BrainCenterNC LOBE OCC

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Occipital Lobe

@@Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> BrainCenterNC_LOBE_OCC

This page covers biological details of component group Occipital Lobe. Component group is part of aHuman target integrated biological model.

  • Top-down path to center: Cerebral Cortex -> Occipital Lobe (NC.LOBE.OCC) (see Mind Maps)
  • Function:




Component items:



Internal Regions Connections:


Source Region Target Region Reference
Secondary Visual Cortex, Pale Stripe (NPE.NC.OCC.V2PL) Ventral Associative Visual Cortex (NPE.NC.OCC.V3V) Paths from Retina to Parietal Cortex and IT (V2 -> V3, abstract)
Dorsal Associative Visual Cortex (NPE.NC.OCC.V3D) Middle Temporal Area (NSA.NC.OCC.MT) Paths from Retina to Parietal Cortex and IT (V3 -> MT, abstract)
Parietooccipital Area (NSA.NC.OCC.PO) Paths from Retina to Parietal Cortex and IT (V3 -> PO, abstract)
Ventral Associative Visual Cortex (NPE.NC.OCC.V3V) Dorsal Visual Area V4 (NSA.NC.OCC.V4D) Paths from Retina to Parietal Cortex and IT (V3 -> V4, abstract)
Ventral Visual Area V4 (NSA.NC.OCC.V4V) Paths from Retina to Parietal Cortex and IT (V3 -> V4, abstract)
Primary Visual Cortex (NSA.NC.OCC.V1) Secondary Visual Cortex, Pale Stripe (NPE.NC.OCC.V2PL) Cortico-Cortical Connectivity (V1 -> VA, abstract)
Middle Temporal Area (NSA.NC.OCC.MT) Paths from Retina to Parietal Cortex and IT (V1 -> MT)
Secondary Visual Cortex, Thick Stripe (NSA.NC.OCC.V2TK) Cortico-Cortical Connectivity (V1 -> VA, abstract)
Secondary Visual Cortex, Thin Stripe (NSA.NC.OCC.V2TN) Cortico-Cortical Connectivity (V1 -> VA, abstract)
Secondary Visual Cortex, Thick Stripe (NSA.NC.OCC.V2TK) Middle Temporal Area (NSA.NC.OCC.MT) Paths from Retina to Parietal Cortex and IT (V2 -> MT, abstract)
Parietooccipital Area (NSA.NC.OCC.PO) Paths from Retina to Parietal Cortex and IT (V2 -> PO, abstract)
Dorsal Visual Area V4 (NSA.NC.OCC.V4D) Paths from Retina to Parietal Cortex and IT (V2 -> V4, abstract)
Secondary Visual Cortex, Thin Stripe (NSA.NC.OCC.V2TN) Ventral Visual Area V4 (NSA.NC.OCC.V4V) Paths from Retina to Parietal Cortex and IT (V2 -> V4, abstract)
Dorsal Visual Area V4 (NSA.NC.OCC.V4D) Middle Temporal Area (NSA.NC.OCC.MT) Paths from Retina to Parietal Cortex and IT (V4 -> MT, abstract)

External Connections:


External Inbound Center Connections:

Source Center Sample Link Reference
Central Extended Amygdala (FAM.FT.CEAM) LMC.FT.NBM -> NSA.NC.OCC.V1 (unknown reference)
Sensory Thalamus (FD.TH.SR) NSA.FD.LGN -> NSA.NC.OCC.V1 Thalamocortical relationships (LGN -> pLGN)

External Outbound Center Connections:

Target Center Sample Link Reference
Retrosubicular Area (FMM.NC.PHA.RS) NSA.NC.OCC.V2TK -> FMM.NC.PH.POS Head Direction Cell Circuit (VC -> PSUB, abstract)
Reflexes Nuclei of Midbrain Mesencephalon (MM.REF) NPE.NC.OCC.V3D -> LRC.MM.CJ Eye blink reflex and pupillary light reflex (VAC -> SupraOculomotor, abstract)
Lateral Prefrontal Cortex (NC.AL.LPFC) NSA.NC.OCC.V2TN -> NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCL Cortico-Cortical Connectivity (VA -> PFC, abstract)
Inferior Parietal Lobule (NC.IPL) NSA.NC.OCC.MT -> NPE.NC.IPL.MST Paths from Retina to Parietal Cortex and IT (MT -> MST)
Medial Parietal Lobule (NC.MPL) NSA.NC.OCC.V1 -> NCP.NC.MPL.RSC Category-Selectivity Paradigm (V1 -> RS)
Superior Parietal Lobule (NC.SPL) NSA.NC.OCC.MT -> NPE.NC.SPL.PG Parietal Association Cortex (V5A -> 7a)
Superior Temporal Gyrus (NC.STG) NSA.NC.OCC.MT -> NSA.NC.STG.A4 Category-Selectivity Paradigm (IOG -> STS, abstract)
Intraparietal Sulcus (NSA.NC.IPS) NPE.NC.OCC.V3D -> NPE.NC.IPS.LIP Primate Control of Grasping (VC -> PIP, abstract)
Inferotemporal Area (NSA.NC.IT) NSA.NC.OCC.V4D -> NSA.NC.IT.TE Primate Control of Grasping (VC -> IT, abstract)