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Locomotion Control Area

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Local Circuits


ID Name Regions
LLS Spinocerebellar Locomotion LLC.HT.CR.EN, LLC.HT.CR.GN, LLC.HT.CR.PV, LLC.MM.RD

Cerebrocerebellar Locomotion


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LLC.HT.BPN Basilar Pontine Nuclei nucleus LUS convey information from motor cortex to cerebellum regarding intended movements
of contralateral arm and leg
receive neocortical input and give rise to many
axons that cross the midline to enter the
contralateral cerebellum
LLC.HT.CR.CC Cerebellar Lateral Lobe cortex LLC planning movement that is about to occur, evaluating sensory information for
action, handles intentions
lateral zone of anterior and posterior lobes;
dentate nucleus; receives input exclusively from
cerebral cortex (especially parietal lobe) via
pontine nuclei (forming cortico-ponto-cerebellar
pathways), and sends output mainly to ventrolateral
thalamus and to red nucleus; add skill to movements
LLC.HT.CR.DN Dentate Nucleus nucleus LLC planning, initiation and control of voluntary movements dorsal - movement of skeletal muscle, ventral -
conscious thought and visuospatial function
LLC.HT.PN.RSP Rostral Pontine Nucleus nucleus LLI Part of learning, motivation, spatial memory pathway Relay from mammillary body to CR
LLC.HT.PRF.RTMG Pontine Reticulotegmental Nucleus nucleus LLI Mediate saccadic eye movements Inactivation leads to deficit of expression, but
not learning

Internal Region Connections:

Source Region Target Region Type Reference
LLC.HT.BPN LLC.HT.CR.CC nucleus-allocortex Cerebellum functional divisions (PNN -> CRP)
LLC.HT.CR.CC LLC.HT.CR.DN allocortex-nucleus-gaba Cerebellum functional divisions (CRP -> DN)
LLC.HT.PN.RSP LLC.HT.CR.DN nucleus-nucleus Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in motor behavior (PN -> CR, abstract)

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
NDM LLC.HT.PRF.RTMG NDM.NC.AL.VACG Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area neocortex-nucleus Motor neurons control (CTX -> PRF, abstract)
NMA LLC.HT.BPN NMA.NC.MC Motor Cortex neocortex-nucleus Cerebellum functional divisions (CTX -> PNN, abstract)
LLC.HT.PRF.RTMG NMA.NC.MC Motor Cortex neocortex-nucleus Motor neurons control (CTX -> PRF, abstract)
NMA.NC.SMC.F3 Supplementary Motor Area neocortex-nucleus Motor neurons control (CTX -> PRF, abstract)
NPE LLC.HT.PRF.RTMG NPE.NC.BRA.PO Broca's Area Pars Opercularis neocortex-nucleus Motor neurons control (CTX -> PRF, abstract)
FEC LLC.HT.CR.CC FEC.FT.SNC.LT Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta Lateral nucleus-allocortex-DA Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in motor behavior (SN -> CR, abstract)
FMM LLC.HT.PN.RSP FMM.FD.MB.MMB Medial Mammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in emotional behavior (HT -> PN, abstract)
LLC.HT.PRF.RTMG FMM.FD.MB.LMB Lateral Mammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Mammillary Body (LMB -> RTG)
FMM.FD.MB.MMB Medial Mammillary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Mammillary Body (MMB -> RTG)
LAC LLC.HT.PN.RSP LAC.FD.HT.RCH Retrochiasmatic Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in emotional behavior (HT -> PN, abstract)
LLC LLC.HT.CR.CC LLC.HL.IO Inferior Olivary Nucleus nucleus-allocortex Cerebellum functional divisions (IO -> CRP)
LPC LLC.HT.PRF.RTMG LPC.HL.TGS.STR Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Eye blink reflex and pupillary light reflex (SpinalTrigeminal -> RF, abstract)
LRC LLC.HT.CR.CC LRC.HT.PRF.RPO Oral Pontine Reticular Nucleus nucleus-allocortex Saccades and smooth movements (DLPN -> CR, abstract)
LLC.HT.PRF.RTMG LRC.MM.SC.DEEP Deep Superior Colliculus nucleus-nucleus Geniculate and Extyrageniculate Paths (SC -> RF, abstract)
LRC.MM.SC.INT Intermediate Superior Colliculus nucleus-nucleus Geniculate and Extyrageniculate Paths (SC -> RF, abstract)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
NCP LLC.HT.CR.DN NCP.FD.TH.RIL Rostral Intralaminar Nuclear Group of Thalamus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
NDM LLC.HT.CR.DN NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCL Lateral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex nucleus-neocortex (unknown reference)
NMA LLC.HT.CR.DN NMA.FD.TH.VL Ventral Lateral Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Thalamocortical relationships (s1VL -> VL)
LLC LLC.HT.CR.DN LLC.HT.CR.GN Globose Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LLC.MM.RD Red Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Motor neurons control (LT -> RD)
LRC LLC.HT.BPN LRC.MM.SC.INT Intermediate Superior Colliculus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LLC.HT.PRF.RTMG LRC.HT.CR.FN Cerebellar Flocconodular Lobe nucleus-nucleus-gaba (unknown reference)
LRC.HT.CR.VM Cerebellar Vermis nucleus-allocortex-gaba (unknown reference)

Spinocerebellar Learning


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LLC.FD.TH.SF Subfascicular Nucleus of Thalamus nucleus LUS Relays from PAG to Rhape nuclei, Inferior olive nucleus
LLC.HL.ARC Arcuate Nucleus of Medulla nucleus LLI Relay cardiorepriratory proprioception to cerebellum Receives fibers from spinothalamic tract and sends
to CR; controlling respiratory frequency;
chemosensitivity and cardiorespiratory activity
LLC.HL.IO Inferior Olivary Nucleus nucleus LLI Proprioception Relay from Spinal Cord to Cerebellum
LLC.HL.RF.MLRN Lateral Reticular Nucleus, Magnocellular nucleus LLI spinal cord projections to cerebellum, cervical from RD; medial, magnocellular portion, immediately
adjacent to lateral - to vermis; rest of
magnocellular subnucleus sends its projections to
hemisphere regions of cerebellum
LLC.HL.RF.PLRN Lateral Reticular Nucleus, Parvocellular nucleus LLI spinal cord projections to cerebellum, thoracolumbar from RD; lateral, parvocellular portion of LRN send
most their projections to vermis of cerebellum
LLC.HT.PN.PBB Pontobulbar Body nucleus LLI Relay neck proprioception to cerebellum Walking, speaking, breathing, part of
corticopontocerebellar pathway

Internal Region Connections:

Source Region Target Region Type Reference
LLC.FD.TH.SF LLC.HL.IO nucleus-nucleus-gaba (unknown reference)

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
NMA LLC.HT.PN.PBB NMA.NC.MC Motor Cortex neocortex-nucleus Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in motor behavior (MC -> PN, abstract)
LLC LLC.HL.IO LLC.MM.RD Red Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Cerebellum functional divisions (RD -> IO)
LLC.HL.RF.MLRN LLC.MM.RD Red Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LLC.HL.RF.PLRN LLC.MM.RD Red Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LMC LLC.FD.TH.SF LMC.MM.PAG Periaqueductal Gray Matter nucleus-nucleus-ENK (unknown reference)
LPC LLC.HL.ARC LPC.SC.PH.CL Clarke Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LLC.HL.IO LPC.SC.IZ.CCV Central Cervical Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LPC.SC.PH.NP Proprius Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Cerebellum functional divisions (SCS -> IO)
LLC.HL.RF.PLRN LPC.SC.IZ.IMM Intermediomedial Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LLC.HT.PN.PBB LPC.SC.PH.CL Clarke Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LRC LLC.HL.IO LRC.MM.DSCH Darkschewitsch Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
LLC LLC.HL.ARC LLC.HT.CR.PV Cerebellar Paravermis nucleus-allocortex (unknown reference)
LLC.HL.IO LLC.HT.CR.CC Cerebellar Lateral Lobe nucleus-allocortex Cerebellum functional divisions (IO -> CRP)
LLC.HT.CR.GN Globose Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LLC.HT.CR.PV Cerebellar Paravermis nucleus-allocortex Cerebellum functional divisions (IO -> CRS)
LLC.HL.RF.MLRN LLC.HT.CR.PV Cerebellar Paravermis nucleus-allocortex (unknown reference)
LLC.HL.RF.PLRN LLC.HT.CR.PV Cerebellar Paravermis nucleus-allocortex (unknown reference)
LLC.HT.PN.PBB LLC.HT.CR.PV Cerebellar Paravermis nucleus-allocortex Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in motor behavior (PN -> CR, abstract)
LMC LLC.FD.TH.SF LMC.MM.RP.DRN Dorsal Raphe Nucleus nucleus-nucleus-gaba (unknown reference)
LRC LLC.HL.IO LRC.HT.CR.VM Cerebellar Vermis nucleus-allocortex Cerebellum functional divisions (IO -> CRV)

Spinocerebellar Locomotion


Component ID Component Name Type Service Function Comments
LLC.HT.CR.EN Emboliform Nucleus nucleus LLC Modulate motor functions of Red Nucleus Trigeminocerebellar tract
LLC.HT.CR.GN Globose Nucleus nucleus LLC Modulate motor functions of Red Nucleus
LLC.HT.CR.PV Cerebellar Paravermis cortex LLC fine-tune body and limb movements medial zone of anterior and posterior lobes;
interpositus (emboliform and globose) nuclei; tunes
and adjusts ongoing movements and muscle tone
LLC.MM.RD Red Nucleus nucleus LLE Motor coordination Crawling of babies is controlled by RN

Internal Region Connections:

Source Region Target Region Type Reference
LLC.HT.CR.EN LLC.HT.CR.GN nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LLC.MM.RD nucleus-nucleus Cerebellum functional divisions (IP -> RD, abstract)
LLC.HT.CR.GN LLC.MM.RD nucleus-nucleus Cerebellum functional divisions (IP -> RD, abstract)
LLC.HT.CR.PV LLC.HT.CR.EN allocortex-nucleus-gaba Cerebellum functional divisions (CRS -> IP, abstract)
LLC.HT.CR.GN allocortex-nucleus-gaba Cerebellum functional divisions (CRS -> IP, abstract)

External Inbound Region Connections:

Source Area Local Region Source Region Source Name Type Reference
NDM LLC.MM.RD NDM.NC.AL.VACG Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area neocortex-nucleus Cerebellum functional divisions (CTX -> RD, abstract)
FEC LLC.MM.RD FEC.FT.SNC.LT Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta Lateral nucleus-nucleus-DA (unknown reference)
LLC LLC.HT.CR.GN LLC.HL.IO Inferior Olivary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LLC.HT.CR.DN Dentate Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LLC.HT.CR.PV LLC.HL.ARC Arcuate Nucleus of Medulla nucleus-allocortex (unknown reference)
LLC.HL.IO Inferior Olivary Nucleus nucleus-allocortex Cerebellum functional divisions (IO -> CRS)
LLC.HL.RF.MLRN Lateral Reticular Nucleus, Magnocellular nucleus-allocortex (unknown reference)
LLC.HL.RF.PLRN Lateral Reticular Nucleus, Parvocellular nucleus-allocortex (unknown reference)
LLC.HT.PN.PBB Pontobulbar Body nucleus-allocortex Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in motor behavior (PN -> CR, abstract)
LLC.MM.RD LLC.HT.CR.DN Dentate Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Motor neurons control (LT -> RD)
LMC LLC.HT.CR.PV LMC.HL.RP.OB Raphe Obscurus Nucleus nucleus-allocortex-5HT (unknown reference)
LMC.HP.RP.PRN Pontine Raphe Nucleus nucleus-allocortex-5HT (unknown reference)
LPC LLC.HT.CR.PV LPC.HL.ACU Accessory Cuneate Nucleus nucleus-allocortex (unknown reference)
LPC.HL.CU Cuneate Nucleus nucleus-allocortex (unknown reference)
LPC.SC.IZ.CBS Centrobasalis Nucleus nucleus-allocortex (unknown reference)
LPC.SC.IZ.CCV Central Cervical Nucleus nucleus-allocortex Cerebellum functional divisions (CCV -> CRS)
LPC.SC.IZ.IMM Intermediomedial Nucleus nucleus-allocortex (unknown reference)
LPC.SC.PH.CL Clarke Nucleus nucleus-allocortex Afferent pain pathways (SC -> Cerebellum, abstract)

External Outbound Region Connections:

Target Area Local Region Target Region Target Name Type Reference
FEC LLC.HT.CR.EN FEC.FD.TH.CM Centromedian Nucleus of Thalamus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LLC LLC.MM.RD LLC.HL.IO Inferior Olivary Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Cerebellum functional divisions (RD -> IO)
LLC.HL.RF.MLRN Lateral Reticular Nucleus, Magnocellular nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LLC.HL.RF.PLRN Lateral Reticular Nucleus, Parvocellular nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LPC LLC.MM.RD LPC.SC.VH.PL Posterolateral Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Motor neurons control (RD -> FAMN, abstract)
LPC.SC.VH.PM Posteromedial Nucleus nucleus-nucleus Motor neurons control (RD -> FAMN, abstract)
LRC LLC.HT.CR.EN LRC.MM.SC.INT Intermediate Superior Colliculus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LLC.HT.CR.GN LRC.MM.DSCH Darkschewitsch Nucleus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LRC.MM.SC.DEEP Deep Superior Colliculus nucleus-nucleus (unknown reference)
LLC.HT.CR.PV LRC.HT.CR.FG Fastigual Nucleus allocortex-nucleus Cerebellum functional divisions (CRS -> FG)

Thirdparty Circuits


map: CCV=Central Cervical Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.CCV, CRP=Cerebellar Lateral Lobe,LLC.HT.CR.CC, CRS=Cerebellar Paravermis,LLC.HT.CR.PV, CRV=Cerebellar Vermis,LRC.HT.CR.VM, CTX=Anterior Lobe,NC.LOBE.ANT (Rostral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCR), Lateral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCL), Inferior Prefrontal Gyrus (NDM.NC.AL.IPG), Broca's Area Pars Opercularis (NPE.NC.BRA.PO), Broca's Area Pars Triangularis (NPE.NC.BRA.PT), Lateral Frontopolar Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.FPC), Most Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCR), Sulcal Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCS), Medial Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCM), Lateral Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCL), Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DMPFC), Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.VMPFC), Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.VACG), Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.DACG), Subgenual Cingulate Cortex (NCP.NC.AL.SGCG), Ventral Medial Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.VMCG), Dorsal Medial Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.DMCG), Pregenual Cingulate Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.PGCG), Motor Cortex (NMA.NC.MC), Caudal Frontal Eye Field (NPE.NC.PMC.CFEF), Anterior Frontal Eye Field (NPE.NC.PMC.AFEF), Dorsal Caudal Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F2), Dorsal Rostral Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F7), Ventral Caudal Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F4), Ventral Rostral Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F5), Supplementary Eye Field (NPE.NC.SMC.SEF), Pre-Supplementary Motor Area (NMA.NC.SMC.F6), Supplementary Motor Area (NMA.NC.SMC.F3)), DN=Dentate Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.DN, FG=Fastigual Nucleus,LRC.HT.CR.FG, IO=Inferior Olivary Nucleus,LLC.HL.IO, IP=Interposed Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.IP (Emboliform Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.EN), Globose Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.GN)), LT=Dentate Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.DN, PNN=Basilar Pontine Nuclei,LLC.HT.BPN, RD=Red Nucleus,LLC.MM.RD, RF=Pontine Reticular Formation,HT.RF, SCM=Anterior/Ventral Horn,SC.VH, SCS=Proprius Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.NP, SCSD=Clarke Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.CL, VB=Vestibular Nuclei,LPC.HT.VBN, VBG=Vestibular Ganglion,LPC.PN.SG.VB, VL=Ventral Lateral Nucleus,NMA.FD.TH.VL unavailable

map: CR=Cerebellum,LLC.HT.CR (Cerebellar Flocconodular Lobe (LRC.HT.CR.FN), Cerebellar Lateral Lobe (LLC.HT.CR.CC), Cerebellar Paravermis (LLC.HT.CR.PV), Cerebellar Vermis (LRC.HT.CR.VM)), CTX=Anterior Lobe,NC.LOBE.ANT (Rostral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCR), Lateral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCL), Inferior Prefrontal Gyrus (NDM.NC.AL.IPG), Broca's Area Pars Opercularis (NPE.NC.BRA.PO), Broca's Area Pars Triangularis (NPE.NC.BRA.PT), Lateral Frontopolar Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.FPC), Most Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCR), Sulcal Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCS), Medial Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCM), Lateral Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCL), Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DMPFC), Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.VMPFC), Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.VACG), Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.DACG), Subgenual Cingulate Cortex (NCP.NC.AL.SGCG), Ventral Medial Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.VMCG), Dorsal Medial Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.DMCG), Pregenual Cingulate Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.PGCG), Motor Cortex (NMA.NC.MC), Caudal Frontal Eye Field (NPE.NC.PMC.CFEF), Anterior Frontal Eye Field (NPE.NC.PMC.AFEF), Dorsal Caudal Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F2), Dorsal Rostral Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F7), Ventral Caudal Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F4), Ventral Rostral Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F5), Supplementary Eye Field (NPE.NC.SMC.SEF), Pre-Supplementary Motor Area (NMA.NC.SMC.F6), Supplementary Motor Area (NMA.NC.SMC.F3)), EAMN=Anterior/Ventral Horn,SC.VH, EGMN=Anterior/Ventral Horn,SC.VH, FAMN=Anterior/Ventral Horn,SC.VH, FG=Fastigual Nucleus,LRC.HT.CR.FG, IP=Interposed Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.IP (Emboliform Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.EN), Globose Nucleus (LLC.HT.CR.GN)), LT=Dentate Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.DN, MRF=Medullary Reticular Formation,HL.RF, PRF=Pontine Reticular Formation,HT.RF, RD=Red Nucleus,LLC.MM.RD, VB=Vestibular Nuclei,LPC.HT.VBN unavailable

map: LMB=Lateral Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.LMB, MMB=Medial Mammillary Nucleus,FMM.FD.MB.MMB, RTG=Pontine Reticulotegmental Nucleus,LLC.HT.PRF.RTMG unavailable

map: Bechterew=Pontine Reticulotegmental Nucleus,LLC.HT.PRF.RTMG, CR=Cerebellum,LLC.HT.CR (Cerebellar Flocconodular Lobe (LRC.HT.CR.FN), Cerebellar Lateral Lobe (LLC.HT.CR.CC), Cerebellar Paravermis (LLC.HT.CR.PV), Cerebellar Vermis (LRC.HT.CR.VM)), FEFSEF=Anterior Lobe,NC.LOBE.ANT (Rostral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCR), Lateral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCL), Inferior Prefrontal Gyrus (NDM.NC.AL.IPG), Broca's Area Pars Opercularis (NPE.NC.BRA.PO), Broca's Area Pars Triangularis (NPE.NC.BRA.PT), Lateral Frontopolar Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.FPC), Most Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCR), Sulcal Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCS), Medial Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCM), Lateral Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCL), Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DMPFC), Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.VMPFC), Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.VACG), Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.DACG), Subgenual Cingulate Cortex (NCP.NC.AL.SGCG), Ventral Medial Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.VMCG), Dorsal Medial Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.DMCG), Pregenual Cingulate Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.PGCG), Motor Cortex (NMA.NC.MC), Caudal Frontal Eye Field (NPE.NC.PMC.CFEF), Anterior Frontal Eye Field (NPE.NC.PMC.AFEF), Dorsal Caudal Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F2), Dorsal Rostral Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F7), Ventral Caudal Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F4), Ventral Rostral Premotor Cortex (NMA.NC.PMC.F5), Supplementary Eye Field (NPE.NC.SMC.SEF), Pre-Supplementary Motor Area (NMA.NC.SMC.F6), Supplementary Motor Area (NMA.NC.SMC.F3)), LGB=Lateral Geniculate Nucleus,NSA.FD.LGN, PPRF=Paramedian Pontine Reticular Formation,HT.PRF.PPRF (Oral Pontine Reticular Nucleus (LRC.HT.PRF.RPO), Caudal Pontine Reticular Nucleus (LRC.HT.PRF.CRF), Parvocellular Reticular Nucleus (LRC.HT.PRF.PVR)), PrimaryVisual=Primary Visual Cortex,NSA.NC.OCC.V1, RIP=Raphe Interpositus Nucleus,LRC.MM.RP.RIP, SC=Superior Colliculus,MM.SC (Superficial Superior Colliculus (LRC.MM.SC.SUP), Intermediate Superior Colliculus (LRC.MM.SC.INT), Deep Superior Colliculus (LRC.MM.SC.DEEP)), Striatum=Striatum,FEC.FT.ST (Nucleus Accumbens Core (FEC.FT.ACC.CORE), Nucleus Accumbens Shell (FEC.FT.ACC.SH), Ventral Putamen (FEC.FT.PU.VT), Caudate Nucleus Head (FEC.FT.CN.HD), Caudate Nucleus Body (FEC.FT.CN.BD), Caudate Nucleus Tail (FEC.FT.CN.TL), Dorsal Putamen Lateral (FEC.FT.PU.LT), Dorsal Putamen Medial (FEC.FT.PU.MED)), Vestibular=Superior Vestibular Nucleus,LPC.HT.SVBN, VisualAssociation=Caudal Precuneus,NPE.NC.SPL.PG unavailable

map: A=Anterior Nucleus of Thalamus,FD.TH.AN (Anteromedial Nucleus (NCP.FD.TH.AM), Anteroventral Nucleus (FMM.FD.TH.AV), Anterodorsal Nucleus (FMM.FD.TH.AD)), CM=Centromedian Nucleus of Thalamus,FEC.FD.TH.CM, LD=Lateral Dorsal Nucleus of Thalamus,FMM.FD.TH.LD, LGN=Lateral Geniculate Nucleus,NSA.FD.LGN, LP=Lateral Posterior Nucleus of Thalamus,NPE.FD.TH.LP, MD=Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus,FD.TH.MD (Medial Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus (NDM.FD.TH.MDM), Central Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus (NCP.FD.TH.MDC), Lateral Mediodorsal Nucleus of Thalamus (NMA.FD.TH.MDL)), MGN=Medial Geniculate Body,NSA.FD.TH.MGB, P=Ventral Posterior Nuclei,NSA.FD.TH.VP (Ventral Posteroinferior Nucleus (NCP.FD.TH.VPI), Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus (NCP.FD.TH.VPL), Ventral Posteromedial Nucleus (NCP.FD.TH.VPM)), VA=Ventral Anterior Nucleus,NMA.FD.TH.VA, VL=Ventral Lateral Nucleus,NMA.FD.TH.VL, VPL=Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus,NCP.FD.TH.VPL, VPM=Ventral Posteromedial Nucleus,NCP.FD.TH.VPM, pA=Posterior Cingulate Cortex,NCP.NC.MPL.PSCG, pCM=Dorsal Putamen,FEC.FT.DPU (Dorsal Putamen Lateral (FEC.FT.PU.LT), Dorsal Putamen Medial (FEC.FT.PU.MED)), pLD=Anterior Cingulate Cortex,NC.AL.ACG (Ventral Anterior Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.VACG), Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Area (NDM.NC.AL.DACG), Subgenual Cingulate Cortex (NCP.NC.AL.SGCG)), pLGN=Primary Visual Cortex,NSA.NC.OCC.V1, pLP=Superior Parietal Lobule,NC.SPL, pMD=Prefrontal Cortex,NC.AL.PFC (Rostral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCR), Lateral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCL), Inferior Prefrontal Gyrus (NDM.NC.AL.IPG), Broca's Area Pars Opercularis (NPE.NC.BRA.PO), Broca's Area Pars Triangularis (NPE.NC.BRA.PT), Lateral Frontopolar Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.FPC), Most Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCR), Sulcal Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCS), Medial Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCM), Lateral Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCL), Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DMPFC), Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.VMPFC)), pMGN=Primary Auditory Cortex,NSA.NC.TTG.A1, pP=Insular Cortex,NC.INS, pVA=Supplementary Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.SMC, pVL=Motor Cortex,NMA.NC.MC, pVPL=Primary Somatosensory Cortex,NCP.NC.PG.S1, pVPM=Precentral Cortex,NCP.NC.PO.PCC, s1A=Subiculum,FMM.FT.HF.SUB (Proximal Subiculum (FMM.FT.HF.SUBP), Middle Subiculum (FMM.FT.HF.SUBM), Distal Subiculum (FMM.FT.HF.SUBD)), s1MD=Septal Nuclei,FAM.FT.SEP, s1P=Central Cervical Nucleus,LPC.SC.IZ.CCV, s1VL=Dentate Nucleus,LLC.HT.CR.DN, s2A=Mammillary Body,FD.MB (Lateral Mammillary Nucleus (FMM.FD.MB.LMB), Medial Mammillary Nucleus (FMM.FD.MB.MMB)), s2MD=Piriform Cortex,NSA.NC.PH.PIR, s2P=Principal Trigeminal Nucleus,LPC.HT.PN.PTR, s2VL=Basal Ganglia,FEC.FT.BG, s3MD=Prefrontal Cortex,NC.AL.PFC (Rostral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCR), Lateral Mid-Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DLPFCL), Inferior Prefrontal Gyrus (NDM.NC.AL.IPG), Broca's Area Pars Opercularis (NPE.NC.BRA.PO), Broca's Area Pars Triangularis (NPE.NC.BRA.PT), Lateral Frontopolar Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.FPC), Most Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCR), Sulcal Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCS), Medial Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCM), Lateral Rostral Orbitofrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.ROFCL), Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.DMPFC), Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex (NDM.NC.AL.VMPFC)), sCM=Globus Pallidus Internal,FEC.FT.GPI (Globus Pallidus Internal Lateral (FEC.FT.GPI.LT), Globus Pallidus Internal Medial (FEC.FT.GPI.MED), Globus Pallidus Internal Dorsal (FEC.FT.GPI.DS), Globus Pallidus Internal Rostromedial (FEC.FT.GPI.RM), Globus Pallidus Internal Dorsolateral (FEC.FT.GPI.DL)), sLD=Superior Parietal Lobule,NC.SPL, sLP=Superior Colliculus,MM.SC (Superficial Superior Colliculus (LRC.MM.SC.SUP), Intermediate Superior Colliculus (LRC.MM.SC.INT), Deep Superior Colliculus (LRC.MM.SC.DEEP)), sVA=Basal Ganglia,FEC.FT.BG, sVPL=Marginal Nucleus,LPC.SC.PH.MG (Upper Marginal Nucleus (LPC.SC.PH.UMG), Lower Marginal Nucleus (LPC.SC.PH.LMG)), sVPM=Solitary Nucleus,LPC.HL.SOL unavailable

