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Biological Mind Tracts
Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> MindTracts -> MindTractsAT
This page is intended to describe set of ascending tracts
Tract Details
TRACT SET: Ascending Tracts
- TRACT ALS: anterolateral system; conveys pain, temperature (protopathic sensation), and crude touch from the periphery to the brain
- TRACT PSTS: paleospinothalamic system; transmits pain mainly from the peripheral slow-chronic type C pain fibers; transmits information to thalamus about pain, temperature, itch and crude touch (conscious; cervical-anterior-toward-contralateral, thoracic, lumbar, sacral-lateral slices)
- TRACT ASTT: anterior spinothalamic tract (anterolateral tract); pain, temperature, light touch (tactile sensibility), two-point discrimination, stereognosis; path: {skin - slow pain, temperature, slightly tactile} -> {BA 3,1,2}
- path ASTTL: lower slightly tactile (head and body MD,MC,PC,HF receptors to S1); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Lower Substantia Gelatinosa,LPC.SC.PH.LSG -> Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus,NSA.FD.TH.VPL -> Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NSA.NC.PG.S1
- path ASTTU: upper slightly tactile (head and body MD,MC,PC,HF receptors to S1); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Upper Substantia Gelatinosa,LPC.SC.PH.USG -> Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus,NSA.FD.TH.VPL -> Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NSA.NC.PG.S1
- TRACT LSTT: lateral spinothalamic tract; pain, temperature; path: {body pain, temperature, crude touch} -> {BA 3,1,2}
- path LSTT.MD: lower body pain, temperature for reward (pain to frontal lobe); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Lower Substantia Gelatinosa,LPC.SC.PH.LSG -> Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus,FCA.FD.TH.MD (Medial Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus (NDM.FD.TH.MDM), Central Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus (NCP.FD.TH.MDC), Lateral Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus (NMA.FD.TH.MDL)) -> Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area,NDM.NC.AL.DACG
- path LSTT.UMD: upper body pain, temperature for reward (pain to frontal lobe); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Upper Substantia Gelatinosa,LPC.SC.PH.USG -> Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus,FCA.FD.TH.MD (Medial Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus (NDM.FD.TH.MDM), Central Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus (NCP.FD.TH.MDC), Lateral Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus (NMA.FD.TH.MDL)) -> Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area,NDM.NC.AL.DACG
- path LSTTL: lower body pain, temperature (head and body FN,RC receptors to marginal nucleus); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SAD}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Upper Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.UMG
- path LSTTL.VPI: lower body pain, temperature for emotion (pain to insula); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SAD}: Lower Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.LMG -> Ventral Posteroinferior Nucleus,NSA.FD.TH.VPI -> Posterior Insular Cortex,NCP.NC.INS.PIC
- path LSTTU: upper body pain, temperature (head and body FN,RC receptors to marginal nucleus); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SAD}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Upper Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.UMG
- path LSTTU.VPI: upper body pain, temperature for emotion (pain to insula); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SAD}: Upper Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.UMG -> Ventral Posteroinferior Nucleus,NSA.FD.TH.VPI -> Posterior Insular Cortex,NCP.NC.INS.PIC
- TRACT LST: tract of Lissauer (fasciculus of Lissauer, tract/zone of Lissauer, dorsolateral fasciculus, posterolateract tract, dorsolateral tract); fast pain; intraspinal, discriminative pain and temperature information - location, intensity and quality (pain duration equals to stimulus duration; joins spinothalamic tract); path: {A-delta pain fibers} -> {to neocortex BA 3b}
- path DLF.VPL: from medial LSN; joins fasciculus gracilis; initial sharp localization of pain (lower body to neocortex BA 3b); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Lateral Spinal Nucleus,LAC.SC.LH.LSN -> Gracile Nucleus,LPC.HL.GR -> Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus,NSA.FD.TH.VPL -> Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NSA.NC.PG.S1
- path DLF.VPM: from lateral LSN; joins fasciculus cuneatus; initial sharp localization of pain (upper body to neocortex BA 3b); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Lateral Spinal Nucleus,LAC.SC.LH.LSN -> Cuneate Nucleus,LPC.HL.CU -> Ventral Posteromedial Nucleus,NSA.FD.TH.VPM -> Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NSA.NC.PG.S1
- path DLFL: lower autonomic and homeostatic functions, initial sharp localization of pain (lower body to hypothalamus and neocortex); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Lower Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.LMG -> Lateral Spinal Nucleus,LAC.SC.LH.LSN
- path DLFU: upper autonomic and homeostatic functions, initial sharp localization of pain (upper body to hypothalamus and neocortex); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Upper Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.UMG -> Lateral Spinal Nucleus,LAC.SC.LH.LSN
- TRACT ASTT: anterior spinothalamic tract (anterolateral tract); pain, temperature, light touch (tactile sensibility), two-point discrimination, stereognosis; path: {skin - slow pain, temperature, slightly tactile} -> {BA 3,1,2}
- TRACT SLS: spinolimbic system; connect spinal cord with limbic structures
- TRACT SHTT: spinohypothalamic tract; provide nociceptive information to a variety of nuclei throughout the diencephalon and brainstem bilaterally (nociception integration, from C-fibers innervating muscles); path: {body pain, temperature} -> {hypothalamus}
- path SHT.HT.AHT: affect appetite, autonomic and homeostatic functions, and related motivational and affective responses to autonomic function (pain fibers to anterior hypothalamus); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Lateral Spinal Nucleus,LAC.SC.LH.LSN -> Anterior Hypothalamic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.AH
- path SHT.HT.DM: affect blood pressure, heart rate (pain fibers to dorsomedial nucleus); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Lateral Spinal Nucleus,LAC.SC.LH.LSN -> Dorsomedial Hypothalamic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.DM
- path SHT.HT.LT: affect thirst and hunger (pain fibers to lateral nucleus); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Lateral Spinal Nucleus,LAC.SC.LH.LSN -> Lateral Hypothalamic Area,HTA.FD.HT.LT (Lateral Hypothalamic Nucleus (LAC.FD.HT.LTN), Supramammillary Nucleus (LAC.FD.HT.SUM), Tuberomammillary Nucleus (LAC.FD.HT.TBM), Premammillary Nucleus (LAC.FD.HT.PRM))
- path SHT.HT.SCN: affect 24-hour rhythms (pain fibers to anterior hypothalamus); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Lateral Spinal Nucleus,LAC.SC.LH.LSN -> Suprachiasmatic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.SCN
- path SHT.HT.SO: affect blood volume or blood pressure (pain fibers to anterior hypothalamus); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Lateral Spinal Nucleus,LAC.SC.LH.LSN -> Supraoptic Nucleus,LAC.FD.HT.SO
- path SHT.LLSN: lower pain, temperature for ANS (lower pain fibers to spinal integrator LSN); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Lateral Spinal Nucleus,LAC.SC.LH.LSN
- path SHT.ULSN: upper pain, temperature for ANS (upper pain fibers to spinal integrator LSN); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Lateral Spinal Nucleus,LAC.SC.LH.LSN
- TRACT SMST: spinomesencephalic tract; ascending pain and temperature fibers of the spinothalamic tract also send information to the PAG; path: {MG nucleus} -> {PAG, MRF}
- path SMT.LPAG: initiates pain inhibition (activates enkephalin-releasing neurons that project to raphe nuclei, descending to inhibitory interneurons located in Laminae II); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SAD}: Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Lower Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.LMG -> Periaqueductal Gray Matter,LMC.MM.PAG
- path SMT.UPAG: initiates pain inhibition (activates enkephalin-releasing neurons that project to raphe nuclei, descending to inhibitory interneurons located in Laminae II); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SAD}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Upper Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.UMG -> Periaqueductal Gray Matter,LMC.MM.PAG
- TRACT SST: spinosolitary tract; central transmission of visceronoceptive messages (visceronociception, short-latency nociceptive input); path: {body pain, temperature} -> {solitary nucleus}
- path SST: autonomic regulation of of stress response to painful visceral stimuli (pain fibers to solitary nucleus to parabrachial nucleus); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Lateral Spinal Nucleus,LAC.SC.LH.LSN -> Solitary Nucleus,LPC.HL.SOL -> Parabrachial Nucleus,LPC.HT.PRF.PB
- path SST.LLSN: pain, temperature for ANS (pain fibers to spinal integrator LSN); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Lateral Spinal Nucleus,LAC.SC.LH.LSN
- path SST.ULSN: pain, temperature for ANS (pain fibers to spinal integrator LSN); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Lateral Spinal Nucleus,LAC.SC.LH.LSN
- TRACT SHTT: spinohypothalamic tract; provide nociceptive information to a variety of nuclei throughout the diencephalon and brainstem bilaterally (nociception integration, from C-fibers innervating muscles); path: {body pain, temperature} -> {hypothalamus}
- TRACT SRS: spinoreticular system; automatic responses to pain
- TRACT SMRT: spinomedulloreticular tract; automatic responses to pain; path: {visceral pain} -> {MRF, entire cortex}
- path SRT.MEDL: lower automatic responses to pain; attentional and alerting mechanisms (lower viceral pain to spinal cord to medullary reticular formation; visceral and somatic pain to MRF); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SAD}: Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM -> Central Medullary Reticular Nucleus,LRC.HL.RF.MED
- path SRT.MEDU: upper automatic responses to pain; attentional and alerting mechanisms (upper viceral pain to spinal cord to medullary reticular formation; visceral and somatic pain to MRF); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SAD}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM -> Central Medullary Reticular Nucleus,LRC.HL.RF.MED
- TRACT SPRT: spinopontoreticular tract; automatic responses to pain; path: {visceral pain} -> {MRF, entire cortex}
- path SRT.LVA: exerts excitatory influence predominantly on pontine reticular nuclei to facilitate contraction of extensor muscles of limb and trunk (lower crude touch/vibration to spinal cord to pontine reticular formation to thalamus; utilizes four levels of neurons); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SPC}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM -> Pontine Reticular Formation, Medial Column,HT.RF.MED (Oral Pontine Reticular Nucleus (LRC.HT.PRF.RPO), Caudal Pontine Reticular Nucleus (LRC.HT.PRF.CRF), Parvocellular Reticular Nucleus (LRC.HT.PRF.PVR)) -> Ventral Anterior Nucleus,NMA.FD.TH.VA
- path SRT.UVA: exerts excitatory influence predominantly on pontine reticular nuclei to facilitate contraction of extensor muscles of limb and trunk (upper crude touch/vibration to spinal cord to pontine reticular formation to thalamus; utilizes four levels of neurons); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SPC}: Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM -> Pontine Reticular Formation, Medial Column,HT.RF.MED (Oral Pontine Reticular Nucleus (LRC.HT.PRF.RPO), Caudal Pontine Reticular Nucleus (LRC.HT.PRF.CRF), Parvocellular Reticular Nucleus (LRC.HT.PRF.PVR)) -> Ventral Anterior Nucleus,NMA.FD.TH.VA
- TRACT STCT: spinotectal tract; spinovisual reflexes; head/eye movement toward stimulus source (arises in the anterolateral column); path: {free nerve endings; crude touch, temperature, pain} -> {inferior and superior colliculi}
- path STCT: Head and eye attention to non-visual stimuli (crude touch to nucleus proprius to superior colliculus); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Proprius Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.NP -> Deep Superior Colliculus,LRC.MM.SC.DEEP
- TRACT SMRT: spinomedulloreticular tract; automatic responses to pain; path: {visceral pain} -> {MRF, entire cortex}
- TRACT TTS: trigeminothalamic system (neospinothalamic tract); all somatosensory submodalities from head
- TRACT ATTT: anterior trigeminothalamic tract (ventral trigeminothalamic tract); awareness of the exact location of the painful stimulus; pain, temperature, and crude touch pathway; path: {face, head and neck} -> {SI - BA 1,2}
- path TTT.GNG: nociceptors (nociceptors of cranial nerves VII to spinal trigeminal nucleus); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Geniculate Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.GNG -> Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus,LPC.HL.TGS.STR
- path TTT.JUG: nociceptors (nociceptors of cranial nerves IX,X to spinal trigeminal nucleus); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Jugular Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.JUG -> Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus,LPC.HL.TGS.STR
- path TTT.NOD: nociceptors (nociceptors of cranial nerves X to spinal trigeminal nucleus); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Nodose Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.NOD -> Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus,LPC.HL.TGS.STR
- path TTT.TRG: nociceptors (head, face and intraoral structures nociceptors to spinal trigeminal nucleus); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Trigeminal Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.TRG -> Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus,LPC.HL.TGS.STR
- path TTT.VPM: nociceptors (spinal trigeminal nucleus to S1); FIBERS={A-delta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus,LPC.HL.TGS.STR -> Ventral Posteromedial Nucleus,NSA.FD.TH.VPM -> Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NSA.NC.PG.S1
- TRACT DTTT: dorsal trigeminal tract (dorsal trigeminothalamic tract, lemniscus); immediate awareness of a painful sensation; pressure and tactile discrimination sensation; path: {head MC,PC} -> {SII - BA 40,43}
- path DTT: face dull, burning pain, deep, aching pain, temperature and crude touch (head, face and intraoral structures to Precentral Cortex); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Trigeminal Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.TRG -> Principal Trigeminal Nucleus,LPC.HT.PN.PTR
- path DTT.MD: pain, temperature for reward (marginal nucleus to frontal lobe); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Principal Trigeminal Nucleus,LPC.HT.PN.PTR -> Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus,FCA.FD.TH.MD (Medial Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus (NDM.FD.TH.MDM), Central Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus (NCP.FD.TH.MDC), Lateral Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus (NMA.FD.TH.MDL)) -> Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area,NDM.NC.AL.DACG
- path DTT.PF: face dull, burning pain, deep, aching pain, temperature and crude touch (head, face and intraoral structures to Precentral Cortex); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Principal Trigeminal Nucleus,LPC.HT.PN.PTR -> Parafascicular Nucleus of Thalamus,FEC.FD.TH.PF -> Precentral Cortex,NSA.NC.PO.PCC
- path DTT.VPI: pain, temperature for emotion (marginal nucleus to insula); FIBERS={C-sensory}, ENDINGS={SFN}: Principal Trigeminal Nucleus,LPC.HT.PN.PTR -> Ventral Posteroinferior Nucleus,NSA.FD.TH.VPI -> Posterior Insular Cortex,NCP.NC.INS.PIC
- TRACT MLS: medial lemniscus system; transmits touch, vibration sense, proprioception data
- TRACT PCS: posterior column system (dorsal column, Reils band, Reils ribbon); two point discrimination (fine touch, fine pressure - MC), pressure (deep receptors - PC), vibration (PC), conscious proprioception (MS) (alpha/beta mechanoreceptors, conscious; discrimination of those sensations that an animal must explore actively)
- TRACT FCT: fasciculus cuneatus tract (tract of Burdach); upper body well-localized discriminative proprioception, fine touch (muscle afferents and cutaneous mechanoreceptors (C1-T6 dermatomes); thoracic-toward-contralateral and cervical slices); path: {upper trunk, forelimb deep structures and skin} -> {neocortex BA 3b, lateral}
- path PCT.CUL: conscious sensations of neck, trunk, and extremities (neck (C4), trunk (T1-T6), and extremities - arms (C5-T2) to S1 lateral); FIBERS={A-beta}, ENDINGS={SMC,SPC,SHF}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Cuneate Nucleus,LPC.HL.CU -> Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus,NSA.FD.TH.VPL -> Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NSA.NC.PG.S1
- path PCT.CUM: conscious sensations of head (geniohyoid (C1), head top (C2), head back above neck (C3) to S1 medial); FIBERS={A-alpha-Ia; A-beta}, ENDINGS={SMC,SPC,SHF}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Cuneate Nucleus,LPC.HL.CU -> Ventral Posteromedial Nucleus,NSA.FD.TH.VPM -> Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NSA.NC.PG.S1
- TRACT FGT: fasciculus gracilis tract (tract of Goll); lower body well-localized discriminative fine touch (sacral-toward-contralateral and lumbar slices; mostly cutaneous (proprioception via CLN)); path: {lower body, muscle afferents} -> {somatosensory cortex}
- path PCT.GRL: epicritic, kinesthetic, and conscious proprioceptive information from lower body (receptors of thoracic and lower limbs, T7-CX to neocortex BA 3b, medial); FIBERS={A-beta}, ENDINGS={SMS,SPC}: Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Gracile Nucleus,LPC.HL.GR -> Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus,NSA.FD.TH.VPL -> Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NSA.NC.PG.S1
- TRACT SCVT: spinocervical tract (Morin's tract); static position, Ruffini endings (thoracic-toward-contralateral and cervical slices); path: {receptors of thoracic and lower limbs, T7-CX} -> {somatosensory cortex}
- path SCVT: tactile/pressure pathway from the spinal cord to sensory cortex (tactile/pressure to S1); FIBERS={A-alpha; A-beta}, ENDINGS={SRC}: Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Proprius Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.NP -> Lateral Cervical Nucleus,LPC.SC.LH.LCV
- path SCVT.PAG: alerts about presence of cutaneous stimuli that might represent danger, necessitating flight (cutaneous stimuli to PAG); FIBERS={A-alpha; A-beta}, ENDINGS={SRC}: Lateral Cervical Nucleus,LPC.SC.LH.LCV -> Periaqueductal Gray Matter,LMC.MM.PAG
- path SCVT.VPL: four-neuron, fast-conducting, tactile/pressure pathway from the spinal cord to sensory cortex (tactile/pressure to S1); FIBERS={A-alpha; A-beta}, ENDINGS={SRC}: Lateral Cervical Nucleus,LPC.SC.LH.LCV -> Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus,NSA.FD.TH.VPL -> Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NSA.NC.PG.S1
- TRACT SCS: spinocerebellar system; spinal cord to cerebellum
- TRACT DSCS: direct spinocerebellar system; spinal cord nuclei to cerebellum (lower are dorsal and ventral SC tracts; upper are cuneocerebellar and rostral spinocerebellar tract)
- TRACT CSCT: cuneocerebellar tract; relay information about limb position and movement to the cerebellum (upper extremity equivalent of Clarkes column to CR tract - posterior spinocerebellar tract); path: {proprioceptive/fine touch/vibration, C1-C7} -> {cerebellum, vermis and paravermis of the ipsilateral posterior lobe}
- path CSCT: proprioceptive and exteroceptive information (upper limb muscles to accessory cuneate nucleus to cerebellum); FIBERS={A-alpha-Ib-sensory; A-beta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SMS,SGT,SRC,SMD}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Accessory Cuneate Nucleus,LPC.HL.ACU -> Cerebellum,LLC.HT.CR (Cerebrocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.CC), Spinocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.SC), Vestibulocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.VC))
- TRACT DSCT: dorsal spinocerebellar tract (posterior spinocerebellar tract, Flechsigs tract); conveys proprioceptive information from proprioceptors in the skeletal muscles and joints to the cerebellum (ipsilateral, proprioceptive and tactile information); path: {neuromuscular spindles and Golgi tendon organs, joint receptors, cutaneous receptors, lower limbs, below L3} -> {cerebellum, mainly ipsilateral anterior lobe}
- path DSCTL: proprioceptive and exteroceptive information (lower limb muscles to clarkes nucleus to cerebellum); FIBERS={A-alpha-Ib-sensory; A-beta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SMS,SGT,SRC,SMD}: Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Clarke Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.CL -> Cerebellum,LLC.HT.CR (Cerebrocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.CC), Spinocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.SC), Vestibulocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.VC))
- path DSCTU: proprioceptive and exteroceptive information (lower limb muscles to clarkes nucleus to cerebellum); FIBERS={A-alpha-Ib-sensory; A-beta-sensory}, ENDINGS={SMS,SGT,SRC,SMD}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Clarke Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.CL -> Cerebellum,LLC.HT.CR (Cerebrocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.CC), Spinocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.SC), Vestibulocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.VC))
- TRACT RSCT: rostral spinocerebellar tract; transmits information from the golgi tendon organs of the cranial half of the body to the cerebellum (upper extremity equivalent of ventral spinocerebellar tract); path: {proprioceptive/fine touch/vibration, C1-C7} -> {cerebellum, anterior lobe}
- path RSCT: proprioceptive information (upper limb muscles to centrobasalis nucleus to cerebellum); FIBERS={A-alpha-Ib-sensory}, ENDINGS={SGT}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Central Cervical Nucleus,LLC.SC.IZ.CCV -> Cerebellum,LLC.HT.CR (Cerebrocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.CC), Spinocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.SC), Vestibulocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.VC))
- TRACT VSCT: ventral spinocerebellar tract (anterior spinocerebellar tract, Gowers tract); conveys information about postural stability of the lower limbs to cerebellum (bilaterally, double cross, proprioceptive/fine touch/vibration; from nucleus proprius); path: {neuromuscular spindles and Golgi tendon organs, trunk, C8-L3} -> {cerebellum}
- path VSCTL: proprioceptive information (body muscles to intermediomedial nucleus to cerebellum); FIBERS={A-alpha-Ib-sensory}, ENDINGS={SMS,SGT}: Lower Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.LDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM -> Cerebellum,LLC.HT.CR (Cerebrocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.CC), Spinocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.SC), Vestibulocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.VC))
- path VSCTU: proprioceptive information (body muscles to intermediomedial nucleus to cerebellum); FIBERS={A-alpha-Ib-sensory}, ENDINGS={SMS,SGT}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Intermediomedial Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.IMM -> Cerebellum,LLC.HT.CR (Cerebrocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.CC), Spinocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.SC), Vestibulocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.VC))
- TRACT SMTS: spinometencephalic system; spinal cord to intermediate nucleus to cerebellum
- TRACT SOT: spinoolivary tract (Helwegs tract); automatic movements of head, neck and upper limb; path: {proprioception information from muscles and tendons, cutaneous impulses} -> {cerebellum}
- path SOT.CCV: cutaneous information to cerebellum (skin mechanoreceptors to inferior olivary nucleus to cerebellum); FIBERS={A-alpha-Ia-sensory}, ENDINGS={SMC,SMD}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Central Cervical Nucleus,LLC.SC.IZ.CCV -> Inferior Olivary Nucleus,LLC.HL.IO -> Cerebellum,LLC.HT.CR (Cerebrocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.CC), Spinocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.SC), Vestibulocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.VC))
- path SOT.NPR: proprioception to cerebellum (muscle spindles and Golgi tendons to inferior olivary nucleus to cerebellum); FIBERS={A-alpha-Ib-sensory}, ENDINGS={SGT,SMS}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Proprius Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.NP -> Inferior Olivary Nucleus,LLC.HL.IO -> Cerebellum,LLC.HT.CR (Cerebrocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.CC), Spinocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.SC), Vestibulocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.VC))
- TRACT SVT: spinovestibular tract; information from cutaneous and proprioceptive organs to CR; path: {proprioception information from muscles and tendons, cutaneous impulses} -> {cerebellum}
- path SVT.CCV: cutaneous information to cerebellum (skin mechanoreceptors to vestibular nucleus to cerebellum; C1-C4); FIBERS={A-alpha-Ia-sensory}, ENDINGS={SMC,SMD}: Upper Dorsal Root Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.UDRG -> Central Cervical Nucleus,LLC.SC.IZ.CCV -> Inferior Vestibular Nuclei,LPC.HT.IVBN -> Cerebellum,LLC.HT.CR (Cerebrocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.CC), Spinocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.SC), Vestibulocerebellum (LLC.HT.CR.VC))