BrainRegionLPC HT MVBN
Medial Vestibular Nucleus
@@Home -> BiologicalLifeResearch -> BrainAreaLPC -> BrainRegionLPC_HT_MVBN
This page covers biological details of component Medial Vestibular Nucleus. Region is part of aHuman target integrated biological model.
- Top-down path to region: Hindbrain Metencephalon -> Vestibular Nuclei (LPC.HT.VBN) -> Medial Vestibular Nucleus (LPC.HT.MVBN) (see Mind Maps)
- Type: nucleus
- Brain area: Lower Brain - Peripheral Control Area
- Role: sensory.nucleus
- Function: controlling head position, integrate head and eye movements; maintain balance, coordinating postural adjustments; coordination for horizontal eye movements
- Notes to function: to thoracic, bilateral - medial vestibulospinal tract in MLF; to CR; to oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, accessory oculomotor
- no child items defined
Inbound Region Connections:
Source Area | Source Region | Source Name | Type | Reference |
LPC | LPC.PN.SG.CVB | Vestibular Ganglion - Semicircular Canal Neurons | excitatory-glu | Cerebellum functional divisions (VBG -> VB, abstract) |
LRC | LRC.HT.CR.FN | Cerebellar Flocconodular Lobe | inhibitory-gaba | (unknown reference) |
Outbound Region Connections:
Target Area | Target Region | Target Name | Type | Reference |
LPC | LPC.HT.ABD | Abducens Nucleus | excitatory-glu | (unknown reference) |
LPC.MM.OCN | Oculomotor Nucleus | excitatory-glu | (unknown reference) | |
LPC.MM.TRH | Trochlear Nucleus | excitatory-glu | (unknown reference) | |
LPC.SC.VH.SAN | Spinal Accessory Nucleus | excitatory-glu | Cerebellum functional divisions (VB -> SCM, abstract) | |
LRC | LRC.HL.INM | Intercalated Nucleus of Medulla | excitatory-glu | (unknown reference) |
LRC.HL.NPH | Prepositus Nucleus | excitatory-glu | Head Direction Cell Circuit (MVSN -> NPRP) | |
LRC.HT.CR.VM | Cerebellar Vermis | excitatory-glu | Cerebellum functional divisions (VB -> CRV, abstract) | |
LRC.MM.DSCH | Darkschewitsch Nucleus | excitatory-glu | (unknown reference) | |
NSA | NSA.FD.TH.SG | Suprageniculate Nucleus of Thalamus | excitatory-glu | Head Direction Cell Circuit (MVSN -> SUPGEN) |
Thirdparty Circuits
map: AD=Anterodorsal Nucleus,FMM.FD.TH.AD, DTN=Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus,LMC.HT.TG.DTG, EC=Entorhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.ET (Lateral Entorhinal Cortex (FMM.NC.PH.LEC), Medial Entorhinal Cortex (FMM.NC.PH.MEC)), HC=Hippocampus,FMM.FT.HC (Dentate Gyrus (FMM.FT.HC.DG), Proximal CA1 of Hippocampus (FMM.FT.HC.CA1P), Middle CA1 of Hippocampus (FMM.FT.HC.CA1M), Distal CA1 of Hippocampus (FMM.FT.HC.CA1D), Dorsolateral Cornu Ammonis of Hippocampus (FMM.FT.HC.CA2), Proximal CA3 of Hippocampus (FMM.FT.HC.CA3P), Middle CA3 of Hippocampus (FMM.FT.HC.CA3M), Distal CA3 of Hippocampus (FMM.FT.HC.CA3D)), IPD=Interpeduncular Nucleus,FEC.HT.TG.IPD, LD=Lateral Dorsal Nucleus of Thalamus,FMM.FD.TH.LD, LHAB=Habenula,FAM.FD.HB, LMB=Lateral Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.LMB, MVSN=Medial Vestibular Nucleus,LPC.HT.MVBN, NPRP=Prepositus Nucleus,LRC.HL.NPH, PC=Parietal Lobe,NC.LOBE.PAR (Medial Superior Temporal Area (NPE.NC.IPL.MST), Supramarginal Wernike Cortex (NPE.NC.IPL.SMW), Retrosplenial Cortex (NCP.NC.MPL.RSC), Posterior Cingulate Cortex (NCP.NC.MPL.PSCG), Subgenual Cingulate Cortex (NCP.NC.MPL.SGCG), Precentral Cortex (NCP.NC.PO.PCC), Primary Somatosensory Cortex (NCP.NC.PG.S1), Secondary Somatosensory Cortex (NCP.NC.PG.S2), Parietal Ventral Cortex (NCP.NC.PG.PV), Somatosensory Association Cortex (NCP.NC.SPL.SA), Rostral Precuneus (NPE.NC.SPL.PF), Caudal Precuneus (NPE.NC.SPL.PG), Medial Intraparietal Sulcus (NPE.NC.IPS.MIP), Lateral Intraparietal Sulcus (NPE.NC.IPS.LIP), Ventral Intraparietal Sulcus (NSA.NC.IPS.VIP), Anterior Intraparietal Sulcus (NSA.NC.IPS.AIP)), PRHC=Postrhinal Cortex,FMM.NC.PH.POR, PSUB=Postsubiculum,FMM.NC.PH.POS, RSP=Retrosplenial Cortex,NCP.NC.MPL.RSC, SUPGEN=Suprageniculate Nucleus of Thalamus,NSA.FD.TH.SG, VC=Occipital Lobe,NC.LOBE.OCC
map: CCV=Central Cervical Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.CCV, CRP=Cerebellar Lateral Lobe,LLC.HT.CR.CC, CRS=Cerebellar Paravermis,LLC.HT.CR.PV, CRV=Cerebellar Vermis,LRC.HT.CR.VM, CTX=Anterior Lobe,NC.LOBE.ANT (Rostral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCR), Lateral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCL), Inferior Prefrontal Gyrus (NDM.NC.AL.IPG), Broca's Area Pars Opercularis (NPE.NC.BRA.PO), Broca's Area Pars Triangularis (NPE.NC.BRA.PT), Lateral Frontopolar Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.FPC), Most Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCR), Sulcal Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCS), Medial Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCM), Lateral Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCL), Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DMPFC), Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.VMPFC), Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.VACG), Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.DACG), Subgenual Cingulate Cortex (NCP.NC.AL.SGCG), Ventral Medial Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.VMCG), Dorsal Medial Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.DMCG), Pregenual Cingulate Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.PGCG), Motor Cortex (NMA.NC.MC), Caudal Frontal Eye Field (NPE.NC.PMC.CFEF), Anterior Frontal Eye Field (NPE.NC.PMC.AFEF), Dorsal Caudal Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F2), Dorsal Rostral Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F7), Ventral Caudal Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F4), Ventral Rostral Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F5), Supplementary Eye Field (NPE.NC.SMC.SEF), Pre-Supplementary Motor Area (NMA.NC.SMC.F6), Supplementary Motor Area (NMA.NC.SMC.F3)), DN=Dentate Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.DN, FG=Fastigual Nucleus,LRC.HT.CR.FG, IO=Inferior Olivary Nucleus,LLC.HL.IO, IP=Interposed Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.IP (Emboliform Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.EN), Globose Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.GN)), LT=Dentate Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.DN, PNN=Basilar Pontine Nuclei,LLC.HT.BPN, RD=Red Nucleus,LLC.MM.RD, RF=Pontine Reticular Formation,HT.RF, SCM=Anterior/Ventral Horn,SC.VH, SCS=Proprius Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.NP, SCSD=Clarke Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.CL, VB=Vestibular Nuclei,LPC.HT.VBN, VBG=Vestibular Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.VB, VL=Ventral Lateral Nucleus,NMA.FD.TH.VL