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Autonomous Control Area

Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> BrainAreaLAC

Local Circuits


ID Name Regions
LADC Daily Cycle Autonomic Control LAC.FD.HT.SCN, LAC.FD.HT.TBM
LAH Heart and Blood Pressure Control LAC.PN.SYM.STG, LAC.PN.SYM.TG, LAC.SC.IZ.IML
LAM Autonomic Motivations Control LAC.FD.HT.RCH, LAC.FD.HT.SO, LAC.SC.LH.LSN
LAMM Memory Autonomic Control LAC.FD.HT.AH, LAC.FD.HT.PRM, LAC.FD.HT.SUM
LAT Autonomic Thermoregulation LAC.FD.HT.MPO, LAC.FD.HT.VLPO, LAC.HL.TGS.PE5

Breathing Control


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LAC.PN.PSYM.ILG Intralaryngeal Peripheral Ganglion parasympathetic ganglion LAG parasympathetic motor of larynx, c.n. X macroscopic ganglion on the human internal
laryngeal nerve, with the distribution of its
post-ganglionic fibres to the glands in the saccule
and to the glands at the root of epiglottis in the
vicinity of the opening of the saccule
LAC.PN.PSYM.PUG Pulmonary Peripheral Ganglion parasympathetic ganglion LAG Lung

Internal Region Connections:

  • no connections

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
LAC LAC.PN.PSYM.ILG LAC.HL.VGN Vagus Nucleus nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.PSYM.PUG LAC.HL.SAL.ISL Inferior Salivatory Nucleus nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LAC.HL.VGN Vagus Nucleus nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
TEA LAC.PN.PSYM.ILG TARGET.TEA.SPEAKER Mouth speaker TARGET.TEA.SPEAKER-aryepiglottic-muscle (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.PSYM.PUG TARGET.TEA.LUNG Lung TARGET.TEA.LUNG-smooth-muscles (unknown reference)

Lower Digestion Control


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LAC.HL.VGN Vagus Nucleus nucleus LAM Parasympathetic vagal functions in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs Dorsal Motor Nucleus, Cardioinhibitory Center;
preganglionic nucleus
LAC.PN.PSYM.CRG Cardiac Ganglion parasympathetic ganglion LAG Heart Inside heart
LAC.PN.PSYM.GUT Parasympathetic Gut Brain parasympathetic ganglion LAG Autonomic control of stomach, liver
LAC.PN.SYM.CEG Coelic Ganglion sympathetic ganglion LAG Liver, stomach, pancreas, small intestine T5-T9
LAC.PN.SYM.SMG Superior Mesenteric Ganglion sympathetic ganglion LAG Large intestine, rectum T9-T11

Internal Region Connections:

Source Region Target Region Type Reference
LAC.HL.VGN LAC.PN.PSYM.CRG nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
FAM LAC.HL.VGN FAM.FT.AM.CEM Medial Central Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Amygdala and its network (CEA -> VGDM, abstract)
LAC LAC.PN.PSYM.GUT LAC.HL.SAL.ISL Inferior Salivatory Nucleus nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.SYM.CEG LAC.SC.IZ.IML Intermediolateral Nucleus nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.SYM.SMG LAC.SC.IZ.IML Intermediolateral Nucleus nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LPC LAC.HL.VGN LPC.HT.PRF.PB Parabrachial Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Physiology and pathophysiology of lower urinary tract (PBN -> DVM)
LRC LAC.HL.VGN LRC.MM.CNF Cuneiform Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
LAC LAC.HL.VGN LAC.PN.PSYM.ILG Intralaryngeal Peripheral Ganglion nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.PSYM.PUG Pulmonary Peripheral Ganglion nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
TEA LAC.PN.PSYM.CRG TARGET.TEA.HEART Heart TARGET.TEA.HEART-heart-psymp-control (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.PSYM.GUT TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE Endocrine Glands TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE-endocrine-pancreas-muscarinic (unknown reference)
TARGET.TEA.LIVER Liver TARGET.TEA.LIVER-glands (unknown reference)
TARGET.TEA.STOMACH Stomach TARGET.TEA.STOMACH-stomach-mucosal-gastric-glands (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.SYM.CEG TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE Endocrine Glands TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE-endocrine-pancreas-adrenergic (unknown reference)
TARGET.TEA.VESSELS Blood vessels TARGET.TEA.VESSELS-liver-blood-vessels (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.SYM.SMG TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE Endocrine Glands TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE-endocrine-adrenal-gland (unknown reference)
TARGET.TEA.HEART Heart TARGET.TEA.HEART-heart-symp-control (unknown reference)

Daily Cycle Autonomic Control


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LAC.FD.HT.SCN Suprachiasmatic Nucleus nucleus LAC Regulate the circadian cycle, 24-hour rhythms
LAC.FD.HT.TBM Tuberomammillary Nucleus nucleus LAC sole source of histamine in the brain regulate sleep, helps produce responses to sexual
stimuli, and helps body respond to stressful

Internal Region Connections:

  • no connections

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
NDM LAC.FD.HT.SCN NDM.FD.TH.PV Paraventricular Nucleus of Thalamus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LPC LAC.FD.HT.SCN LPC.FD.RT Retinal Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Effect of light on pupil diameter (RET -> SCN)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
FAM LAC.FD.HT.TBM FAM.FT.SEP.LT Lateral Septal Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
FMM LAC.FD.HT.TBM FMM.FD.MB.MMB Medial Mammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Mammillary bodies: two memory systems in one (TuberoMM -> MMB, abstract)
LAC LAC.FD.HT.SCN LAC.FD.HT.DM Dorsomedial Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (SCH -> DMN)
LAC.FD.HT.MPO Median Preoptic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (SCH -> MPOA)
LAC.FD.HT.PV Paraventricular Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Food-entrainable circadian oscillator (SCN -> PVH)
LAC.FD.HT.VLPO Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC.FD.HT.TBM LAC.FD.HT.VLPO Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Simplified NREM sleep-promoting pathway (TMN -> VLPO)
LMC LAC.FD.HT.TBM LMC.HT.LC Locus Coeruleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LPC LAC.FD.HT.TBM LPC.FT.MOB Main Olfactory Bulb nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LRC LAC.FD.HT.SCN LRC.MM.PT.NOT Nucleus of Optic Tract nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)

Heart and Blood Pressure Control


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LAC.PN.SYM.STG Stellate Ganglion sympathetic ganglion LAG Heart, Lung Inferior cervical ganglion
LAC.PN.SYM.TG Sympathetic Thoracic Ganglia sympathetic ganglion LAG Heart T1-T4
LAC.SC.IZ.IML Intermediolateral Nucleus nucleus LAM Mediate entire sympathetic innervation of body from Lamina VII, visceral sensory

Internal Region Connections:

Source Region Target Region Type Reference
LAC.SC.IZ.IML LAC.PN.SYM.STG nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.SYM.TG nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
LAC LAC.SC.IZ.IML LAC.HT.BR Barrington's Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LMC LAC.SC.IZ.IML LMC.HT.LC Locus Coeruleus nucleus-nucleus-NE Physiology and pathophysiology of lower urinary tract (LC -> IML)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
LAC LAC.SC.IZ.IML LAC.PN.SYM.ARG Aorticorenal Ganglion nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.SYM.CEG Coelic Ganglion nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.SYM.IMG Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.SYM.MCG Middle Cervical Ganglion nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.SYM.SCG Superior Cervical Ganglion nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.SYM.SMG Superior Mesenteric Ganglion nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
TEA LAC.PN.SYM.STG TARGET.TEA.HEART Heart TARGET.TEA.HEART-heart-cardiac-lower-muscle-stellar (unknown reference)
TARGET.TEA.VESSELS Blood vessels TARGET.TEA.VESSELS-arm-blood-vessels (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.SYM.TG TARGET.TEA.VESSELS Blood vessels TARGET.TEA.VESSELS-arterial-thoracic-vasoconstrictors (unknown reference)

Autonomic Motivations Control


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LAC.FD.HT.RCH Retrochiasmatic Nucleus nucleus LAC Maintenance of normal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function
LAC.FD.HT.SO Supraoptic Nucleus nucleus LAC Blood volume or blood pressure, vasopressin release
LAC.SC.LH.LSN Lateral Spinal Nucleus nucleus LAS Integrate autonomic and homeostatic functions Projects to HT and lateral globus pallidus;
integrative nucleus for autonomic and homeostatic
functions, and related motivational and affective
responses to autonomic function

Internal Region Connections:

  • no connections

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
NDM LAC.FD.HT.RCH NDM.NC.AL.FPC Lateral Frontopolar Cortex neocortex-nucleus Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in emotional behavior (OPFC -> HT, abstract)
FAM LAC.FD.HT.SO FAM.FT.AM.COP Posterior Cortical Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Role for serotonin in moral behavior (AMY -> HYP, abstract)
LAC LAC.FD.HT.SO LAC.FD.HT.MPO Median Preoptic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (MPOA -> SON)
LAC.SC.LH.LSN LAC.FD.HT.PV Paraventricular Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LPC LAC.FD.HT.SO LPC.HL.SOL Solitary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
LAC LAC.SC.LH.LSN LAC.PN.SYM.SCG Superior Cervical Ganglion nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LLC LAC.FD.HT.RCH LLC.HT.PN.RSP Rostral Pontine Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in emotional behavior (HT -> PN, abstract)
TEA LAC.FD.HT.SO TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE Endocrine Glands TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE-endocrine-neurohypophysis-vasopressin (unknown reference)

Memory Autonomic Control


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LAC.FD.HT.AH Anterior Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus LAC Thermoregulation, panting, sweating
LAC.FD.HT.PRM Premammillary Nucleus nucleus LAC expression of fear responses to environmental threats integrate information involved in spatial working
memory, which may result in attentional mechanisms
on selection of appropriate escape strategies
LAC.FD.HT.SUM Supramammillary Nucleus nucleus LAC control hippocampal plasticity, determine frequency of hippocampal theta rhythm

Internal Region Connections:

Source Region Target Region Type Reference
LAC.FD.HT.AH LAC.FD.HT.PRM nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
NCP LAC.FD.HT.AH NCP.NC.AL.SGCG Subgenual Cingulate Cortex neocortex-nucleus (unknown reference)
FAM LAC.FD.HT.PRM FAM.FT.AM.MPV Medial Posterior Ventral Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-gaba Amygdalar disruption of prefrontal cortex (AM -> HT.L, abstract)
FEC LAC.FD.HT.SUM FEC.FT.SNC.MED Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta Medial nucleus-nucleus-DA (unknown reference)
FMM LAC.FD.HT.AH FMM.FT.HF.SUBP Proximal Subiculum allocortex-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC LAC.FD.HT.AH LAC.FD.HT.MPO Median Preoptic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (MPOA -> AH)
LAC.FD.HT.SUM LAC.FD.HT.VLPO Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LMC LAC.FD.HT.PRM LMC.MM.VTA Ventral Tegmental Area nucleus-nucleus-DA (unknown reference)
LAC.FD.HT.SUM LMC.MM.RP.SUC Superior Central Raphe Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-5HT (unknown reference)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
FAM LAC.FD.HT.SUM FAM.FT.SEP.DBB Diagonal Band of Broca nucleus-nucleus Medial mammillary nucleus and theta rhythm (SupraMM -> SEP, abstract)
FAM.FT.SEP.MED Medial Septal Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Medial mammillary nucleus and theta rhythm (SupraMM -> SEP, abstract)
FMM LAC.FD.HT.SUM FMM.FD.MB.LMB Lateral Mammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Mammillary bodies: two memory systems in one (SupraMM -> LMB)
FMM.FT.HC.CA2 Dorsolateral Cornu Ammonis of Hippocampus nucleus-allocortex Medial mammillary nucleus and theta rhythm (SupraMM -> HF, abstract)
FMM.FT.HC.CA3P Proximal CA3 of Hippocampus nucleus-allocortex Medial mammillary nucleus and theta rhythm (SupraMM -> HF, abstract)
FMM.FT.HC.DG Dentate Gyrus nucleus-allocortex Medial mammillary nucleus and theta rhythm (SupraMM -> HF, abstract)
LAC LAC.FD.HT.AH LAC.FD.HT.DM Dorsomedial Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (AH -> DMN)
LAC.FD.HT.VM Ventromedial Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (AH -> VMN)
LAC.FD.HT.PRM LAC.FD.HT.MPO Median Preoptic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC.FD.HT.VM Ventromedial Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)

Salivation and Tears Control


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LAC.HL.SAL.ISL Inferior Salivatory Nucleus nucleus LAM facilitate digestion - produce watery saliva preganglionic parasympathetic nucleus; project to
otic ganglion to parotid and lingual (von Ebner)
salivatory glands; posterior pulmonary plexus -
motor fibers are derived from inferior salivatory
nucleus; glossopharyngeal nerve
LAC.HL.SAL.SSL Superior Salivatory Nucleus nucleus LAM facilitate respiration - produce thiker saliva preganglionic parasympathetic nucleus; project to
submaxillary (submandibular) ganglion to
submandibular/sublingual salivatory glands; to
sphenopalatine ganglion to superior maxillary nerve
as vasodilator and secretory fibers to the mucous
membrane of the nose, soft palate, tonsils, uvula,
roof of the mouth, upper lips and gums, parotid and
orbital glands; facial nerve
LAC.PN.PSYM.OTG Otic Ganglion parasympathetic ganglion LAG Parotid gland
LAC.PN.PSYM.SPG Sphenopalatine Ganglion parasympathetic ganglion LAG Lacrimal, nasal and palatine glands Head and neck region
LAC.PN.PSYM.SXG Submandibular Ganglion parasympathetic ganglion LAG Submaxillary and sublingual salivary glands Head and neck region, facilitate respiration
LAC.PN.SYM.MCG Middle Cervical Ganglion sympathetic ganglion LAG Eye, tear and salivatory glands

Internal Region Connections:

Source Region Target Region Type Reference
LAC.HL.SAL.ISL LAC.PN.PSYM.OTG nucleus-ganglion Autonomic nervous system (ISL -> OTG)
LAC.HL.SAL.SSL LAC.PN.PSYM.SPG nucleus-ganglion Autonomic nervous system (SSL -> SPG)
LAC.PN.PSYM.SXG nucleus-ganglion Autonomic nervous system (SSL -> SMG)

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
LAC LAC.PN.SYM.MCG LAC.SC.IZ.IML Intermediolateral Nucleus nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LMC LAC.HL.SAL.ISL LMC.HT.TG.LDT Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ACh (unknown reference)
LAC.HL.SAL.SSL LMC.HT.TG.LDT Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-ACh (unknown reference)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
LAC LAC.HL.SAL.ISL LAC.PN.PSYM.GUT Parasympathetic Gut Brain nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.PSYM.PUG Pulmonary Peripheral Ganglion nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
TEA LAC.PN.PSYM.OTG TARGET.TEA.FEEDER Mouth feeder TARGET.TEA.FEEDER-parotid-gland (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.PSYM.SPG TARGET.TEA.FEEDER Mouth feeder TARGET.TEA.FEEDER-uvulae-muscle (unknown reference)
TARGET.TEA.PROTECTOR Immunity glands and meninges TARGET.TEA.PROTECTOR-hard-palate-mucosal-gland (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.PSYM.SXG TARGET.TEA.FEEDER Mouth feeder TARGET.TEA.FEEDER-sublingual-gland (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.SYM.MCG TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE Endocrine Glands TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE-endocrine-parathyroid-gland (unknown reference)
TARGET.TEA.HEART Heart TARGET.TEA.HEART-heart-cardiac-lower-muscle-middle (unknown reference)
TARGET.TEA.VESSELS Blood vessels TARGET.TEA.VESSELS-forearm-blood-vessels (unknown reference)
TSA LAC.PN.PSYM.SPG TARGET.TSA.EYE Eye TARGET.TSA.EYE-eye-tears-gland (unknown reference)
TARGET.TSA.NOSE Nose TARGET.TSA.NOSE-nose-nasal-glands (unknown reference)

Autonomic Thermoregulation


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LAC.FD.HT.MPO Median Preoptic Nucleus nucleus LAC generates thirst Drinking decreases noradrenaline release in median
preoptic nucleus
LAC.FD.HT.VLPO Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus nucleus LAC mediates non-REM sleep onset lesions in VLPO result in insomnia
LAC.HL.TGS.PE5 Peritrigeminal Nucleus nucleus LAS Thermoregulation Project to thermosensitive neurons of medial
preoptic area

Internal Region Connections:

Source Region Target Region Type Reference
LAC.HL.TGS.PE5 LAC.FD.HT.MPO nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
NDM LAC.FD.HT.MPO NDM.FD.TH.PV Paraventricular Nucleus of Thalamus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
NSA LAC.FD.HT.VLPO NSA.NC.PH.PRP Prepyriform Cortex neocortex-nucleus (unknown reference)
FAM LAC.FD.HT.MPO FAM.FT.AM.MPD Medial Posterior Dorsal Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-gaba Role for serotonin in moral behavior (AMY -> HYP, abstract)
LAC.FD.HT.VLPO FAM.FT.AM.MEA Medial Anterior Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Role for serotonin in moral behavior (AMY -> HYP, abstract)
FAM.FT.SEP.LT Lateral Septal Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-gaba Cingulate Gyrus (SEP -> HT, abstract)
FEC LAC.FD.HT.VLPO FEC.HT.TG.RMTG Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-gaba (unknown reference)
FMM LAC.FD.HT.MPO FMM.FT.HC.CA1D Distal CA1 of Hippocampus allocortex-nucleus Feeling (HC -> HT, abstract)
LAC LAC.FD.HT.MPO LAC.FD.HT.DM Dorsomedial Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Eating and sleeping to survive (DMH -> MPO)
LAC.FD.HT.PRM Premammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC.FD.HT.SCN Suprachiasmatic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (SCH -> MPOA)
LAC.FD.HT.VLPO LAC.FD.HT.DM Dorsomedial Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Eating and sleeping to survive (DMH -> VLPO)
LAC.FD.HT.SCN Suprachiasmatic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC.FD.HT.TBM Tuberomammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Simplified NREM sleep-promoting pathway (TMN -> VLPO)
LAC.FD.HT.VM Ventromedial Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LMC LAC.FD.HT.VLPO LMC.HT.LC Locus Coeruleus nucleus-nucleus-NE Simplified NREM sleep-promoting pathway (LC -> VLPO)
LPC LAC.HL.TGS.PE5 LPC.SC.VH.VL Ventrolateral Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
FAM LAC.FD.HT.MPO FAM.FD.TH.PT Paratenial Nucleus of Thalamus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC.FD.HT.VLPO FAM.FD.LHB.LT Lateral Habenula Lateral Part nucleus-nucleus Habenula Connections (LPO -> LHb, abstract)
FAM.FD.LHB.MED Lateral Habenula Medial Part nucleus-nucleus Both LHb and MHb control the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems (LPO -> LHbM)
LAC LAC.FD.HT.MPO LAC.FD.HT.AH Anterior Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (MPOA -> AH)
LAC.FD.HT.PV Paraventricular Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (MPOA -> PA)
LAC.FD.HT.SO Supraoptic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (MPOA -> SON)
LAC.FD.HT.VLPO LAC.FD.HT.SUM Supramammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LMC LAC.FD.HT.MPO LMC.HL.RP.OB Raphe Obscurus Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC.FD.HT.VLPO LMC.HT.TG.LDT Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Simplified NREM sleep-promoting pathway (VLPO -> LDTg)

Thirst and Hunger Control


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LAC.FD.HT.AR Arcuate Nucleus of Hypothalamus nucleus LAC Regulation of growth, appetite and body weight lateral of tuberlulum, TIDA - releases dopamine to
regulate secretion of prolactin hormone, GHRH -
stimulate growth hormone secretion (ventrolateral)
LAC.FD.HT.DM Dorsomedial Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus LAC Blood pressure, heart rate
LAC.FD.HT.LTN Lateral Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus LAC feeding center lesions - lack of appetite
LAC.FD.HT.PV Paraventricular Nucleus nucleus LAC Regulate appetite and autonomic functions
LAC.FD.HT.VM Ventromedial Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus LAC Satiety, control of eating medial of tuberculum

Internal Region Connections:

Source Region Target Region Type Reference
LAC.FD.HT.AR LAC.FD.HT.DM nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (ARC -> DMN)
LAC.FD.HT.LTN nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (ARC -> LHA)
LAC.FD.HT.PV nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (ARC -> PA)
LAC.FD.HT.VM nucleus-nucleus Schematic of hypothalamic circuitry underlying satiety (ARC -> VMH)
LAC.FD.HT.DM LAC.FD.HT.LTN nucleus-nucleus Eating and sleeping to survive (DMH -> LHA)
LAC.FD.HT.PV nucleus-nucleus Eating and sleeping to survive (DMH -> PVH)
LAC.FD.HT.LTN LAC.FD.HT.PV nucleus-nucleus Schematic of hypothalamic circuitry underlying satiety (LHA -> PVN)
LAC.FD.HT.VM LAC.FD.HT.DM nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (VMN -> DMN)
LAC.FD.HT.LTN nucleus-nucleus Glucose-sensing neural network (VMH -> LHA)
LAC.FD.HT.PV nucleus-nucleus Glucose-sensing neural network (VMH -> PVH)

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
FAM LAC.FD.HT.DM FAM.FT.AM.BP Parvicellular Basal Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Role for serotonin in moral behavior (AMY -> HYP, abstract)
LAC.FD.HT.LTN FAM.FT.AM.BP Parvicellular Basal Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Amygdala and its network (BLN -> HTS)
FAM.FT.AM.CEM Medial Central Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Amygdalar disruption of prefrontal cortex (AM -> HT.L, abstract)
FAM.FT.SEP.SH Septohippocampal Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Cingulate Gyrus (SEP -> HT, abstract)
LAC.FD.HT.PV FAM.FT.AM.MPD Medial Posterior Dorsal Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-gaba Amygdalar disruption of prefrontal cortex (AM -> HT.PV, abstract)
LAC.FD.HT.VM FAM.FT.AM.MPV Medial Posterior Ventral Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-gaba Role for serotonin in moral behavior (AMY -> HYP, abstract)
FEC LAC.FD.HT.LTN FEC.FT.ACC.SH Nucleus Accumbens Shell nucleus-nucleus-gaba (unknown reference)
FMM LAC.FD.HT.PV FMM.FT.HF.SUBD Distal Subiculum allocortex-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC.FD.HT.VM FMM.FT.HF.SUBP Proximal Subiculum allocortex-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC LAC.FD.HT.DM LAC.FD.HT.AH Anterior Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (AH -> DMN)
LAC.FD.HT.SCN Suprachiasmatic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (SCH -> DMN)
LAC.FD.HT.PV LAC.FD.HT.MPO Median Preoptic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (MPOA -> PA)
LAC.FD.HT.SCN Suprachiasmatic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Food-entrainable circadian oscillator (SCN -> PVH)
LAC.FD.HT.VM LAC.FD.HT.AH Anterior Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Intrahypothalamic connections important for neural control of food intake and energy balance (AH -> VMN)
LAC.FD.HT.PRM Premammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LMC LAC.FD.HT.PV LMC.MM.VTA Ventral Tegmental Area nucleus-nucleus-DA Physiology and pathophysiology of lower urinary tract (VTA -> PVN)
LPC LAC.FD.HT.DM LPC.HL.SOL Solitary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Food-entrainable circadian oscillator (NTS -> DMH)
LPC.HT.PRF.PB Parabrachial Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Food-entrainable circadian oscillator (PBN -> DMH)
LAC.FD.HT.LTN LPC.HL.SOL Solitary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Schematic of hypothalamic circuitry underlying satiety (NTS -> LHA)
LAC.FD.HT.PV LPC.HL.SOL Solitary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
NDM LAC.FD.HT.LTN NDM.NC.AL.ROFCS Sulcal Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex nucleus-neocortex Bowels control brain: gut hormones and obesity (LHA -> OFC, abstract)
LAC.FD.HT.PV NDM.NC.AL.ROFCS Sulcal Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex nucleus-neocortex Bowels control brain: gut hormones and obesity (PVN -> OFC, abstract)
FAM LAC.FD.HT.LTN FAM.FD.LHB.LT Lateral Habenula Lateral Part nucleus-nucleus Regulation of the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep by habenular projection (LHT -> LHbL)
FAM.FD.LHB.MED Lateral Habenula Medial Part nucleus-nucleus Both LHb and MHb control the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems (LHA -> LHbM)
LAC.FD.HT.VM FAM.FT.BNST Bed Nucleus of Stria Terminalis nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
FEC LAC.FD.HT.VM FEC.FD.STN.CD Subthalamic Nucleus Caudal nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
FEC.FT.ACC.SH Nucleus Accumbens Shell nucleus-nucleus Bowels control brain: gut hormones and obesity (VMN -> NAc, abstract)
LAC LAC.FD.HT.DM LAC.FD.HT.MPO Median Preoptic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Eating and sleeping to survive (DMH -> MPO)
LAC.FD.HT.VLPO Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Eating and sleeping to survive (DMH -> VLPO)
LAC.FD.HT.PV LAC.SC.CC.DCN Dorsal Commissural Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC.SC.IZ.CSC Ciliospinal Center nucleus-nucleus Effect of light on pupil diameter (PVN -> IML)
LAC.SC.IZ.SPS Sacral Parasympathetic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC.SC.LH.LSN Lateral Spinal Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC.FD.HT.VM LAC.FD.HT.VLPO Ventrolateral Preoptic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LMC LAC.FD.HT.DM LMC.HT.LC Locus Coeruleus nucleus-nucleus Effect of light on pupil diameter (DMH -> LC)
LAC.FD.HT.LTN LMC.HL.RP.MG Raphe Magnus Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC.FD.HT.PV LMC.HL.RP.MG Raphe Magnus Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LPC LAC.FD.HT.PV LPC.SC.VH.ONF Onuf's Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC.FD.HT.VM LPC.HL.SOL Solitary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Bowels control brain: gut hormones and obesity (VMN -> NTS)
TEA LAC.FD.HT.AR TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE Endocrine Glands TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE-endocrine-adenohypophysis (unknown reference)
LAC.FD.HT.PV TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE Endocrine Glands TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE-endocrine-neurohypophysis-oxytocin Amygdalar disruption of prefrontal cortex (HT.PV -> PUT)

Vision Autonomic Control


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LAC.FD.HT.PN Posterior Hypothalamic Nucleus nucleus LAC Blood pressure, pupillary dilation
LAC.MM.EWN Edinger-Westphal Nucleus nucleus LAM Change Eye Pupil Parasympathetic nucleus, parvocellular extention of
LAC.PN.PSYM.CLG Ciliary Ganglion parasympathetic ganglion LAG Control pupillary diameter Sphincter muscles of the iris
LAC.PN.PSYM.EPG Episcleral Ganglion parasympathetic ganglion LAG Control curvature of lens Sphincter muscles of the iris
LAC.PN.SYM.SCG Superior Cervical Ganglion sympathetic ganglion LAG Eye, tear and salivatory glands
LAC.SC.IZ.CSC Ciliospinal Center nucleus LAM Control of iris dilator muscle Budge's Center, intermediolateral cell column

Internal Region Connections:

Source Region Target Region Type Reference
LAC.FD.HT.PN LAC.SC.IZ.CSC nucleus-nucleus Sympathetic and parasympathetic eye pathways (PHT -> CC)
LAC.MM.EWN LAC.PN.PSYM.CLG nucleus-ganglion Autonomic nervous system (EWN -> CLG)
LAC.PN.PSYM.EPG nucleus-ganglion Autonomic nervous system (EWN -> EPG)
LAC.SC.IZ.CSC LAC.PN.SYM.SCG nucleus-ganglion Sympathetic and parasympathetic eye pathways (CC -> SCG)

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
FAM LAC.FD.HT.PN FAM.FT.AM.BP Parvicellular Basal Amygdaloid Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Role for serotonin in moral behavior (AMY -> HYP, abstract)
LAC LAC.PN.SYM.SCG LAC.SC.IZ.IML Intermediolateral Nucleus nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LAC.SC.LH.LSN Lateral Spinal Nucleus nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LAC.SC.IZ.CSC LAC.FD.HT.PV Paraventricular Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Effect of light on pupil diameter (PVN -> IML)
LMC LAC.FD.HT.PN LMC.MM.RP.SUC Superior Central Raphe Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-5HT (unknown reference)
LAC.SC.IZ.CSC LMC.HT.LC Locus Coeruleus nucleus-nucleus-NE Effect of light on pupil diameter (LC -> IML)
LRC LAC.FD.HT.PN LRC.HL.INM Intercalated Nucleus of Medulla nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC.MM.EWN LRC.MM.DSCH Darkschewitsch Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Eye blink reflex and pupillary light reflex (SupraOculomotor -> EWN, abstract)
LRC.MM.PT.PON Pretectal Olivary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Effect of light on pupil diameter (OPN -> EW)
LRC.MM.PT.PR Principal Pretectal Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Eye blink reflex and pupillary light reflex (Pretectum -> EWN, abstract)
LRC.MM.PT.SL Sublentiform Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Eye blink reflex and pupillary light reflex (Pretectum -> EWN, abstract)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
FAM LAC.FD.HT.PN FAM.FT.SEP.LT Lateral Septal Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
FMM LAC.FD.HT.PN FMM.FT.HC.CA3P Proximal CA3 of Hippocampus nucleus-allocortex (unknown reference)
FMM.FT.HC.DG Dentate Gyrus nucleus-allocortex (unknown reference)
TEA LAC.PN.SYM.SCG TARGET.TEA.HEART Heart TARGET.TEA.HEART-heart-cardiac-upper-muscle (unknown reference)
TARGET.TEA.VESSELS Blood vessels TARGET.TEA.VESSELS-brachial-artery-vasoconstrictors (unknown reference)
TSA LAC.PN.PSYM.CLG TARGET.TSA.EYE Eye TARGET.TSA.EYE-eye-muscle-curvature-parasympathetic Autonomic nervous system (CLG -> EYE)
LAC.PN.PSYM.EPG TARGET.TSA.EYE Eye TARGET.TSA.EYE-eye-muscle-pupil-close Autonomic nervous system (EPG -> EYE)
LAC.PN.SYM.SCG TARGET.TSA.EYE Eye TARGET.TSA.EYE-eye-muscle-curvature-sympathetic Sympathetic and parasympathetic eye pathways (SCG -> EYE)

Sacral Autonomic Control


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LAC.HT.BR Barrington's Nucleus nucleus LAC Supraspinal regulation of urination Sends projections to Sacral Precerebellar Nucleus
LAC.PN.PSYM.PPG Pelvic Peripheral Ganglion parasympathetic ganglion LAG Sigmoid, rectum, bladder, and external genitalia Pelvic nerve fibers
LAC.PN.SYM.ARG Aorticorenal Ganglion sympathetic ganglion LAG Kidney, Ureter T12
LAC.PN.SYM.IMG Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion sympathetic ganglion LAG Bladder, rectum, reproductive organs S1-S4, single - not paired, unpaired visceral
LAC.SC.CC.DCN Dorsal Commissural Nucleus nucleus LAS Relay of sensory information from pelvic viscera Includes nociception
LAC.SC.IZ.SPS Sacral Parasympathetic Nucleus nucleus LAM parasympathetic impulses pass via postganglionic fibers to the urinary bladder,
erectile tissues, and the smooth muscles and glands in the colon and rectum
from Lamina VII, visceral parasympathetic

Internal Region Connections:

Source Region Target Region Type Reference
LAC.HT.BR LAC.SC.IZ.SPS nucleus-nucleus Schematic overview of spinobulbospinal micturition reflex pathway (BAR -> SPS)
LAC.SC.CC.DCN LAC.HT.BR nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC.SC.IZ.SPS LAC.PN.PSYM.PPG nucleus-ganglion Schematic overview of spinobulbospinal micturition reflex pathway (SPS -> PEL)

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
LAC LAC.PN.SYM.ARG LAC.SC.IZ.IML Intermediolateral Nucleus nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.SYM.IMG LAC.SC.IZ.IML Intermediolateral Nucleus nucleus-ganglion (unknown reference)
LAC.SC.CC.DCN LAC.FD.HT.PV Paraventricular Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LAC.SC.IZ.SPS LAC.FD.HT.PV Paraventricular Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LMC LAC.HT.BR LMC.MM.PAG Periaqueductal Gray Matter nucleus-nucleus-ENK Schematic overview of spinobulbospinal micturition reflex pathway (PAG -> BAR)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
LAC LAC.HT.BR LAC.SC.IZ.IML Intermediolateral Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LPC LAC.HT.BR LPC.SC.VH.ONF Onuf's Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Schematic overview of spinobulbospinal micturition reflex pathway (BAR -> ONF)
TEA LAC.PN.PSYM.PPG TARGET.TEA.BREAST Breast TARGET.TEA.BREAST-nipple-smooth-muscles (unknown reference)
TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA Genitalia TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA-corpus-cavernosum-clitoridis (unknown reference)
TARGET.TEA.RECTUM Rectum TARGET.TEA.RECTUM-sphincter-ani-internus-muscle-parasympathetic (unknown reference)
TARGET.TEA.STOMACH Stomach TARGET.TEA.STOMACH-stomach-wall (unknown reference)
TARGET.TEA.URETER Ureter TARGET.TEA.URETER-detrusor-urinae-muscle-parasympathetic (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.SYM.ARG TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE Endocrine Glands TARGET.TEA.ENDOCRINE-endocrine-ovary-gland (unknown reference)
TARGET.TEA.VESSELS Blood vessels TARGET.TEA.VESSELS-renal-blood-vessels (unknown reference)
LAC.PN.SYM.IMG TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA Genitalia TARGET.TEA.GENITALIA-bartholin-gland (unknown reference)
TARGET.TEA.RECTUM Rectum TARGET.TEA.RECTUM-sphincter-ani-internus-muscle-sympathetic (unknown reference)
TARGET.TEA.URETER Ureter TARGET.TEA.URETER-detrusor-urinae-muscle-sympathetic (unknown reference)

Thirdparty Circuits




























