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Conscious Personality Area

Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> BrainAreaNCP

Local Circuits


ID Name Regions

Body Self


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
NCP.FD.TH.MDC Central Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus nucleus NPU relay olfactory neocortex to insular integrated neocortex Relay piriform cortex (BA34) to AIC (BA14)
NCP.NC.INS.AIC Anterior Insular Cortex cortex, BA 14 NPU Risky and moral decision making, articulation
NCP.NC.INS.HR Anterior Temporal Lobe cortex, BA 15 NPU Relaying blood pressure and blood chemistry information to brain Cortical target of information coming through
Hering's nerves, active during panic attacks
NCP.NC.INS.PIC Posterior Insular Cortex cortex, BA 13 NPU Awareness and sensation of pain
NCP.NC.INS.PPC Peripaleocortical Claustral cortex, BA 16 NPU Relays proprioception Dentate gyrus -> lateropolaris magnoceflularis ->
this, agranular orbital, lateral
NCP.NC.TPC Temporopolar Cortex cortex, BA 38 NPU Self representation, semantic (left) and autobiographic (right)

Internal Region Connections:

Source Region Target Region Type Reference
NCP.FD.TH.MDC NCP.NC.INS.AIC nucleus-neocortex Amygdalar disruption of prefrontal cortex (TH -> INS, abstract)
NCP.NC.INS.PIC NCP.NC.INS.AIC neocortex-neocortex Gustatory sensory system of rat and macaque (Iav -> IadIap, abstract)
NCP.NC.INS.PPC neocortex-neocortex Gustatory sensory system of rat and macaque (Iav -> IadIap, abstract)
NCP.NC.TPC NCP.NC.INS.AIC neocortex-neocortex Directed Effort Network (tPole -> Insula, abstract)

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
NPE NCP.NC.INS.PIC NPE.NC.SPL.SA Somatosensory Association Cortex neocortex-neocortex (unknown reference)
NSA NCP.FD.TH.MDC NSA.NC.PH.PIR Piriform Cortex neocortex-nucleus Thalamocortical relationships (s2MD -> MD, abstract)
NCP.NC.INS.AIC NSA.NC.PH.PIR Piriform Cortex neocortex-neocortex Gustatory sensory system of rat and macaque (PiR -> Iav, abstract)
NSA.NC.PH.PRP Prepyriform Cortex neocortex-neocortex (unknown reference)
NCP.NC.INS.HR NSA.FD.TH.VPL Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus nucleus-neocortex Amygdalar disruption of prefrontal cortex (TH -> INS, abstract)
NCP.NC.INS.PIC NSA.FD.TH.VPI Ventral Posteroinferior Nucleus nucleus-neocortex Pain matrix (TH.VPI -> INS)
NSA.FD.TH.VPM Ventral Posteromedial Nucleus nucleus-neocortex Amygdalar disruption of prefrontal cortex (TH -> INS, abstract)
NCP.NC.TPC NSA.NC.IT.TEO Preoccipital Inferotemporal Area neocortex-neocortex Language-Related Regions (MTG21 -> TC)
NSA.NC.STG.A3 Wernicke's area A3 neocortex-neocortex Language-Related Regions (STG22a -> TC)
FAM NCP.NC.INS.AIC FAM.FT.EPF Endopiriform Nucleus nucleus-neocortex Gustatory sensory system of rat and macaque (EnP -> Iav, abstract)
FEC NCP.FD.TH.MDC FEC.FT.VP.VM Ventral Pallidum Ventromedial nucleus-nucleus-gaba Saccadic Vision (BG -> Thalamus, abstract)
NCP.NC.INS.PPC FEC.FD.TH.LI Limitans Nucleus of Thalamus nucleus-neocortex Amygdalar disruption of prefrontal cortex (TH -> INS, abstract)
LPC NCP.NC.INS.PIC LPC.HT.PRF.PB Parabrachial Nucleus nucleus-neocortex Gustatory sensory system of rat and macaque (PB -> Gud, abstract)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
NDM NCP.NC.INS.AIC NDM.NC.AL.IPG Inferior Prefrontal Gyrus neocortex-neocortex Directed Effort Network (Insula -> fPole, abstract)
NDM.NC.AL.VACG Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area neocortex-neocortex Amygdalar disruption of prefrontal cortex (INS -> ACG, abstract)
NCP.NC.INS.PPC NDM.NC.AL.DACG Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area neocortex-neocortex Amygdalar disruption of prefrontal cortex (INS -> ACG, abstract)
NDM.NC.AL.FPC Lateral Frontopolar Cortex neocortex-neocortex Amygdalar disruption of prefrontal cortex (INS -> MPFC, abstract)
NCP.NC.TPC NDM.NC.AL.IPG Inferior Prefrontal Gyrus neocortex-neocortex Language-Related Regions (TC -> vIFC)
NPE NCP.NC.TPC NPE.NC.BRA.PO Broca's Area Pars Opercularis neocortex-neocortex Language-Related Regions (TC -> BA45, abstract)
NSA NCP.NC.INS.PPC NSA.NC.PH.PIR Piriform Cortex neocortex-neocortex (unknown reference)
FAM NCP.NC.INS.PIC FAM.FT.AM.BM Magnocellular Basal Amygdaloid Nucleus neocortex-nucleus (unknown reference)
NCP.NC.INS.PPC FAM.FT.AM.LADL Dorsolateral Amygdaloid Nucleus neocortex-nucleus (unknown reference)
FMM NCP.NC.INS.AIC FMM.NC.PH.PER Perirhinal Cortex neocortex-neocortex Gustatory sensory system of rat and macaque (Iav -> PrC, abstract)
NCP.NC.INS.HR FMM.NC.PH.PER Perirhinal Cortex neocortex-neocortex Contribution of hippocampal region CA3 to consciousness (AnteriorTemporal -> PRCortex)
NCP.NC.INS.PPC FMM.NC.PH.PRS Presubiculum neocortex-neocortex (unknown reference)

Mental Self


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
NCP.FD.TH.AM Anteromedial Nucleus nucleus NPU feed-forward HF to PFC
NCP.NC.AL.SGCG Subgenual Cingulate Cortex cortex, BA 25 NPU Influences changes in appetite and sleep Subdivision of cytoarchitecturally defined
cingulate region, emotions, mood and autonomic
functions; SOL, VGM
NCP.NC.MPL.PSCG Posterior Cingulate Cortex cortex, BA 23,31 NPU Self-awareness, pain and episodic memory retrieval
NCP.NC.MPL.RSC Retrosplenial Cortex cortex, BA 29,30 NPU Processing of emotionally salient stimuli
NCP.NC.MPL.SGCG Subgenual Cingulate Cortex cortex, BA 26 NPU Control of autonomic motor

Internal Region Connections:

Source Region Target Region Type Reference
NCP.FD.TH.AM NCP.NC.MPL.PSCG nucleus-neocortex Feeling (AN -> CG, abstract)
NCP.NC.MPL.RSC nucleus-neocortex Hippocampal Formation (ATN -> Rsp, abstract)

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
NDM NCP.NC.AL.SGCG NDM.NC.AL.IPG Inferior Prefrontal Gyrus neocortex-neocortex Regulation of Social Brain (IFG -> SGC)
NCP.NC.MPL.PSCG NDM.NC.AL.DACG Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area neocortex-neocortex Global visual system (FrontalCortex -> ParietalCortex, abstract)
NDM.NC.AL.VACG Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area neocortex-neocortex Principal Connections of Hippocampus (VentralCingulate -> PosteriorCingulate)
NPE NCP.NC.MPL.PSCG NPE.FD.TH.MPV Medial Pulvinar nucleus-neocortex Contributions of Diencephalon to Recognition Memory (mPULV -> PostCingulate)
NPE.NC.IPL.MST Medial Superior Temporal Area neocortex-neocortex Contribution of hippocampal region CA3 to consciousness (IPL -> PosteriorCingulate, abstract)
NPE.NC.IPS.MIP Medial Intraparietal Sulcus neocortex-neocortex (unknown reference)
NCP.NC.MPL.RSC NPE.NC.SPL.PF Rostral Precuneus neocortex-neocortex (unknown reference)
NPE.NC.SPL.PG Caudal Precuneus neocortex-neocortex McNaughton Spatial Processing Network (PosteriorParietalCortex -> PCGRSP, abstract)
NSA NCP.NC.MPL.RSC NSA.NC.OCC.V1 Primary Visual Cortex neocortex-neocortex Category-Selectivity Paradigm (V1 -> RS)
FAM NCP.NC.MPL.PSCG FAM.FD.TH.PT Paratenial Nucleus of Thalamus nucleus-neocortex Contributions of Diencephalon to Recognition Memory (MID -> PostCingulate, abstract)
FAM.FT.AM.BM Magnocellular Basal Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-neocortex Oculomotor decision-making (AMYG -> CGp, abstract)
NCP.NC.MPL.RSC FAM.FD.TH.PT Paratenial Nucleus of Thalamus nucleus-neocortex (unknown reference)
FAM.FT.SEP.MED Medial Septal Nucleus nucleus-neocortex-ACh Medial mammillary nucleus and theta rhythm (SEP -> RSP, abstract)
FMM NCP.FD.TH.AM FMM.FD.MB.MMB Medial Mammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Mammillary bodies: two memory systems in one (MMB -> AMTH)
FMM.FT.HF.SUBM Middle Subiculum allocortex-nucleus Thalamocortical relationships (s1A -> A, abstract)
NCP.NC.MPL.PSCG FMM.FD.TH.AV Anteroventral Nucleus nucleus-neocortex Contribution of hippocampal region CA3 to consciousness (TH.AV -> PosteriorCingulate)
NCP.NC.MPL.RSC FMM.FT.HF.SUBD Distal Subiculum allocortex-neocortex McNaughton Spatial Processing Network (SUB -> PCGRSP, abstract)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
NDM NCP.FD.TH.AM NDM.NC.AL.VACG Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area nucleus-neocortex Saccadic Vision (Thalamus -> FrontalCortex, abstract)
NCP.NC.AL.SGCG NDM.NC.AL.DACG Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area neocortex-neocortex Regulation of Social Brain (SGC -> DACC)
NDM.NC.AL.VACG Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area neocortex-neocortex Regulation of Social Brain (SGC -> VACC)
NCP.NC.MPL.PSCG NDM.FD.TH.MDM Medial Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus neocortex-nucleus Contributions of Diencephalon to Recognition Memory (PostCingulate -> MDmc, abstract)
NCP.NC.MPL.RSC NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCR Rostral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex neocortex-neocortex Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in emotional behavior (PCA -> LPFC, abstract)
NDM.NC.AL.ROFCR Most Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex neocortex-neocortex Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in emotional behavior (PCA -> OPFC, abstract)
NPE NCP.NC.MPL.PSCG NPE.NC.IPS.LIP Lateral Intraparietal Sulcus neocortex-neocortex Oculomotor decision-making (CGp -> LIP)
FAM NCP.NC.AL.SGCG FAM.FT.BNST Bed Nucleus of Stria Terminalis neocortex-nucleus (unknown reference)
FEC NCP.NC.MPL.PSCG FEC.FT.ACC.SH Nucleus Accumbens Shell neocortex-nucleus (unknown reference)
FMM NCP.NC.MPL.PSCG FMM.FT.HC.CA1P Proximal CA1 of Hippocampus neocortex-allocortex Feeling (CG -> HC, abstract)
FMM.NC.PH.MEC Medial Entorhinal Cortex neocortex-neocortex McNaughton Spatial Processing Network (PCGRSP -> EnthCortex, abstract)
NCP.NC.MPL.RSC FMM.FD.TH.AD Anterodorsal Nucleus neocortex-nucleus Head Direction Cell Circuit (RSP -> AD)
FMM.FD.TH.AV Anteroventral Nucleus neocortex-nucleus Medial mammillary nucleus and theta rhythm (RSP -> AVTH)
FMM.FD.TH.LD Lateral Dorsal Nucleus of Thalamus neocortex-nucleus Head Direction Cell Circuit (RSP -> LD)
FMM.FT.HC.CA1P Proximal CA1 of Hippocampus neocortex-allocortex Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in emotional behavior (PCA -> HCA, abstract)
FMM.NC.PH.MEC Medial Entorhinal Cortex neocortex-neocortex McNaughton Spatial Processing Network (PCGRSP -> EnthCortex, abstract)
FMM.NC.PH.POS Postsubiculum neocortex-neocortex Head Direction Cell Circuit (RSP -> PSUB)
LAC NCP.NC.AL.SGCG LAC.FD.HT.AH Anterior Hypothalamic Nucleus neocortex-nucleus (unknown reference)
LMC NCP.NC.AL.SGCG LMC.MM.PAG Periaqueductal Gray Matter neocortex-nucleus (unknown reference)
LPC NCP.NC.AL.SGCG LPC.HT.PRF.PB Parabrachial Nucleus neocortex-nucleus Global visual system (FrontalCortex -> RF, abstract)

Thirdparty Circuits



















