BrainRegionLRC HT CR FG

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Fastigual Nucleus

@@Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> BrainAreaLRC -> BrainRegionLRC_HT_CR_FG

This page covers biological details of component Fastigual Nucleus. Region is part of aHuman target integrated biological model.

  • Top-down path to region: Hindbrain Metencephalon -> Cerebellar Complex (LLC.HT.CRC) -> Deep Cerebellar Nuclei (LLC.HT.CR.DCN) -> Fastigual Nucleus (LRC.HT.CR.FG) (see Mind Maps)
  • Type: nucleus
  • Brain area: Lower Brain - Motor Reflex Area
  • Role: processor.automatic
  • Function: rostral - interprets body motion and places it on spatial planes to estimate movement of body through space; caudal - saccadic eye movements




  • no child items defined



Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Source Region Source Name Type Reference
LLC LLC.HT.CR.PV Cerebellar Paravermis excitatory-glu Cerebellum functional divisions (CRS -> FG)
LRC LRC.HT.CR.VM Cerebellar Vermis inhibitory-gaba Cerebellum functional divisions (CRV -> FG)

Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Target Region Target Name Type Reference
LPC LPC.HT.LVBN Lateral Vestibular Nucleus excitatory-glu Cerebellum functional divisions (FG -> VB, abstract)
LRC LRC.HT.PRF.CRF Caudal Pontine Reticular Nucleus excitatory-glu Cerebellum functional divisions (FG -> RF, abstract)
LRC.MM.PT.PR Principal Pretectal Nucleus excitatory-glu (unknown reference)

Thirdparty Circuits


map: CCV=Central Cervical Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.CCV, CRP=Cerebellar Lateral Lobe,LLC.HT.CR.CC, CRS=Cerebellar Paravermis,LLC.HT.CR.PV, CRV=Cerebellar Vermis,LRC.HT.CR.VM, CTX=Anterior Lobe,NC.LOBE.ANT (Rostral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCR), Lateral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCL), Inferior Prefrontal Gyrus (NDM.NC.AL.IPG), Broca's Area Pars Opercularis (NPE.NC.BRA.PO), Broca's Area Pars Triangularis (NPE.NC.BRA.PT), Lateral Frontopolar Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.FPC), Most Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCR), Sulcal Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCS), Medial Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCM), Lateral Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCL), Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DMPFC), Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.VMPFC), Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.VACG), Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.DACG), Subgenual Cingulate Cortex (NCP.NC.AL.SGCG), Ventral Medial Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.VMCG), Dorsal Medial Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.DMCG), Pregenual Cingulate Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.PGCG), Motor Cortex (NMA.NC.MC), Caudal Frontal Eye Field (NPE.NC.PMC.CFEF), Anterior Frontal Eye Field (NPE.NC.PMC.AFEF), Dorsal Caudal Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F2), Dorsal Rostral Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F7), Ventral Caudal Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F4), Ventral Rostral Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F5), Supplementary Eye Field (NPE.NC.SMC.SEF), Pre-Supplementary Motor Area (NMA.NC.SMC.F6), Supplementary Motor Area (NMA.NC.SMC.F3)), DN=Dentate Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.DN, FG=Fastigual Nucleus,LRC.HT.CR.FG, IO=Inferior Olivary Nucleus,LLC.HL.IO, IP=Interposed Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.IP (Emboliform Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.EN), Globose Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.GN)), LT=Dentate Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.DN, PNN=Basilar Pontine Nuclei,LLC.HT.BPN, RD=Red Nucleus,LLC.MM.RD, RF=Pontine Reticular Formation,HT.RF, SCM=Anterior/Ventral Horn,SC.VH, SCS=Proprius Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.NP, SCSD=Clarke Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.CL, VB=Vestibular Nuclei,LPC.HT.VBN, VBG=Vestibular Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.VB, VL=Ventral Lateral Nucleus,NMA.FD.TH.VL unavailable

map: CR=Cerebellum,LLC.HT.CR (Cerebellar Flocconodular Lobe (LRC.HT.CR.FN), Cerebellar Lateral Lobe (LLC.HT.CR.CC), Cerebellar Paravermis (LLC.HT.CR.PV), Cerebellar Vermis (LRC.HT.CR.VM)), CTX=Anterior Lobe,NC.LOBE.ANT (Rostral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCR), Lateral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCL), Inferior Prefrontal Gyrus (NDM.NC.AL.IPG), Broca's Area Pars Opercularis (NPE.NC.BRA.PO), Broca's Area Pars Triangularis (NPE.NC.BRA.PT), Lateral Frontopolar Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.FPC), Most Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCR), Sulcal Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCS), Medial Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCM), Lateral Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCL), Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DMPFC), Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.VMPFC), Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.VACG), Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.DACG), Subgenual Cingulate Cortex (NCP.NC.AL.SGCG), Ventral Medial Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.VMCG), Dorsal Medial Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.DMCG), Pregenual Cingulate Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.PGCG), Motor Cortex (NMA.NC.MC), Caudal Frontal Eye Field (NPE.NC.PMC.CFEF), Anterior Frontal Eye Field (NPE.NC.PMC.AFEF), Dorsal Caudal Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F2), Dorsal Rostral Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F7), Ventral Caudal Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F4), Ventral Rostral Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F5), Supplementary Eye Field (NPE.NC.SMC.SEF), Pre-Supplementary Motor Area (NMA.NC.SMC.F6), Supplementary Motor Area (NMA.NC.SMC.F3)), EAMN=Anterior/Ventral Horn,SC.VH, EGMN=Anterior/Ventral Horn,SC.VH, FAMN=Anterior/Ventral Horn,SC.VH, FG=Fastigual Nucleus,LRC.HT.CR.FG, IP=Interposed Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.IP (Emboliform Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.EN), Globose Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.GN)), LT=Dentate Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.DN, MRF=Medullary Reticular Formation,HL.RF, PRF=Pontine Reticular Formation,HT.RF, RD=Red Nucleus,LLC.MM.RD, VB=Vestibular Nuclei,LPC.HT.VBN unavailable

