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Converting specific external stream to neural stream
@@Home -> SensorsResearch -> SensorsDigital2NeuralTransformation
[hide]Capture events
- conscious capture is performed by event
- event is either control change command or spotted changes in external properties
- conscious capture depends on capture resolution and capture area
- sensor has unconscious ongoing capture with constant low resolution but wide area
- sensor can generate either full set of properties or only delta to previous transfer
External stream
- one external stream item is transformed into zero, one or more sensor stream item
- external item can be ignored if sensor stream is not consumed in time
- set of events produce external stream
Sensor stream
- sensor stream has neural representation
- sensor stream item is represented by vector of variables
- sensor stream item is represented by sequence of vectors
- sequence can be of different length depending on focus
- width is the number of vector variables
- all items of one sequence have the same width - sequence width
- vector variable is float
- sensor stream is stateless - every sensor item is derived only from one external item
- different sequences can have different width
- sequence has energy which is proportional to sequence width and length
- sequence energy is external stream item energy multiplied by energy amplifier
- energy amplifier factor is part of focus conrol state
Sensor neuron
- each vector variable corresponds to specific sensor neuron
- sensor neuron can have multiple connections to neocortex networks
- one sensor neuron represents the same external properties for the same resolution
- sensor neuron does not have fixed semantic
- one sensor neuron can represent different external properties for different resolutions
Finally for the project purposes
- conscious capture by event
- full property set transfer
- throtteling of external stream
- external stream item is represented by variable-length sequence of sensor stream items
- float variables