From aHuman Wiki
Active Tasks
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[hide]Development Goals
Project Planning:
- see ProjectPlanning
Tactical Goals:
- create consistent and complete biological human model
- automated tracking of bio research and artificial research
- implement flexible and transparent top-level workflow
- define aHuman area services
Book of Work
Build biological human model
- make sure all spinal nerves attached to roots (needs validator)
- make target region link type names consistent
- add reference as covered by PNS
- build formal spinal cord model
- consider every level separately
- ensure each nerve reaches its connectivity
- ensure input/output component coverage
- describe all tracts paths
- group target connectors to make circuits
- split mind areas into observable local circuits
- add service set to area page
- create cranial mind page
- create subcortical mind page
- use tract information in spinal cord, cranial, cortical and subcortical pages
Improve mind engine
Book of Done
Build biological human model
- make sure set of muscles and glands match target connectors (needs validator)
- make nervelist entries resolved, define connectors (needs validator)
- add mind connections to target pages
- split mindcover into dura sensor (meninges) and blood vessels effector
- make sure all muscles and glands are innervated (needs validator)
- make sure all nerves are connected to muscles and glands (needs validator)
- group connectors within target
- split mouth effector into speaker and feeder, move breath functions to lung
- replace glands defined as mind components with target connectors
- add links to external and internal muscle reference at target pages
- split hmind into parts
- add sympathetic/parasympathetic nerves to roots
- add mind connections to cover PNS
- generate tracts overview and tract set pages in wiki
- build formal spinal cord model
- generate spinal cord page
- generate spinal cord levels section
- generate spinal cord tracts section
- generate spinal cord connectivity section
Improve mind engine
- add support for local circuits