological drives and motives
- intelligent life is focused on creative activity out of the body
- non-alive intelligence can be focused on hardcoded task only
Mind Algorithms
- sequence completion
- hierarchical clustering
- retrieval trees
- hash coding
- compression
- time dilation
- reinforcement learning
- Evaluation: judgment of self-referential stimuli
- Representation: labelling of stimuli as self-referential
- Monitoring: of self-referential stimuli
- Integration: linkage of stimuli to the personal context
- Self-awareness: awareness and recognition of the own face/body
- Unity: experience of the self as a unit
- Agency: feeling of being causally involved in an action
- Spatial perspectivity: location of the self in space
- Ownership: perceptions of body and environment as self-related
- Mind-reading: covert mimicing of others mental states
- Emotion: convergence/experience of intero- and exteroceptive stimuli
- Autobiographical memory: integration of stimuli in the personal context
Natual vs Artificial Intelligence
- Brains Are Not Digital Computers
- Brains Don't Have a CPU
- Memory Mechanisms in the Brain Are Not Physically Separable from Processing Mechanisms
- The Brain Is Asynchronous and Continuous
- With NI, the Details of the Substrate Matter
- NI Thrives on Feedback and Circular Causality
- NI Uses LOTS of Sensors
- NI Uses LOTS of Cellular Diversity
- NI Uses LOTS of Parallelism
- Delays Are Part of the Computation
Interesting pictures
Can be useful approach, to regard all proposed features by categories:
- biological features (in Soft Artificial Life we don't need these features)
- alive features
- intelligent features
Critical properties of living and life-like systems
As per
- self-replication / biological
- self-assembly / biological
- self-organization / alive (alive matter should be flexible - hence stable)
- metabolism / interesting question! - it is half of internal motivation system
- adaptation / we have evidence for biological, intelligent adaptation. re alive adaptation - we can say "in this environment he became less alive" - so yes, applicable
- evolution / biological
- it is more about biological life
Complex Adaptive System Features
As per
- emergence (interaction in non-planned way) / alive
- co-evolution (with environment) / see adaptation and evolution in above
- sub-optimality (trade off increased efficiency in favor of greater effectiveness) / alive
- requisite variety (strength from variety) / biological
- connectivity (relations more important than components) / alive
- simple rules (not complicated) / alive
- iteration (small changes can have significant effect) / alive
- self-organizing (no planning, hierarchy and control) / alive
- edge of chaos (dynamic enough to respond to environment) / alive
- nested systems / biological
- it is more about universal life, both artificial and biological
Love Feature
Interesting idea:
- will we say one is alive individual being if able to love? - definitely yes
- can we say one is alive individual being if not able to love by design? - probably no, cos no examples in our life
- sort of Sigmund Freud's thoughts:
- love is feeling
- love is man to woman (social/intelligence, sexual/body motivation, instinct/evolution, dependency)
- love is man or woman to own child (social, instinct, dependency)
- love is man to man or woman to woman (social, sexual)
- love is human to pet (social, dependency/ownership)
- love is human to thing, e.g. own car (ownership)
- all you need is love
- any type of love is projection (perversion) of man to woman love
Stages of human development
As per
- Jean Piaget and Jerome Bruner have both demonstrated, cleverly and effectively, the multiplicity of human thought. That is, our thought processes may be shown to be composed of, at least, three distinct modes of reasoning.
- Though there is some argument as to the precise ages of transition, Piaget demonstrated that children pass through:
- kinesthetic (or body-learning) stage of development, followed by
- iconic (or visual) stage, finally graduating to
- symbolic (or logical) stage
- In each stage, Piaget demonstrated that later stages were largely inaccessible to the child, and earlier stages were largely ignored.
- Bruner demonstrated that while these three modes of thought were indeed present and dominant during these three phases of development, all three modes of thought were present throughout the child's growth, and any of the modes is accessible if the dominant mode can merely be distracted for a time.
- Alan Kay has said, "Doing with images makes symbols." That is, physical interaction with visual feedback will produce logical understanding.