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Endocrine Glands

@@Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> BrainAreaTEA -> BrainRegionTARGET_TEA_ENDOCRINE

This page covers biological details of component Endocrine Glands. Region is part of aHuman target integrated biological model.

  • *Top-down path to region*: Target -> Human Effectors (aHumanEffectors) -> Endocrine Glands (TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE) (see Mind Maps)
  • *Type*: effector
  • *Brain area*: Effector Area
  • *Role*: unknown
  • *Function*: Secrete hormones directly into the circulatory system to be carried toward a distant target organ




  • Component items*:
  • *Endocrine head* (*endocrine-head*)
* *Endocrine - pituitary gland*: release hormones by request from HT
 * Adenohypophysis (LAC.FD.HT.AR -> endocrine-adenohypophysis): secrete releasing hormones into blood
  * *Distal Part of Hypophysis*
  * *Intermediate Part of Hypophysis*
  * *Tuberal Part of Hypophysis*
 * Neurohypophysis (LAC.FD.HT.SO -> endocrine-neurohypophysis-vasopressin): transport vasopressin secreted in hypothalamus to blood
  * *Infundibular Stem*
  * *Pars Nervosa of Hypophysis*
 * Nucleus of Medial Eminence (LAC.FD.HT.PV -> endocrine-neurohypophysis-oxytocin): transport oxytocin secreted in hypothalamus to blood
  * *Anterior Median Eminence*
  * *Posterior Median Eminence*
 * *Lateral Eminence of Hypophysis*
* *Endocrine - pineal gland* (*endocrine-pineal-gland*): control of sexual development
  • *Endocrine neck* (*endocrine-neck*)
* [- thyroid gland] (BrainRegionLAC_PN_SYM_MCG LAC.PN.SYM.MCG -> HumanMusclesHead endocrine-thyroid-gland): release thyroid hormones into blood to rise oxygen use and heat production
* [- parathyroid gland] (BrainRegionLAC_PN_SYM_MCG LAC.PN.SYM.MCG -> HumanMusclesHead endocrine-parathyroid-gland): release parathyroid hormones into blood to increase in blood calcium levels
  • *Endocrine body* (*endocrine-body*)
* *Endocrine - pancreas* (*endocrine-pancreas*): release digestive enzymes that act in small intestine to increase rate of glucose uptake and metabolism by most body cells
 * [- pancreas, sympathetic] (BrainRegionLAC_PN_SYM_CEG LAC.PN.SYM.CEG -> HumanMusclesHead endocrine-pancreas-adrenergic): sympathetic, a2: decreases secretion from beta cells, increases secretion from alpha cells, b2: increases secretion from beta cells
 * [- pancreas, parasympathetic] (BrainRegionLAC_PN_PSYM_GUT LAC.PN.PSYM.GUT -> HumanMusclesHead endocrine-pancreas-muscarinic): parasympathetic, stimulates insulin secretion, M3: increases stimulation of alpha cells and beta cells
* [- adrenal gland] (BrainRegionLAC_PN_SYM_SMG LAC.PN.SYM.SMG -> HumanMusclesTorso endocrine-adrenal-gland): releasing hormones in response to stress
  • *Endocrine - gonads* (*endocrine-gonads*): release estrogen, progesterone and testosterone hormones to promote maturation of reproductive organs
* [- testicle gland] (BrainRegionLAC_PN_SYM_ARG LAC.PN.SYM.ARG -> HumanMusclesTorso endocrine-testicle-gland): produce androgens, primarily testosterone (growth of muscle mass and strength, regulator of cognitive and physical energy, sperm development
* [- ovary gland] (BrainRegionLAC_PN_SYM_ARG LAC.PN.SYM.ARG -> HumanMusclesTorso endocrine-ovary-gland): secretes estrogen (maturation and maintenance of the reproductive organs), testosterone (prepares the uterus for pregnancy, and the mammary glands for lactation) and progesterone (promoting menstrual cycle changes in the endometrium




  • Inbound Region Connections:*

|| *Source Area* || *Source Region* || *Source Name* || *Type* || *Reference* || || FAM || BrainRegionFAM_FD_MHB FAM.FD.MHB || Medial Habenula || endocrine-pineal-gland || [Habenula Connections (MHb -> PB)] || || LAC || BrainRegionLAC_FD_HT_AR LAC.FD.HT.AR || Arcuate Nucleus of Hypothalamus || endocrine-adenohypophysis || (unknown reference) || || || LAC.FD.HT.PV || Paraventricular Nucleus || endocrine-neurohypophysis-oxytocin || [Amygdalar disruption of prefrontal cortex (HT.PV -> PUT)] || || || LAC.FD.HT.SO || Supraoptic Nucleus || endocrine-neurohypophysis-vasopressin || (unknown reference) || || || LAC.PN.PSYM.GUT || Parasympathetic Gut Brain || endocrine-pancreas-muscarinic || (unknown reference) || || || LAC.PN.SYM.ARG || Aorticorenal Ganglion || endocrine-ovary-gland || (unknown reference) || || || LAC.PN.SYM.CEG || Coelic Ganglion || endocrine-pancreas-adrenergic || (unknown reference) || || || LAC.PN.SYM.MCG || Middle Cervical Ganglion || endocrine-parathyroid-gland || (unknown reference) || || || LAC.PN.SYM.SMG || Superior Mesenteric Ganglion || endocrine-adrenal-gland || (unknown reference) ||

  • Outbound Region Connections:*
  • no connections

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