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Mouth feeder

@@Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> BrainAreaTEA -> BrainRegionTARGET_TEA_FEEDER

This page covers biological details of component Mouth feeder. Region is part of aHuman target integrated biological model.

  • *Top-down path to region*: Target -> Human Effectors (aHumanEffectors) -> Mouth feeder (TARGET.TEA.FEEDER) (see Mind Maps)
  • *Type*: effector
  • *Brain area*: Effector Area
  • *Role*: unknown
  • *Function*: Eating




  • Component items*:
  • *Feeder salivatory glands* (*feeder-salivation*)
* [- parotid gland] (BrainRegionLAC_PN_PSYM_OTG LAC.PN.PSYM.OTG -> HumanMusclesHead parotid-gland): produces 25% of saliva in oral cavity, mostly serous
* [- submandibular gland] (BrainRegionLAC_PN_PSYM_SXG LAC.PN.PSYM.SXG -> HumanMusclesHead submandibular-gland): produces 70% of saliva in oral cavity, mixed serous (moisturing) and mucous (process food)
* [- sublingual gland] (BrainRegionLAC_PN_PSYM_SXG LAC.PN.PSYM.SXG -> HumanMusclesHead sublingual-gland): produces 5% of saliva in oral cavity, mostly mucous
  • *Feeder taste sensation* (*mouth-taste-sensation*)
* Feeder - tongue gustatory hair cell (tongue-hair-cell -> LPC.PN.SG.TRG): taste sensation
* Feeder - epiglottis (epiglottis-taste-buds -> LPC.PN.SG.NOD): taste sensation
* Feeder - soft palate sparse taste receptors (soft-palate-sparse-taste-receptors -> LPC.PN.SG.GNG): taste sensation
  • *Feeder tongue muscles* (*tongue-muscles*)
* [- genioglossus muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HM_HYG LPC.HM.HYG -> HumanMusclesHead genioglossus-muscle): keeps airway open and enables tongue to stick out and retract
* [- hyoglossus muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HM_HYG LPC.HM.HYG -> HumanMusclesHead hyoglossus-muscle): depress and retract the tongue, important in singing
* [- styloglossus muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HM_HYG LPC.HM.HYG -> HumanMusclesHead styloglossus-muscle): chewing, talking, suckling, and many other functions of tongue
* [- chondroglossus muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HM_HYG LPC.HM.HYG -> HumanMusclesHead chondroglossus-muscle): depresses tongue
* [- palatoglossus muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HM_AMB LPC.HM.AMB -> HumanMusclesHead palatoglossus-muscle): raising the back part of the tongue
* [- transverse muscle of tongue] (BrainRegionLPC_HM_HYG LPC.HM.HYG -> HumanMusclesHead transverse-tongue-muscle): narrows and elongates tongue
* [- vertical muscle of tongue] (BrainRegionLPC_HM_HYG LPC.HM.HYG -> HumanMusclesHead vertical-tongue-muscle): flattens tongue
* [- inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue] (BrainRegionLPC_HM_HYG LPC.HM.HYG -> HumanMusclesHead tongue-inferior-longitudinal-muscle): shortens, retracts, pulls tip downward
* [- stylohyoid muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HP_FCM LPC.HP.FCM -> HumanMusclesNeck stylohyoid-muscle): draw hyoid bone backwards and elevate tongue; elevate the hyoid during swallowing
* [- superior longitudinal muscle of tongue] (BrainRegionLPC_HM_HYG LPC.HM.HYG -> HumanMusclesHead superior-longitudinal-muscle-tongue): shortens, turns tip upward, turns lateral margins upward
  • *Feeder swallowing muscles and helper components* (*swallowing-muscles*)
* [- digastric muscle, facial] (BrainRegionLPC_HP_FCM LPC.HP.FCM -> HumanMusclesNeck digastric-muscle-facial): opens the jaw when the masseter and the temporalis are relaxed
* [- digastric muscle, trigeminal] (BrainRegionLPC_HP_PTP_TRM LPC.HP.PTP.TRM -> HumanMusclesNeck digastric-muscle-trigeminal): opens the jaw when the masseter and the temporalis are relaxed
* [- geniohyoid muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_SC_VH_SAN LPC.SC.VH.SAN -> HumanMusclesNeck geniohyoid-muscle): carry hyoid bone and the tongue upward during deglutition
* [- mylohyoid muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HP_PTP_TRM LPC.HP.PTP.TRM -> HumanMusclesNeck mylohyoid-muscle): raises oral cavity floor, elevates hyoid, depresses mandible
* [- inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HM_AMB LPC.HM.AMB -> HumanMusclesNeck inferior-pharyngeal-constrictor-muscle): swallowing
* [- middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HM_AMB LPC.HM.AMB -> HumanMusclesNeck middle-pharyngeal-constrictor-muscle): swallowing
* [- superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HM_AMB LPC.HM.AMB -> HumanMusclesNeck superior-pharyngeal-constrictor-muscle): swallowing
* Feeder - uvula receptors (uvula-receptors -> LPC.PN.SG.TRG): preventing food from entering the nasal cavity
* [- musculus uvulae muscle] (BrainRegionLAC_PN_PSYM_SPG LAC.PN.PSYM.SPG -> HumanMusclesHead uvulae-muscle): elevates and retracts the uvula, thickening the central part of the soft palate; shortens and broadens the uvula
* [- levator veli palatini muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HM_AMB LPC.HM.AMB -> HumanMusclesHead levator-veli-palatini-muscle): elevates soft palate
* [- tensor veli palatini muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HP_PTP_TRM LPC.HP.PTP.TRM -> HumanMusclesHead tensor-veli-palatini-muscle): tension of the soft palate
* [- buccinator muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HP_FCM LPC.HP.FCM -> HumanMusclesHead buccinator-muscle): compress the cheeks against the teeth (blowing), mastication
  • *Feeder chewing muscles* (*chewing-muscles*)
* Feeder - teeth (teeth -> LPC.PN.SG.TRG): chewing
* [- masseter muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HP_PTP_TRM LPC.HP.PTP.TRM -> HumanMusclesHead masticatory-masseter-muscle): elevation (as in closing of the mouth) and retraction of mandible
* [- lateral pterygoid muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HP_PTP_TRM LPC.HP.PTP.TRM -> HumanMusclesHead masticatory-lateral-pterygoid-muscle): depresses mandible
* [- medial pterygoid muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HP_PTP_TRM LPC.HP.PTP.TRM -> HumanMusclesHead masticatory-medial-pterygoid-muscle): elevates mandible, closes jaw, helps lateral pterygoids in moving the jaw from side to side
* [- temporal muscle] (BrainRegionLPC_HP_PTP_TRM LPC.HP.PTP.TRM -> HumanMusclesHead masticatory-temporal-muscle): elevation and retraction of mandible
* Feeder - proprioception receptors of masticatory muscles (masticatory-unconscious-muscle-spindles -> LPC.MM.MSTR): unconscious proprioception from muscle spindles; monosynaptic masticatory reflex




  • Inbound Region Connections:*

|| *Source Area* || *Source Region* || *Source Name* || *Type* || *Reference* || || LAC || BrainRegionLAC_PN_PSYM_OTG LAC.PN.PSYM.OTG || Otic Ganglion || parotid-gland || (unknown reference) || || || LAC.PN.PSYM.SPG || Sphenopalatine Ganglion || uvulae-muscle || (unknown reference) || || || LAC.PN.PSYM.SXG || Submandibular Ganglion || sublingual-gland || (unknown reference) || || LPC || BrainRegionLPC_HM_AMB LPC.HM.AMB || Ambiguus Nucleus || inferior-pharyngeal-constrictor-muscle || (unknown reference) || || || LPC.HM.HYG || Hypoglossal Motor Nucleus || chondroglossus-muscle || (unknown reference) || || || LPC.HP.FCM || Facial Motor Nucleus || buccinator-muscle || (unknown reference) || || || LPC.HP.PTP.TRM || Trigeminal Motor Nucleus || digastric-muscle-trigeminal || (unknown reference) || || || LPC.SC.VH.SAN || Spinal Accessory Nucleus || geniohyoid-muscle || (unknown reference) ||

  • Outbound Region Connections:*

|| *Target Area* || *Target Region* || *Target Name* || *Type* || *Reference* || || LPC || BrainRegionLPC_MM_MSTR LPC.MM.MSTR || Mesencephalic Trigeminal Nucleus || masticatory-unconscious-muscle-spindles || (unknown reference) || || || LPC.PN.SG.GNG || Geniculate Ganglion || soft-palate-sparse-taste-receptors || (unknown reference) || || || LPC.PN.SG.NOD || Nodose Ganglion || epiglottis-taste-buds || (unknown reference) || || || LPC.PN.SG.TRG || Trigeminal Ganglion || teeth || (unknown reference) ||

Thirdparty Circuits


  • no circuits defined



  • no references defined