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Biological Mind Tracts
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This page is intended to describe set of physically existing tracts connecting set of regions across mind.
[hide]Sensory and Motor Root Neurons
Motor Endings:
- Alpha motoneurons (MA): generate large force
- FF-type alpha motoneurons (MA-FF): fast-twitch fatigable; FIBERS={A-alpha-Ia-motor}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: axillary nerve, anterior branch, axillary nerve, motor branch to triceps brachii, dorsal scapular nerve, lateral pectoral nerve, long thoracic nerve, medial pectoral nerve, median nerve, motor, forearm innervation, median nerve, motor, wrist and fingers innervation, musculocutaneous nerve, motor, nerve to levator scapulae, radial nerve, motor, subclavian nerve, subscapular nerves, suprascapular nerve, ulnar nerve, motor, wrist and fingers innervation
- CERVICAL, THORACIC, LUMBAR AND SACRAL - TRUNK MOTOR NERVES: first intercostal nerve, motor nerves of back, extensors, motor nerves of back, flexors, subcostal nerve, motor, thoracic and thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, flexors, thoracic intercostal nerves, extensors, thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, extensors
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: accessory nerve, external, accessory nerve, internal, auricular nerve, posterior, auricular branch, auricular nerve, posterior, occipital branch, facial nerve, buccal branch, facial nerve, cervical branch, facial nerve, marginal mandibular branch, facial nerve, mouth opening muscles, facial nerve, temporal branch, facial nerve, zygomatic branch, mylohyoid nerve, nerves to masticatory muscles, stapedius nerve
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: abducent nerve, cochlear nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, stylopharyngeal branch, hypoglossal nerve, laryngeal nerve, external, oculomotor nerve, inferior branch, trochlear nerve, vagus nerve, pharyngeal branch
- HEAD AND NECK CERVICAL NERVES: ansa cervicalis, nerve to atlanto-occipital joint muscles, nerve to geniohyoid, nerve to longus capitis and longus colli muscles, nerve to scalene and levator scapulae muscles, nerve to splenius capitis muscle, nerve to splenius cervilis muscle, occipital nerve, greater, suboccipital nerve, thyroid nerve
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - FOOT AND LOWER LEG: common peroneal nerve, articular branches, cutaneous nerve of foot, medial dorsal, fibular nerve, deep, plantar nerve, lateral, deep branch, plantar nerve, lateral, superficial branch, plantar nerve, medial, tibial nerve, muscular branches
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - GENITAL AND GASTROINTESTINAL: dorsal nerve of clitoris/penis, genitofemoral nerve, genital, inferior rectal nerve, nerve to superficial transverse perineal, nerves to coccygeus and levator ani muscles, perineal nerve, deep branch
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - THIGH AND UPPER LEG: femoral nerve, thigh, muscular branches, extensor, femoral nerve, thigh, muscular branches, flexor, gluteal nerve, inferior, gluteal nerve, superior, nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh, nerve to psoas muscles, nerve to quadratus lumborum, obturator nerve, piriform nerve
- FR-type alpha motoneurons (MA-FR): fast-twitch fatigue-resistant; FIBERS={A-alpha-Ia-motor}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: axillary nerve, anterior branch, axillary nerve, motor branch to triceps brachii, dorsal scapular nerve, lateral pectoral nerve, long thoracic nerve, medial pectoral nerve, median nerve, motor, forearm innervation, median nerve, motor, wrist and fingers innervation, musculocutaneous nerve, motor, nerve to levator scapulae, radial nerve, motor, subclavian nerve, subscapular nerves, suprascapular nerve, ulnar nerve, motor, wrist and fingers innervation
- CERVICAL, THORACIC, LUMBAR AND SACRAL - TRUNK MOTOR NERVES: first intercostal nerve, motor nerves of back, extensors, motor nerves of back, flexors, subcostal nerve, motor, thoracic and thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, flexors, thoracic intercostal nerves, extensors, thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, extensors
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: accessory nerve, external, accessory nerve, internal, auricular nerve, posterior, auricular branch, auricular nerve, posterior, occipital branch, facial nerve, buccal branch, facial nerve, cervical branch, facial nerve, marginal mandibular branch, facial nerve, mouth opening muscles, facial nerve, temporal branch, facial nerve, zygomatic branch, mylohyoid nerve, nerves to masticatory muscles, stapedius nerve
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: abducent nerve, cochlear nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, stylopharyngeal branch, hypoglossal nerve, laryngeal nerve, external, oculomotor nerve, inferior branch, trochlear nerve, vagus nerve, pharyngeal branch
- HEAD AND NECK CERVICAL NERVES: ansa cervicalis, nerve to atlanto-occipital joint muscles, nerve to geniohyoid, nerve to longus capitis and longus colli muscles, nerve to scalene and levator scapulae muscles, nerve to splenius capitis muscle, nerve to splenius cervilis muscle, occipital nerve, greater, suboccipital nerve, thyroid nerve
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - FOOT AND LOWER LEG: common peroneal nerve, articular branches, cutaneous nerve of foot, medial dorsal, fibular nerve, deep, plantar nerve, lateral, deep branch, plantar nerve, lateral, superficial branch, plantar nerve, medial, tibial nerve, muscular branches
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - GENITAL AND GASTROINTESTINAL: dorsal nerve of clitoris/penis, genitofemoral nerve, genital, inferior rectal nerve, nerve to superficial transverse perineal, nerves to coccygeus and levator ani muscles, perineal nerve, deep branch
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - THIGH AND UPPER LEG: femoral nerve, thigh, muscular branches, extensor, femoral nerve, thigh, muscular branches, flexor, gluteal nerve, inferior, gluteal nerve, superior, nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh, nerve to psoas muscles, nerve to quadratus lumborum, obturator nerve, piriform nerve
- S-type alpha motoneurons (MA-S): slow-twitch fatigue-resistant; FIBERS={A-alpha-Ia-motor}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: axillary nerve, anterior branch, axillary nerve, motor branch to triceps brachii, dorsal scapular nerve, lateral pectoral nerve, long thoracic nerve, medial pectoral nerve, median nerve, motor, forearm innervation, median nerve, motor, wrist and fingers innervation, musculocutaneous nerve, motor, nerve to levator scapulae, radial nerve, motor, subclavian nerve, subscapular nerves, suprascapular nerve, ulnar nerve, motor, wrist and fingers innervation
- CERVICAL, THORACIC, LUMBAR AND SACRAL - TRUNK MOTOR NERVES: first intercostal nerve, motor nerves of back, extensors, motor nerves of back, flexors, subcostal nerve, motor, thoracic and thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, flexors, thoracic intercostal nerves, extensors, thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, extensors
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: accessory nerve, external, accessory nerve, internal, auricular nerve, posterior, auricular branch, auricular nerve, posterior, occipital branch, facial nerve, buccal branch, facial nerve, cervical branch, facial nerve, marginal mandibular branch, facial nerve, mouth opening muscles, facial nerve, temporal branch, facial nerve, zygomatic branch, mylohyoid nerve, nerves to masticatory muscles, stapedius nerve
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: abducent nerve, cochlear nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, stylopharyngeal branch, hypoglossal nerve, laryngeal nerve, external, oculomotor nerve, inferior branch, trochlear nerve, vagus nerve, pharyngeal branch
- HEAD AND NECK CERVICAL NERVES: ansa cervicalis, nerve to atlanto-occipital joint muscles, nerve to geniohyoid, nerve to longus capitis and longus colli muscles, nerve to scalene and levator scapulae muscles, nerve to splenius capitis muscle, nerve to splenius cervilis muscle, occipital nerve, greater, suboccipital nerve, thyroid nerve
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - FOOT AND LOWER LEG: common peroneal nerve, articular branches, cutaneous nerve of foot, medial dorsal, fibular nerve, deep, plantar nerve, lateral, deep branch, plantar nerve, lateral, superficial branch, plantar nerve, medial, tibial nerve, muscular branches
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - GENITAL AND GASTROINTESTINAL: dorsal nerve of clitoris/penis, genitofemoral nerve, genital, inferior rectal nerve, nerve to superficial transverse perineal, nerves to coccygeus and levator ani muscles, perineal nerve, deep branch
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - THIGH AND UPPER LEG: femoral nerve, thigh, muscular branches, extensor, femoral nerve, thigh, muscular branches, flexor, gluteal nerve, inferior, gluteal nerve, superior, nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh, nerve to psoas muscles, nerve to quadratus lumborum, obturator nerve, piriform nerve
- FF-type alpha motoneurons (MA-FF): fast-twitch fatigable; FIBERS={A-alpha-Ia-motor}
- Beta motoneurons (MB): affect both extrafusal and intrafusal muscle fibers
- beta dynamic motoneurons (MB-D): slow contracting motor units; FIBERS={A-beta-motor}
- beta static motoneurons (MB-S): fast contracting motor units; FIBERS={A-beta-motor}
- Gamma motoneurons (MG): enforce alpha motoneurons
- gamma dynamic motoneurons (MG-D): contract muscle spindles from both ends; FIBERS={A-gamma-motor}
- gamma static motoneurons (MG-S): contract muscle spindles from both ends; FIBERS={A-gamma-motor}
- postganglionic autonomic motoneurons (MPG): postganglionic autonomic
- postganglionic parasympathetic motoneurons (MPG-P): visceral activity and repose, short, local; FIBERS={C-motor}
- postganglionic sympathetic motoneurons (MPG-S): muscles and skin, pre/post - temporal summation and spatial summation; FIBERS={C-motor}
- preganglionic autonomic motoneurons (MPA): preganglionic paravertebral/prevertebral sympathetic, spinal/cranial parasympathetic
- preganglionic parasympathetic cranial (MPA-PC): cranial nerves III, VII, IX and X long fibers to parasympathetic ganglia; FIBERS={B-motor}
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: auriculotemporal nerve, parotid branch, chorda tympani, parasympathetic, nasopalatine nerve, parasympathetic fibers, palatine nerves, parasympathetic fibers, petrosal nerve, greater, to lacrimal gland, pharyngeal nerve, sublingual nerve
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: inferior laryngeal nerve, oculomotor nerve, superior branch, tympanic nerve, vagus nerve, bronchial branch, vagus nerve, cardiac branch, vagus nerve, esophageal branches, vagus nerve, gastric branch, vagus nerve, gastroduodenal branch, vagus nerve, hepatic branch proper, vagus nerve, spleen, kidney, small intestine and colon
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - GENITAL AND GASTROINTESTINAL: splanchnic nerves, pelvic, nipple, splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to penis/clitoris, splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to rectum, splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to stomach, splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to urinary bladder, splanchnic nerves, pelvic, uterovaginal
- preganglionic parasympathetic spinal (MPA-PS): spinal cord long fibers to parasympathetic ganglia; FIBERS={B-motor}
- preganglionic paravertebral sympathetic (MPA-SPAV): short to paravertebral sympathetic ganglia; FIBERS={B-motor}
- CERVICAL NERVES - SYMPATHETIC FIBERS: ansa subclavia, caroticotympanic nerves, cervical cardiac nerve, inferior, sympathetic, cervical cardiac nerve, middle, sympathetic, ciliary nerves, sympathetic fibers, external carotid nerve, internal carotid nerve, to tarsal muscle, jugular nerve, sympathetic, middle cervical ganglion, sympathetic fibers, grey communicating rami, middle cervical ganglion, thyroid branches, stellate ganglion, arterial branches, stellate ganglion, sympathetic fibers, grey communicating rami, superior cervical cardiac nerve, superior cervical ganglion, laryngopharyngeal branches, superior cervical ganglion, sympathetic fibers, grey communicating rami
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - GENITAL AND GASTROINTESTINAL: genitofemoral nerve, genital branch, left hypogastric nerve, cervical, left hypogastric nerve, lubricate, left hypogastric nerve, prostatic, left hypogastric nerve, ureteric, left hypogastric nerve, uterovaginal, right hypogastric nerve, scrotal nerve, posterior
- THORACIC NERVES - SYMPATHETIC FIBERS: greater thoracic splanchnic nerve, lesser splanchnic nerve, lowest splanchnic nerve, thoracic sympatetic chain ganglia
- preganglionic prevertebral sympathetic (MPA-SPRV): long to prevertebral sympathetic ganglia; FIBERS={B-motor}
- CERVICAL NERVES - SYMPATHETIC FIBERS: palatine nerve, sympathetic fibers
- preganglionic parasympathetic cranial (MPA-PC): cranial nerves III, VII, IX and X long fibers to parasympathetic ganglia; FIBERS={B-motor}
Sensory Endings:
- Mechanoreceptors (SMECH)
- Deep tissue mechanoreceptors (SMECH-DEEP)
- Pacinian corpuscles (SPC): responds to vibration; vibration 60-400 Hz, deep; FIBERS={A-beta-sensory; A-delta-sensory}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: arm nerves, sensory, shoulder nerves, mixed
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: alveolar nerves, superior, anterior and middle branches, alveolar nerves, superior, posterior branch, auricular nerve, posterior, auricular branch, auricular nerves, anterior, auriculotemporal nerve, branch to tympanic membrane, auriculotemporal nerve, branches communicating with facial nerve, buccal nerve, ciliary nerves, sensory fibers, ethmoidal nerve, frontal nerve, inferior alveolar nerve, dental branches, inferior alveolar nerve, gingival branches, infraorbital nerve, external nasal branch, infraorbital nerve, inferior palpebral branch, infratrochlear nerve, internal nasal nerve, lacrimal nerve, lingual nerve, branch to isthmus of fauces, lingual nerve, lingual branch, mandibular nerve, meningeal branch, maxillary nerve, meningeal branch, mental nerve, nasopalatine nerve, sensory fibers, nerve of external acoustic meatus, palatine nerve, sensory fibers, sublingual nerve, superior labial branch, tentorial nerve, zygomatic nerve
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: glossopharyngeal nerve, lingual branch, glossopharyngeal nerve, meningeal branches, vagus nerve, auricular branch, vagus nerve, meningeal branch
- HEAD AND NECK CERVICAL NERVES: cervical nerve, transverse, great auricular nerve, anterior branch, great auricular nerve, posterior branch, jugular nerve, sensory, occipital nerve, neck, occipital nerve, third, supraclavicular nerves, intermediate, supraclavicular nerves, lateral, supraclavicular nerves, medial
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - GENITAL AND GASTROINTESTINAL: Genitalia nerves, somatic, Rectum nerves, somatic
- Ruffini corpuscles (SRC): responds to pressure on skin; stretching of skin, crude touch; FIBERS={A-alpha-Ib-sensory; A-beta-sensory}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: arm nerves, sensory, shoulder nerves, mixed
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: alveolar nerves, superior, anterior and middle branches, alveolar nerves, superior, posterior branch, auricular nerve, posterior, auricular branch, auricular nerves, anterior, auriculotemporal nerve, branch to tympanic membrane, auriculotemporal nerve, branches communicating with facial nerve, buccal nerve, ciliary nerves, sensory fibers, ethmoidal nerve, frontal nerve, inferior alveolar nerve, dental branches, inferior alveolar nerve, gingival branches, infraorbital nerve, external nasal branch, infraorbital nerve, inferior palpebral branch, infratrochlear nerve, internal nasal nerve, lacrimal nerve, lingual nerve, branch to isthmus of fauces, lingual nerve, lingual branch, mandibular nerve, meningeal branch, maxillary nerve, meningeal branch, mental nerve, nasopalatine nerve, sensory fibers, nerve of external acoustic meatus, palatine nerve, sensory fibers, sublingual nerve, superior labial branch, tentorial nerve, zygomatic nerve
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: glossopharyngeal nerve, lingual branch, glossopharyngeal nerve, meningeal branches, vagus nerve, auricular branch, vagus nerve, meningeal branch
- HEAD AND NECK CERVICAL NERVES: cervical nerve, transverse, great auricular nerve, anterior branch, great auricular nerve, posterior branch, jugular nerve, sensory, occipital nerve, neck, occipital nerve, third, supraclavicular nerves, intermediate, supraclavicular nerves, lateral, supraclavicular nerves, medial
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - GENITAL AND GASTROINTESTINAL: Genitalia nerves, somatic, Rectum nerves, somatic
- Pacinian corpuscles (SPC): responds to vibration; vibration 60-400 Hz, deep; FIBERS={A-beta-sensory; A-delta-sensory}
- Skin mechanoreceptors (SMECH-SKIN)
- Hair follicle receptors (SHF): responds to hair displacement; touch, hairy skin velocity; FIBERS={A-beta-sensory}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: arm nerves, sensory, shoulder nerves, mixed
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: alveolar nerves, superior, anterior and middle branches, alveolar nerves, superior, posterior branch, auricular nerve, posterior, auricular branch, auricular nerves, anterior, auriculotemporal nerve, branch to tympanic membrane, auriculotemporal nerve, branches communicating with facial nerve, buccal nerve, ciliary nerves, sensory fibers, ethmoidal nerve, frontal nerve, inferior alveolar nerve, dental branches, inferior alveolar nerve, gingival branches, infraorbital nerve, external nasal branch, infraorbital nerve, inferior palpebral branch, infratrochlear nerve, internal nasal nerve, lacrimal nerve, lingual nerve, branch to isthmus of fauces, lingual nerve, lingual branch, mandibular nerve, meningeal branch, maxillary nerve, meningeal branch, mental nerve, nasopalatine nerve, sensory fibers, nerve of external acoustic meatus, palatine nerve, sensory fibers, sublingual nerve, superior labial branch, tentorial nerve, zygomatic nerve
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: glossopharyngeal nerve, lingual branch, glossopharyngeal nerve, meningeal branches, vagus nerve, auricular branch, vagus nerve, meningeal branch
- HEAD AND NECK CERVICAL NERVES: cervical nerve, transverse, great auricular nerve, anterior branch, great auricular nerve, posterior branch, jugular nerve, sensory, occipital nerve, neck, occipital nerve, third, supraclavicular nerves, intermediate, supraclavicular nerves, lateral, supraclavicular nerves, medial
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - GENITAL AND GASTROINTESTINAL: Genitalia nerves, somatic, Rectum nerves, somatic
- Meissner corpuscles (SMC): responds to vibration; vibration 20-50 Hz; dynamic touch/pressure; FIBERS={A-alpha-Ia-sensory; A-beta-sensory}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: arm nerves, sensory, shoulder nerves, mixed
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: alveolar nerves, superior, anterior and middle branches, alveolar nerves, superior, posterior branch, auricular nerve, posterior, auricular branch, auricular nerves, anterior, auriculotemporal nerve, branch to tympanic membrane, auriculotemporal nerve, branches communicating with facial nerve, buccal nerve, ciliary nerves, sensory fibers, ethmoidal nerve, frontal nerve, inferior alveolar nerve, dental branches, inferior alveolar nerve, gingival branches, infraorbital nerve, external nasal branch, infraorbital nerve, inferior palpebral branch, infratrochlear nerve, internal nasal nerve, lacrimal nerve, lingual nerve, branch to isthmus of fauces, lingual nerve, lingual branch, mandibular nerve, meningeal branch, maxillary nerve, meningeal branch, mental nerve, nasopalatine nerve, sensory fibers, nerve of external acoustic meatus, palatine nerve, sensory fibers, sublingual nerve, superior labial branch, tentorial nerve, zygomatic nerve
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: glossopharyngeal nerve, lingual branch, glossopharyngeal nerve, meningeal branches, vagus nerve, auricular branch, vagus nerve, meningeal branch
- HEAD AND NECK CERVICAL NERVES: cervical nerve, transverse, great auricular nerve, anterior branch, great auricular nerve, posterior branch, jugular nerve, sensory, occipital nerve, neck, occipital nerve, third, supraclavicular nerves, intermediate, supraclavicular nerves, lateral, supraclavicular nerves, medial
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - GENITAL AND GASTROINTESTINAL: Genitalia nerves, somatic, Rectum nerves, somatic
- Merkel disk receptors (SMD): responds to pressure on skin; vibration 5-15 Hz, static (sustained) touch/pressure; FIBERS={A-beta-sensory}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: arm nerves, sensory, shoulder nerves, mixed
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: alveolar nerves, superior, anterior and middle branches, alveolar nerves, superior, posterior branch, auricular nerve, posterior, auricular branch, auricular nerves, anterior, auriculotemporal nerve, branch to tympanic membrane, auriculotemporal nerve, branches communicating with facial nerve, buccal nerve, ciliary nerves, sensory fibers, ethmoidal nerve, frontal nerve, inferior alveolar nerve, dental branches, inferior alveolar nerve, gingival branches, infraorbital nerve, external nasal branch, infraorbital nerve, inferior palpebral branch, infratrochlear nerve, internal nasal nerve, lacrimal nerve, lingual nerve, branch to isthmus of fauces, lingual nerve, lingual branch, mandibular nerve, meningeal branch, maxillary nerve, meningeal branch, mental nerve, nasopalatine nerve, sensory fibers, nerve of external acoustic meatus, palatine nerve, sensory fibers, sublingual nerve, superior labial branch, tentorial nerve, zygomatic nerve
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: glossopharyngeal nerve, lingual branch, glossopharyngeal nerve, meningeal branches, vagus nerve, auricular branch, vagus nerve, meningeal branch
- HEAD AND NECK CERVICAL NERVES: cervical nerve, transverse, great auricular nerve, anterior branch, great auricular nerve, posterior branch, jugular nerve, sensory, occipital nerve, neck, occipital nerve, third, supraclavicular nerves, intermediate, supraclavicular nerves, lateral, supraclavicular nerves, medial
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - GENITAL AND GASTROINTESTINAL: Genitalia nerves, somatic, Rectum nerves, somatic
- Hair follicle receptors (SHF): responds to hair displacement; touch, hairy skin velocity; FIBERS={A-beta-sensory}
- Deep tissue mechanoreceptors (SMECH-DEEP)
- Pain and temperature receptors (SPT)
- A-delta fiber nociceptors (SAD): fast/first pain information; FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: arm nerves, sensory, shoulder nerves, mixed
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: nerves to masticatory muscles
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: vagus nerve, bronchial branch, vagus nerve, cardiac branch, vagus nerve, esophageal branches, vagus nerve, gastric branch, vagus nerve, gastroduodenal branch, vagus nerve, hepatic branch proper, vagus nerve, spleen, kidney, small intestine and colon
- HEART AND LUNG CERVICAL NERVES: cervical cardiac nerve, sensory, phrenic nerve
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - FOOT AND LOWER LEG: femoral nerve, leg, sciatic nerve
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - GENITAL AND GASTROINTESTINAL: Genitalia nerves, somatic, Rectum nerves, somatic, left hypogastric nerve, cervical, left hypogastric nerve, lubricate, left hypogastric nerve, prostatic, left hypogastric nerve, ureteric, left hypogastric nerve, uterovaginal, right hypogastric nerve, splanchnic nerves, pelvic, nipple, splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to penis/clitoris, splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to rectum, splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to stomach, splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to urinary bladder, splanchnic nerves, pelvic, uterovaginal
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - THIGH AND UPPER LEG: cluneal nerves, coccygeal plexus, cutaneous nerve of thigh, lateral, femoral nerve, thigh, sensory, genitofemoral nerve, thigh, gluteal nerve, superior, nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh, obturator nerve, sciatic nerves, second
- THORACIC NERVES - SENSORY: intercostal muscular somatic nerves, intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches, intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches, intercostobrachial nerve, subcostal nerve, sensory, thoracic breast nerves
- THORACIC NERVES - SYMPATHETIC FIBERS: greater thoracic splanchnic nerve, lesser splanchnic nerve, lowest splanchnic nerve
- Cold receptors (SCR): respond to low temperature; FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: nerves to masticatory muscles
- Nonencapsulated free-nerve endings (SFN): pain and temperature
- C fiber nociceptors (SFN-CN): responsible for the second, burning pain; FIBERS={C-sensory}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: arm nerves, sensory, shoulder nerves, mixed
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: lacrimal nerve, nerves to masticatory muscles
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: laryngeal nerve, internal, recurrent laryngeal nerve, posterior, tympanic nerve
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - FOOT AND LOWER LEG: femoral nerve, leg, sciatic nerve
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - GENITAL AND GASTROINTESTINAL: Genitalia nerves, somatic, Rectum nerves, somatic
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - THIGH AND UPPER LEG: cluneal nerves, coccygeal plexus, cutaneous nerve of thigh, lateral, femoral nerve, thigh, sensory, genitofemoral nerve, thigh, gluteal nerve, superior, nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh, obturator nerve, sciatic nerves, second
- THORACIC NERVES - SENSORY: intercostal muscular somatic nerves, intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches, intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches, intercostobrachial nerve, subcostal nerve, sensory, thoracic breast nerves
- C fiber warming-specific receptors (SFN-CW): responsible for warmth; FIBERS={C-sensory}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: arm nerves, sensory, shoulder nerves, mixed
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: lacrimal nerve, nerves to masticatory muscles
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: laryngeal nerve, internal, recurrent laryngeal nerve, posterior, tympanic nerve
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - FOOT AND LOWER LEG: femoral nerve, leg, sciatic nerve
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - GENITAL AND GASTROINTESTINAL: Genitalia nerves, somatic, Rectum nerves, somatic
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - THIGH AND UPPER LEG: cluneal nerves, coccygeal plexus, cutaneous nerve of thigh, lateral, femoral nerve, thigh, sensory, genitofemoral nerve, thigh, gluteal nerve, superior, nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh, obturator nerve, sciatic nerves, second
- THORACIC NERVES - SENSORY: intercostal muscular somatic nerves, intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches, intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches, intercostobrachial nerve, subcostal nerve, sensory, thoracic breast nerves
- C mechano- and metabo- receptors in muscles or joints (SFN-CM): responsible for muscle exercise, burn and cramp; FIBERS={C-sensory}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: arm nerves, sensory, shoulder nerves, mixed
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: lacrimal nerve, nerves to masticatory muscles
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: laryngeal nerve, internal, recurrent laryngeal nerve, posterior, tympanic nerve
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - FOOT AND LOWER LEG: femoral nerve, leg, sciatic nerve
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - GENITAL AND GASTROINTESTINAL: Genitalia nerves, somatic, Rectum nerves, somatic
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - THIGH AND UPPER LEG: cluneal nerves, coccygeal plexus, cutaneous nerve of thigh, lateral, femoral nerve, thigh, sensory, genitofemoral nerve, thigh, gluteal nerve, superior, nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh, obturator nerve, sciatic nerves, second
- THORACIC NERVES - SENSORY: intercostal muscular somatic nerves, intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches, intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches, intercostobrachial nerve, subcostal nerve, sensory, thoracic breast nerves
- tactile C fibers (SFN-CT): sensual touch; FIBERS={C-sensory}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: arm nerves, sensory, shoulder nerves, mixed
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: lacrimal nerve, nerves to masticatory muscles
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: laryngeal nerve, internal, recurrent laryngeal nerve, posterior, tympanic nerve
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - FOOT AND LOWER LEG: femoral nerve, leg, sciatic nerve
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - GENITAL AND GASTROINTESTINAL: Genitalia nerves, somatic, Rectum nerves, somatic
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - THIGH AND UPPER LEG: cluneal nerves, coccygeal plexus, cutaneous nerve of thigh, lateral, femoral nerve, thigh, sensory, genitofemoral nerve, thigh, gluteal nerve, superior, nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh, obturator nerve, sciatic nerves, second
- THORACIC NERVES - SENSORY: intercostal muscular somatic nerves, intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches, intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches, intercostobrachial nerve, subcostal nerve, sensory, thoracic breast nerves
- ultra-slow histamine-selective C fibers (SFN-CI): responsible for itch; FIBERS={C-sensory}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: arm nerves, sensory, shoulder nerves, mixed
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: lacrimal nerve, nerves to masticatory muscles
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: laryngeal nerve, internal, recurrent laryngeal nerve, posterior, tympanic nerve
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - FOOT AND LOWER LEG: femoral nerve, leg, sciatic nerve
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - GENITAL AND GASTROINTESTINAL: Genitalia nerves, somatic, Rectum nerves, somatic
- LUMBOSACRAL NERVES - THIGH AND UPPER LEG: cluneal nerves, coccygeal plexus, cutaneous nerve of thigh, lateral, femoral nerve, thigh, sensory, genitofemoral nerve, thigh, gluteal nerve, superior, nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh, obturator nerve, sciatic nerves, second
- THORACIC NERVES - SENSORY: intercostal muscular somatic nerves, intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches, intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches, intercostobrachial nerve, subcostal nerve, sensory, thoracic breast nerves
- C fiber nociceptors (SFN-CN): responsible for the second, burning pain; FIBERS={C-sensory}
- A-delta fiber nociceptors (SAD): fast/first pain information; FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}
- Proprioceptors (SPROP)
- Golgi tendon organs (SGT): muscle tension; FIBERS={A-alpha-Ib-sensory}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: musculocutaneous nerve, sensory
- HEAD AND NECK CERVICAL NERVES: occipital nerve, third, suboccipital nerve
- Muscle spindles (SMS): skeletal muscle, stretch by muscle length, fast
- Dynamic nuclear bag fibers (SMS-DN): report rate of change of muscle length; FIBERS={A-alpha-Ib-sensory}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: musculocutaneous nerve, sensory
- HEAD AND NECK CERVICAL NERVES: occipital nerve, third, suboccipital nerve
- Nuclear chain fibers (SMS-NC): report static length of muscle; FIBERS={A-alpha-Ib-sensory}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: musculocutaneous nerve, sensory
- HEAD AND NECK CERVICAL NERVES: occipital nerve, third, suboccipital nerve
- Static nuclear bag fibers (SMS-SN): report static length of muscle; FIBERS={A-alpha-Ib-sensory}
- ARM AND SHOULDER CERVICAL NERVES: musculocutaneous nerve, sensory
- HEAD AND NECK CERVICAL NERVES: occipital nerve, third, suboccipital nerve
- Dynamic nuclear bag fibers (SMS-DN): report rate of change of muscle length; FIBERS={A-alpha-Ib-sensory}
- Golgi tendon organs (SGT): muscle tension; FIBERS={A-alpha-Ib-sensory}
- Special Senses (SPS)
- Baroreceptors (SSB): blood pressure in carotid sinus; FIBERS={C-sensory}
- Cochlea receptor (SSA): audition; FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: cochlear nerve
- Olfactory receptor (SSS): smell, odor detection; FIBERS={C-sensory}
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: olfactory nerves
- Oxigen chemoreceptors (SSO): oxigen level in carotid body; FIBERS={C-sensory}
- Retinal rods and cones (SSV): vision receptors; FIBERS={A-delta-sensory; C-sensory}
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: ampullar nerve, optic nerve, saccular nerve, utricular nerve
- Taste buds (SST): taste receptors; FIBERS={C-sensory}
- CRANIAL NERVES - FACE: communicating branch of chorda tympani with lingual nerve, palatine nerves, lesser, parasympathetic fibers
- CRANIAL NERVES - VISCERAL: glossopharyngeal nerve, tonsillar branch
- Baroreceptors (SSB): blood pressure in carotid sinus; FIBERS={C-sensory}
Fibers by thickness:
A-alpha* (mixed, 12-22 mcm, 70-120 m/sec): low theshold, 2ms after stimulus (type Ia,Ib; motoneurons, touch, position and velocity)
- A-alpha-Ia (mixed)
- A-alpha-Ia-motor - alpha motoneurons (motor); ENDINGS={MA-FF,MA-FR,MA-S}; NERVES={abducent nerve; accessory nerve, external; accessory nerve, internal; ansa cervicalis; auricular nerve, posterior, auricular branch; auricular nerve, posterior, occipital branch; axillary nerve, anterior branch; axillary nerve, motor branch to triceps brachii; cochlear nerve; common peroneal nerve, articular branches; cutaneous nerve of foot, medial dorsal; dorsal nerve of clitoris/penis; dorsal scapular nerve; facial nerve, buccal branch; facial nerve, cervical branch; facial nerve, marginal mandibular branch; facial nerve, mouth opening muscles; facial nerve, temporal branch; facial nerve, zygomatic branch; femoral nerve, thigh, muscular branches, extensor; femoral nerve, thigh, muscular branches, flexor; fibular nerve, deep; first intercostal nerve; genitofemoral nerve, genital; glossopharyngeal nerve, stylopharyngeal branch; gluteal nerve, inferior; gluteal nerve, superior; hypoglossal nerve; inferior rectal nerve; laryngeal nerve, external; lateral pectoral nerve; long thoracic nerve; medial pectoral nerve; median nerve, motor, forearm innervation; median nerve, motor, wrist and fingers innervation; motor nerves of back, extensors; motor nerves of back, flexors; musculocutaneous nerve, motor; mylohyoid nerve; nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh; nerve to atlanto-occipital joint muscles; nerve to geniohyoid; nerve to levator scapulae; nerve to longus capitis and longus colli muscles; nerve to psoas muscles; nerve to quadratus lumborum; nerve to scalene and levator scapulae muscles; nerve to splenius capitis muscle; nerve to splenius cervilis muscle; nerve to superficial transverse perineal; nerves to coccygeus and levator ani muscles; nerves to masticatory muscles; obturator nerve; occipital nerve, greater; oculomotor nerve, inferior branch; perineal nerve, deep branch; phrenic nerve; piriform nerve; plantar nerve, lateral, deep branch; plantar nerve, lateral, superficial branch; plantar nerve, medial; radial nerve, motor; stapedius nerve; subclavian nerve; subcostal nerve, motor; suboccipital nerve; subscapular nerves; suprascapular nerve; thoracic and thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, flexors; thoracic intercostal nerves, extensors; thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves, extensors; thyroid nerve; tibial nerve, muscular branches; trochlear nerve; ulnar nerve, motor, wrist and fingers innervation; vagus nerve, pharyngeal branch}
- A-alpha-Ia-sensory (sensory): skin, two-point discrimination (muscle spindle primary sensory endings; extrafusal muscles, Meissner's corpuscles; annulospiral endings, length and velocity); ENDINGS={SMC}
- A-alpha-Ib-sensory (sensory): report load being applied to muscle, stretching of skin; ENDINGS={SGT,SRC,SMS-NC,SMS-SN,SMS-DN}; NERVES={musculocutaneous nerve, sensory; occipital nerve, third; suboccipital nerve}
A-beta* (mixed, 8-13 mcm, 40-70 m/sec): higher theshold, 4ms after stimulus (type II; fine touch, kinesthesia, muscle spindle secondary endings)
- A-beta-motor - beta motoneurons (motor): skeleto-fusimotor, intrafusal fibers and collaterals to extrafusal muscle fibers, muscle spindles, increase dynamic sensitivity of ending; ENDINGS={MB-D,MB-S}
- A-beta-sensory (sensory): fine touch, kinesthesia (length only; secondary afferents, flower spray endings); ENDINGS={SMD,SRC,SHF,SPC,SMC}; NERVES={Genitalia nerves, somatic; Rectum nerves, somatic; alveolar nerves, superior, anterior and middle branches; alveolar nerves, superior, posterior branch; arm nerves, sensory; auricular nerve, posterior, auricular branch; auricular nerves, anterior; auriculotemporal nerve, branch to tympanic membrane; auriculotemporal nerve, branches communicating with facial nerve; buccal nerve; cervical nerve, transverse; ciliary nerves, sensory fibers; ethmoidal nerve; frontal nerve; glossopharyngeal nerve, lingual branch; glossopharyngeal nerve, meningeal branches; great auricular nerve, anterior branch; great auricular nerve, posterior branch; inferior alveolar nerve, dental branches; inferior alveolar nerve, gingival branches; infraorbital nerve, external nasal branch; infraorbital nerve, inferior palpebral branch; infratrochlear nerve; internal nasal nerve; jugular nerve, sensory; lacrimal nerve; lingual nerve, branch to isthmus of fauces; lingual nerve, lingual branch; mandibular nerve, meningeal branch; maxillary nerve, meningeal branch; mental nerve; nasopalatine nerve, sensory fibers; nerve of external acoustic meatus; occipital nerve, neck; occipital nerve, third; palatine nerve, sensory fibers; shoulder nerves, mixed; sublingual nerve; superior labial branch; supraclavicular nerves, intermediate; supraclavicular nerves, lateral; supraclavicular nerves, medial; tentorial nerve; vagus nerve, auricular branch; vagus nerve, meningeal branch; zygomatic nerve}
A-delta-sensory* (sensory, 1-4 mcm, 5-15 m/sec): noxious, cold, pressure; 20ms after stimulus (type III; thinly-myelinated; noxious receptors - first/fast, sharp, well-localized pain; cold receptors - temperature, high-threshold mechano/heat, phasic; pressure - rapidly adapting mechanosensitive, directional selectivity, crude touch; auditory axons 2 mcm; vestibular axons 3 mcm); ENDINGS={SAD,SCR,SPC,SSA,SSV}; NERVES={Genitalia nerves, somatic; Rectum nerves, somatic; ampullar nerve; arm nerves, sensory; cervical cardiac nerve, sensory; cluneal nerves; coccygeal plexus; cochlear nerve; cutaneous nerve of thigh, lateral; femoral nerve, leg; femoral nerve, thigh, sensory; genitofemoral nerve, thigh; gluteal nerve, superior; greater thoracic splanchnic nerve; intercostal muscular somatic nerves; intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches; intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches; intercostobrachial nerve; left hypogastric nerve, cervical; left hypogastric nerve, lubricate; left hypogastric nerve, prostatic; left hypogastric nerve, ureteric; left hypogastric nerve, uterovaginal; lesser splanchnic nerve; lowest splanchnic nerve; nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh; nerves to masticatory muscles; obturator nerve; phrenic nerve; right hypogastric nerve; saccular nerve; sciatic nerve; sciatic nerves, second; shoulder nerves, mixed; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, nipple; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to penis/clitoris; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to rectum; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to stomach; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to urinary bladder; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, uterovaginal; subcostal nerve, sensory; thoracic breast nerves; utricular nerve; vagus nerve, bronchial branch; vagus nerve, cardiac branch; vagus nerve, esophageal branches; vagus nerve, gastric branch; vagus nerve, gastroduodenal branch; vagus nerve, hepatic branch proper; vagus nerve, spleen, kidney, small intestine and colon} A-gamma-motor* (motor, 4-8 mcm, 15-40 m/sec): intrafusal muscle fibers, 6ms after stimulus (skeletal muscle tone, contract muscle spindles from both ends, fusimotor gamma neurons, affect Ia/II); ENDINGS={MG-D,MG-S} B-motor* (motor, 1-3 mcm, 3-14 m/sec): preganglionic autonomic (myelinated, ACh, sympathetic only in T1-L3, IML); ENDINGS={MPA-SPAV,MPA-SPRV,MPA-PS,MPA-PC}; NERVES={ansa subclavia; auriculotemporal nerve, parotid branch; caroticotympanic nerves; cervical cardiac nerve, inferior, sympathetic; cervical cardiac nerve, middle, sympathetic; chorda tympani, parasympathetic; ciliary nerves, sympathetic fibers; external carotid nerve; genitofemoral nerve, genital branch; greater thoracic splanchnic nerve; inferior laryngeal nerve; internal carotid nerve, to tarsal muscle; jugular nerve, sympathetic; left hypogastric nerve, cervical; left hypogastric nerve, lubricate; left hypogastric nerve, prostatic; left hypogastric nerve, ureteric; left hypogastric nerve, uterovaginal; lesser splanchnic nerve; lowest splanchnic nerve; middle cervical ganglion, sympathetic fibers, grey communicating rami; middle cervical ganglion, thyroid branches; nasopalatine nerve, parasympathetic fibers; oculomotor nerve, superior branch; palatine nerve, sympathetic fibers; palatine nerves, parasympathetic fibers; petrosal nerve, greater, to lacrimal gland; pharyngeal nerve; right hypogastric nerve; scrotal nerve, posterior; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, nipple; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to penis/clitoris; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to rectum; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to stomach; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, to urinary bladder; splanchnic nerves, pelvic, uterovaginal; stellate ganglion, arterial branches; stellate ganglion, sympathetic fibers, grey communicating rami; sublingual nerve; superior cervical cardiac nerve; superior cervical ganglion, laryngopharyngeal branches; superior cervical ganglion, sympathetic fibers, grey communicating rami; thoracic sympatetic chain ganglia; tympanic nerve; vagus nerve, bronchial branch; vagus nerve, cardiac branch; vagus nerve, esophageal branches; vagus nerve, gastric branch; vagus nerve, gastroduodenal branch; vagus nerve, hepatic branch proper; vagus nerve, spleen, kidney, small intestine and colon} C* (mixed, 0.1-1 mcm, 0.2-2 m/sec): pain, touch, pressure, temperature, postganglionic autonomic, taste (60ms after stimulus)
- C-motor (motor): postganglionic autonomic; ENDINGS={MPG-S,MPG-P}
- C-sensory (sensory): pain and temperature, special (optic axons width average 0.72 mcm; olfactory axons 0.35 mcm); ENDINGS={SFN-CN,SFN-CW,SFN-CI,SFN-CT,SFN-CM,SST,SSV,SSO,SSB,SSS}; NERVES={Genitalia nerves, somatic; Hering's nerve; Rectum nerves, somatic; arm nerves, sensory; cluneal nerves; coccygeal plexus; communicating branch of chorda tympani with lingual nerve; cutaneous nerve of thigh, lateral; femoral nerve, leg; femoral nerve, thigh, sensory; genitofemoral nerve, thigh; glossopharyngeal nerve, tonsillar branch; gluteal nerve, superior; intercostal muscular somatic nerves; intercostal nerves, anterior cutaneous branches; intercostal nerves, posterior lateral cutaneous branches; intercostobrachial nerve; lacrimal nerve; laryngeal nerve, internal; nerve of quadrate muscle of thigh; nerves to masticatory muscles; obturator nerve; olfactory nerves; optic nerve; palatine nerves, lesser, parasympathetic fibers; recurrent laryngeal nerve, posterior; sciatic nerve; sciatic nerves, second; shoulder nerves, mixed; subcostal nerve, sensory; thoracic breast nerves; tympanic nerve}
Tracts Hierarchy
Ascending Tracts
TRACT SET: Ascending Tracts
- TRACT ALS: anterolateral system - pain transfer
- TRACT SLS: spinolimbic system - autonomic body pain transfer
- TRACT SHTT: spinohypothalamic tract - autonomic body pain transfer to hypothalamus
- TRACT SMST: spinomesencephalic tract - descending modulation of pain
- TRACT SST: spinosolitary tract - autonomic body pain transfer to parabrachial nucleus
- TRACT SRS: spinoreticular system - automatic body pain reflection
- TRACT SMRT: spinomedulloreticular tract - automatic body pain spinal reflection
- TRACT SPRT: spinopontoreticular tract - automatic body pain cortical reflection
- TRACT STCT: spinotectal tract - automatic body pain spinovisual reflection
- TRACT STS: spinothalamic system - body pain transfer
- TRACT ASTT: anterior spinothalamic tract (paleospinothalamic anterolateral tract) - body slow pain localization
- TRACT LSTT: lateral spinothalamic tract (neospinothalamic tract) - body pain perception
- TRACT TTS: trigeminothalamic system - head pain transfer
- TRACT ATTT: anterior trigeminothalamic tract (ventral trigeminothalamic tract) - head pain localization
- TRACT DTTT: dorsal trigeminal tract (dorsal trigeminothalamic tract, lemniscus) - head pain perception
- TRACT SLS: spinolimbic system - autonomic body pain transfer
- TRACT MLS: medial lemniscus system - conscious body mechanical perception
- TRACT PCS: posterior column system (dorsal column, Reils band, Reils ribbon) - conscious upper body mechanical and lower body cutaneous perception
- TRACT SCVT: spinocervical tract (Morin's tract) - conscious lower body proprioception
- TRACT SCS: spinocerebellar system - automatic activity
- TRACT DSCS: direct spinocerebellar system - automatic activity of body
- TRACT CSCT: cuneocerebellar tract - automatic activity of upper limbs
- TRACT DSCT: dorsal spinocerebellar tract (posterior spinocerebellar tract, Flechsigs tract) - automatic activity of lower limbs
- TRACT RSCT: rostral spinocerebellar tract - automatic activity of upper body
- TRACT VSCT: ventral spinocerebellar tract (anterior spinocerebellar tract, Gowers tract) - automatic activity of lower body
- TRACT SMTS: spinometencephalic system - automatic activity integration
- TRACT DSCS: direct spinocerebellar system - automatic activity of body
Descending Tracts
TRACT SET: Descending Tracts
- TRACT ATS: autonomic tracts system (descending autonomic fibers) - autonomic control
- TRACT HTST: hypothalamospinal tract - oculomotor autonomic control
- TRACT SSS: solitariospinal system - involuntary breathing control
- TRACT SSET: solitariospinal expiratory tract - rhythmic expiration
- TRACT SSIT: solitariospinal inpiratory tract - rhythmic inspiration
- TRACT ESS: extensor somatic system - extensor control
- TRACT ACST: anterior corticospinal tract (ventral corticospinal tract) - conscious extensor control
- TRACT MLFS: medial longitudinal fasciculus system - automatic control
- TRACT TCST: tectospinal tract - oculomotor automatic control
- TRACT VST: vestibulospinal tract - body automatic control
- TRACT LVST: lateral vestibulospinal tract - maintaining balance via legs extensors
- TRACT MVST: medial vestibulospinal tract - stabilize visual image on retina
- TRACT RTSS: reticulospinal system - automatic and autonomic control
- TRACT MRST: medullary reticulospinal tract (lateral reticulospinal tract) - inhibit extensors
- TRACT PRST: pontine reticulospinal tract (medial reticulospinal tract) - excite extensors
- TRACT FSS: flexor somatic system - flexor control
- TRACT CBT: corticobulbar tract - cranial flexor control
- TRACT LSTT: lateral corticospinal tract - conscious flexor control
- TRACT RBST: rubrospinal tract - automatic flexor control