BrainCenterHT TG

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Pontine Tegmental Nuclei

@@Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> BrainCenterHT_TG

This page covers biological details of component group Pontine Tegmental Nuclei. Component group is part of aHuman target integrated biological model.

  • Top-down path to center: Hindbrain Metencephalon -> Pontine Tegmental Nuclei (HT.TG) (see Mind Maps)
  • Function:




Component items:



Internal Regions Connections:


Source Region Target Region Reference
Interpeduncular Nucleus (FEC.HT.PPN.IPD) Dorsal Tegmental Nucleus (LMC.HT.TG.DTG) Head Direction Cell Circuit (IPD -> DTN)
Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus (FEC.HT.PPN.RMTG) Interpeduncular Nucleus (FEC.HT.PPN.IPD) (unknown reference)
Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus (LMC.HT.TG.LDT) (unknown reference)
Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus (LMC.HT.TG.LDT) Interpeduncular Nucleus (FEC.HT.PPN.IPD) (unknown reference)

External Connections:


External Inbound Center Connections:

Source Center Reference
Habenula (FAM.FD.HB) Connectivity map of the habenula (M -> IPN)
Hypothalamus (FD.HT) Hippocampal Formation (LMam -> DTN)
Sensory Thalamus (FD.TH.SR) (unknown reference)
Subthalamus Area (FEC.FD.STA) (unknown reference)
Basal Ganglia (FEC.FT.BG) (unknown reference)
Myelencephalic Motor Nuclei (HL.MN) (unknown reference)
Pontine Reticular Formation (HT.RF) (unknown reference)

External Outbound Center Connections:

Target Center Reference
Habenula (FAM.FD.HB) (unknown reference)
Central Extended Amygdala (FAM.FT.CEAM) (unknown reference)
Septal Nuclei (FAM.FT.SEP) (unknown reference)
Hypothalamus (FD.HT) (unknown reference)
Sensory Thalamus (FD.TH.SR) Geniculate and Extyrageniculate Paths (PPN -> LGN, abstract)
Subthalamus Area (FEC.FD.STA) (unknown reference)
Basal Ganglia (FEC.FT.BG) Both LHb and MHb control the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems (IPN -> SNc, abstract)
Hippocampal Formation (FMM.FT.HF) Connectivity map of the habenula (IPN -> Hippo, abstract)
Myelencephalic Motor Nuclei (HL.MN) (unknown reference)
Myelencephalic Parasympathetic Nuclei (HL.PSN) (unknown reference)
Medullary Reticular Formation (HL.RF) Connectivity map of the habenula (IPN -> Raphe, abstract)
Periaqueductal Gray Matter (LMC.MM.PAG) Connectivity map of the habenula (IPN -> PAG)
Ventral Tegmental Area (LMC.MM.VTA) Both LHb and MHb control the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems (IPN -> VTA)
Reflexes Nuclei of Midbrain Mesencephalon (MM.REF) Geniculate and Extyrageniculate Paths (PPN -> SC, abstract)
Mesencephalic Reticular Formation (MM.RF) Both LHb and MHb control the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems (IPN -> DRN)
Rhinal Cortex (NC.PHA.RH) (unknown reference)